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HIGHER PE. Focussed Data Collection. Why???. After analysing my stroke repertoire observation schedule and video analysis, it was evident that my main weakness in badminton is my overhead clear. Therefore, I used 2 methods of focussed data collection to look at the clear in more detail….
HIGHER PE Focussed Data Collection
Why??? • After analysing my stroke repertoire observation schedule and video analysis, it was evident that my main weakness in badminton is my overhead clear. Therefore, I used 2 methods of focussed data collection to look at the clear in more detail…..
Method 1: Technique Analysis Observation Schedule Process: • Watched a model performer as many times as necessary to gain set criteria (P.A.R/sub routines) • Having written criteria in the form of a technique analysis observation schedule my Clear was observed in a feeder drill. • An observer sat at the side of the court and watched whilst a feeder played high serves to the back of the court as many times as necessary for me to side step back, return the clear and recover to base. • The observer put a tick or cross next to each criteria to highlight whether it was a strength or weakness.
Technique Analysis Observation Schedule Why Appropriate? • Model performer paints a visual picture of what the shot should look like. (Mechanics and flightpath) • Permanent record due to written format for comparison at a later date. • Comparison to a model allowed identification of strengths and weaknesses in sub routines. • Through observing the model it motivates you to strive to reach the same standard. • Objective feedback – Non bias • Allows training priorities and goals to be made specific to your flaws. • Closed environment for assessment so that you and the observer can isolate the weakness.
Court Diagram Observation Schedule Process • 1 set against an opponent of equal ability. • An observer sat and recorded the outcome of my overhead clears. • An observer recorded where my clears were played from and to on the court.
Court Diagram Observation Schedule Why? Why? Why? • TECHNIQUE ANALYSIS PLUS COURT DIAGRAM = MORE RELIABLE AND VALID RESULTS • Tells you the flight path and outcome of the clears which are not highlighted in the TAOS providing a more holistic view of performance. • Objective Non bias feedback again. • Converted to statistics which are hard to argue with. • Reinforces TAOS findings based on placement. • Written evidence which can be used as a comparison at a later date. • Competitive game places the clear under pressure when against equal opponent.
RESULTS OF FOCUSSED DATA COLLECTION PREPARATION • Fault : Don’t side step quickly to the back of the court • Slowly shuffling backwards • Cannot get behind the shuttle which is already falling so cannot hit the shuttle at the highest point • Because I am still moving backwards at impact – Results in a lose of balance. And less time to make appropriate judgements on placement etc
ACTION • Fault: Do not transfer weight from back foot to front foot at impact • Because I am not side on and not back early enough, my weight is not fully on my back foot which makes shifting weight forwards almost impossible. • Lack of transfer of weight restricts the power at contact as there is no forward momentum and body weight behind the shuttle to propel the shuttle to the back court. • Impact is a mid court return the perfect position for my opponent to smash.
RECOVERY • Consequences in the recovery Phase. • Fault: Unable to recover quickly to base. • Due to poor weight transfer I am out of position at the back court which does not give me the momentum back to base to recover. • Impact: More space for my opponent to exploit. • Unprepared for the next shot and forced to play defensively.
What to consider: • Many errors happen in preparation and will often have a knock on effect on other phases of a skill • If your errors occur in the action phase they are more than likely to affect the recovery. • Look at your data collection and ensure this has not been completed incorrectly. Incorrect data collection affects results and discussion. • Remember you are the performer (self) I II • If there are many faults select 3 maximum. Pick those which inter-relate to make discussion flow • Do not contradict yourself. “I do not transfer my weight but always return to base quickly”. Unlikely • Justify every point you make. When executing the overhead clear I fail to reach up with a straight arm (long lever) and contact the shuttle at the highest point. • “Having a bent arm means I am letting the shuttle fall. This seriously reduces the force and speed generated at point of contact. As a result my clears lack power, distance and height to the back of the court”. • Take your time to think before you write to structure answer more effectively
Why use model performers? • Paints a visual picture of how a skill should be performed. (visual feedback When and why?) • Provides us with set criteria (P.A.R) • Provides a bench mark a starting point to develop performance. • Allows us to make comparison to identify strengths and weaknesses in our sub routines. (Detect flaws) • Based on the results we can set realistic training goals and priorities related to stage of learning. • Through observing a model it motivates us to strive to reach the same standard. • Can be used to gauge improvements following a period of practice. • Range and quality of movements of an automatic player highlighted
HOMEWORK:2 QUESTIONS • Q1. Describe this complex skill (Clear) and Discuss your development needs (Faults) (6) Structure guide: • Describe the purpose of the clear briefly and describe the preparation, action and recovery of the skill. • Discussion and reflection of faults. Look at the reflection sheet on Page 29 of your homework and task sheets and the wiki focussed data collection power point. • Think how to fluently link your discussion • Preparation fault to Action fault to recovery fault.
HOMEWORK • Q2. Discuss the benefits of using a model performer to develop your performance. (Your clear) (6 Marks) Think of these building blocks as a structure. You must expand on all point made. Relate to self I II • 1: Allowed me to obtain set criteria/how the clear should be performed (Flight path and mechanics) • 2. Visual picture • 3. Sets a bench mark of where I need to go to reach my true potential. Identify level of performance. • 4. Through comparison to model I could detect flaws (Example of one) • 5. Range and qualities of skilled player • 6. Motivational tool to strive to reach the same standard. • 7. Set training goals specific to flaws in technique to prevent aimless training. • 8. The written nature of the comparison allows me to compare and gauge improvements at a later date.