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MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY ANATOMY. Al Ma`arefa College. Objectives:. Describe the anatomical position of the body and discuss its significance in the science of medicine Describe anatomical planes of body

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  2. Objectives: • Describe the anatomical position of the body and discuss its significance in the science of medicine • Describe anatomical planes of body • Explain why directional terms are relative and must be used in reference to body structures or a body in anatomical position. • Explain how anatomical terms are derived


  4. ANATOMIC POSITION All structures are described and named with reference to the anatomical position. In the anatomical position, the body is • Standing erect • The eyes look straight to the front • Face and palms of the hands directed forwards • The upper limbs hang by the sides of trunk • The lower limbs are parallel with the feettogether and the toes pointing forwards

  5. ANATOMIC PLANES • Median Sagittal ( Midsagittal ) Plane:A vertical plane passing between the anterior midline and posterior midline, dividing the body into right & left halves. • Parasagittal ( Paramedian ) Plane:Any plane parallel to median sagittal plane

  6. ANATOMIC PLANES coronal vertical, perpendicular to median Horizontal (transverse) parallel to floor, perpendicular to median, coronal

  7. ANATOMIC ADJECTIVESAre arranged as pairs of opposites Anterior (Ventral ) & Posterior (Dorsal ) • Anterior: Towards the front of the body • Posterior: Towards the back of the body

  8. ANATOMIC ADJECTIVESAre arranged as pairs of opposites Superior( Cranial ) & Inferior (Caudal ) Superior: Towards the head Inferior: Towards the feet

  9. ANATOMIC ADJECTIVES CONT. Proximal & Distal • Proximal: Nearer the trunk • Distal: Away from the trunk

  10. ANATOMIC ADJECTIVES CONT. Medial & Lateral • Medial: Towards the midline of the body • Lateral: Away from the midline of the body

  11. ANATOMIC ADJECTIVES CONT. Superficial & Deep • Superficial: Nearer the surface of the body • Profundus (Deep): Away from the surface of the body

  12. ANATOMIC ADJECTIVES CONT. Central & Peripheral • Central: Towards the central axis of the body • Peripheral: Away from the central axis of the body

  13. ANATOMIC ADJECTIVES CONT. Ipsilateral & Contralateral • Ipsilateral: Of the same side • Contralateral: Of the Opposite side

  14. ANATOMIC ADJECTIVES CONT. Flexor Surface & Extensor Surface • Flexor Surface: The anterior surface in the upper limb and the posterior surface in the lower limb • Extensor surface: The posterior surface in the upper limb and the anterior surface in the lower limb

  15. ANATOMIC ADJECTIVES CONT. Palmar & Dorsal Surfaces of Hand • Palmar Surface: Anterior surface • Dorsal Surface: Posterior surface

  16. ANATOMIC ADJECTIVES CONT. Planter & Dorsal Surfaces of Foot • Planter Surface: Lower surface • Dorsal Surface: Upper surface

  17. ANATOMIC MOVEMENTS Flexion & Extension • Flexion: approximation of flexor surface of the adjoining parts and thus reduces the angle of the joint. • Extension: approximation of extensor surface of the adjoining parts and thus increases the angle of the joint.

  18. ANATOMIC MOVEMENTS Abduction & Adduction • Abduction: Moving the part away from the body • Adduction: Moving the part towards the body

  19. ANATOMIC MOVEMENTS CONT. Medial & Lateral Rotation • Medial Rotation: Inwards rotation • Lateral Rotation: Outwards rotation

  20. ANATOMIC MOVEMENTS CONT. Circumduction: Combination in sequence of the movements of flexion, extension, abduction and adduction

  21. Pronation & Supination of Forearm Pronation: Rotation of the forearm so that the palm is turned backwards Supination: Rotation of the forearm so that the palm is turned forwards ANATOMIC MOVEMENTS CONT.

  22. ANATOMIC MOVEMENTS CONT. Dorsiflexion & Planterflexion of Foot • Dorsiflexion: Upward flexion of the foot • Planterflexion: Downward flexion of the foot

  23. ANATOMIC MOVEMENTS CONT. Inversion and Eversion of foot • Inversion : movement of the sole of foot in which sole faces inwards or medially • Eversion: movement of the sole of foot in which sole faces outwards or laterally

  24. Terms used to describing vessels • Arteries • Veins • Capillaries • Anastomosis

  25. Term used for describing bony feature • Elevation • Linear elevation • Sharp elevation • Rounded or irregular elevation • Depressions • Pit, impression, fovea, fossa, groove, notch • Openings • Smooth articular surface • Facet, condyle, head, capitulum or trochlea

  26. THANKS

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