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GSA Expo 2010

GSA Expo 2010. DoD Permanent Change of Station Travel Training. Mr. Bill Tirrell GSA Expo May 2010. DoD Permanent Change of Station Travel Training. Mr. Bill Tirrell, Regulations Branch Chief . GSA Expo June 2010. Thought for the Brief.

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GSA Expo 2010

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  1. GSA Expo 2010 DoDPermanent Change of StationTravel Training Mr. Bill Tirrell GSA Expo May 2010

  2. DoD Permanent Change of Station Travel Training Mr. Bill Tirrell, Regulations Branch Chief GSA Expo June 2010

  3. Thought for the Brief “I will say this for adversity: people seem to be able to stand it, and that is more than I can say for prosperity.” -- Kin Hubbard

  4. Caveats • Material included in this brief is current BUT is subject to change • Do NOT use this brief as the basis of any decision; consult the appropriate reference in the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) or Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JTFR) for the most current information • “If you can’t stand the answer, don’t ask the question.” ~ Ed Brennan, State Department • PDTATAC website can be found at: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/perdiem

  5. Overview • DSSR, FTR, and JTR, Volume 2 - not applicable to uniformed personnel for travel and transportation allowances • Service regulations supplement the JFTR, but cannot authorize expenditures that are not allowed in JFTR • JFTR available at: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/perdiem/trvlregs.html

  6. Overview (continued) • JFTR, Volume 1 - not applicable to DoD civilian employees • DoD civilian employees follow the regulations of authority whose appropriations pay for the travel (except for ‘Fly America’) • Service regulations supplement the JTR, but cannot authorize expenditures that are not allowed in JTR • JTR available at: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/perdiem/trvlregs.html

  7. JTR and JTFR Basics • JTR/FTR and JFTR are NOT guidance; have the force and effect of law • NoJTR or JFTR waivers • Just because JTR (or JFTR) does not specifically state that you cannot do something, does NOT mean that you can (JTR, par. C1050-A and JFTR, par. U1000) • Said differently: The regulations tell users what they can do; find where the regulations say you can do something • If you, as an AO, want to ‘OK’ a reimbursable expense, make sure it’s on the list! • JTR & JFTR Appendix A • A must-readif dealing with DoD civilian travelers (and Uniformed Personnel), travel and transportation allowances

  8. PCS Authorizations/Orders • Write it simply and COMPLETELY so ALL users can understand what’s intended • REMEMBER – If an order conflicts with regulations, the regulations AND NOT THE ORDER are correct • Make decisions about discretionary allowances before the order is prepared – Examples: • House Hunting Trip (civilian employees) • POV shipment OCONUS (and storage in lieu of shipment for uniformed personnel) • Property Management (civilian employees) • DOCUMENT THE DECISIONS as part of the order

  9. PCS Authorizations/Orders (continued) • A DoD civilian employee travel order (DD Form 1614) is to be prepared IAW JTR, APP I • Uniformed personnel – each Service has its own regulations for preparing travel authorizations/orders • Some guidance in JFTR (that should be referenced from Service regulations) • Ensure the original document is there (some Services ‘start’ with a ‘first endorsement’) • N.B. – Uniformed personnel are provided service in a variety of venues – having things like numbers and ages of dependents on the order helps

  10. Transportation Arrangements • MANDATORY to make all transportation arrangements for official travel(PCS too!) through an available CTO/TMC • What is the DoD ‘standard’ for air transportation? • Is it EVER acceptable for travelers to make their own transportation arrangements for official travel? • Can ‘restricted’ airfares be used? • Where are the rules for ‘city-pair’ airfares? • There are strict rules fast rules for using a CTO/TMC, city-pair airfares, and using airlines qualifying under ‘Fly America’

  11. Fly America • Only the following government agencies have SPECIFIC LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY (49 USC §40118(d)) to use foreign flag airlines between foreign countries even if a U.S.- certificated air carrier is available: • Covers employees of these agencies, their dependents, and baggage • This does NOT apply (EVER) to DoD civilian travelers or uniformed personnel • See JFTR, par. U3125-C; JTR, par. C2204-C • State Department • US Information Agency • US International Cooperation Agency • USAID • Arms Control & Disarmament Agency

  12. Summary • Read APPENDIX A in JFTR and JTR • Refer contractor questions to CORs and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) • Use Service Military Advisory Panel (MAP) and Civilian Advisory Panel (CAP) members as resources via your chains of command • Phone numbers on the website

  13. Additional Information • Website: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/perdiem • Get e-mail notification of significant changes • Links to other sites • FAQs on ‘business travel’/TDY and ‘relocation’/PCS subjects • CURRENT world-wide per diem rates (including for U.S. installations) • Service points of contact (uniformed & DOD civilian): http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/perdiem/phdir.html • In DESPERATION ONLY: • bill.tirrell@dtmo.pentagon.mil

  14. Subscriber E-mails • Subscriber, The following information was published for 01 January 2010: • OCONUS/Foreign Per Diem Rates updated • Travel Regulations JFTR & JTR updated for January 2010 • Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) updated for CY 2010 • Dislocation Allowance (DLA) updated for CY 2010 • CONUS Cost-Of-Living Allowances updated for CY 2010 • Overseas Cost-Of-Living & Housing Allowances updated for 01 January 2010 To access the updated information, go to http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/perdiem/perdiemrates.html

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