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Chapter 6 The Phoenicians and the Hebrews

Chapter 6 The Phoenicians and the Hebrews. Ms. Smith Social Studies. Objectives. Chapter 6 focuses on the cultures of the Phoenicians and the Hebrews. All students will: Discuss The Phoenicians and their role in the growth of the Mediterranean commerce and the development of the alphabet.

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Chapter 6 The Phoenicians and the Hebrews

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  1. Chapter 6The Phoenicians and the Hebrews Ms. Smith Social Studies

  2. Objectives Chapter 6 focuses on the cultures of the Phoenicians and the Hebrews. All students will: • Discuss The Phoenicians and their role in the growth of the Mediterranean commerce and the development of the alphabet.

  3. First, solve the riddle What combination of three coins equals 20 cents (.20) if one of the coins is NOT a dime?

  4. The answer is… A dime (.10)and two nickels (.05).

  5. If you guessed right… • You would have made a great Phoenician trader!! • In this Chapter, you will learn about an elaborate and successful system of trade.

  6. Chapter 6 Section 1 • Phoenicians – part of a larger group called Canaans. Due to lack of rich land, they were forced to the sea to make a living. • Treaties – agreements between states or countries.

  7. Chapter 6 Section 1 • City-states of Phoenicia were Tyre, Byblos, Beirut, and Sidon. • Holy of holies – the most sacred chamber in the temple. Where Phoenicians kept the image of their god.

  8. Chapter 6 Section 1 • Carthage – most famous Phoenician colony in North Africa. • Colony – permanent settlement built in another area.

  9. Chapter 6 Section 1 • Alphabet – most important idea passed on to other cultures by the Phoenicians. Began as picture writing then developed into symbols.

  10. Chapter 6 Section 2 Vocabulary • Hebrews – also known as Israelites. Religious people who founded Judaism. • Nomadic – people who wandered. Included herders and traveling merchants.

  11. Chapter 6 Section 2 Vocabulary • Harran – city where the Hebrews exchanged their goods for silver. • Yahweh – the Hebrew God. • Descendants – offspring such as children and grandchildren.

  12. Chapter 6 Section 2 Vocabulary • Moses – Hebrew leader who led them out of slavery in Egypt. • Exodus – the escape of the Hebrews from Egypt into the Sinai Desert. • Covenant – agreement; promise to obey laws.

  13. Chapter 6 Section 2 Vocabulary • Social Justice – the Hebrew belief that everyone had the right to be treated fairly. • Judge – a temporary leader who settled disputes and led troops into battle. • Psalms – sacred songs found in the bible.

  14. Chapter 6 Section 2 Vocabulary • Prophets – persons claiming to have messages from God. • Sabbath – day of rest.

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