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BETA-STRENGTH FUNCTION IN NUCLEOSYNTHESIS CALCULATIONS Yu.S. Lutostansky, I.V. Panov, and V . N . Tikhonov N a tional Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics ITEP – 09.09.2013. PROCESSES OF NUCLEOSYNTESIS. Superheavy nuclei. β -decay.
BETA-STRENGTH FUNCTIONIN NUCLEOSYNTHESIS CALCULATIONSYu.S. Lutostansky, I.V. Panov, andV.N. TikhonovNational Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"Institute of Theoretical and Experimental PhysicsITEP – 09.09.2013
PROCESSES OF NUCLEOSYNTESIS. Superheavy nuclei β-decay fission s-process track r-process track β-decay The tracks of elements synthesis ins (slow)- andr (rapid)- processes.
NUCLEOSYNTHESISOF THE HEAVY NUCLEI NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF THE HEAVY NUCLEI in s (slow)andr (rapid)- processes – nuclei withT1/2 1 y. ; О – T1/2 < 1 y.; + ‑ predictions.
I - METHOD: r –Process equations for the concentration calculations Concentrations n(A,Z) are changing in time(may be more than4000 equations): dn(A, Z)/dt= – (A, Z).n(A, Z) –n(A, Z).n(A, Z) + n(A+1, Z).n(A+1, Z) + + n(A–1, Z).n(A–1, Z) – n(A, Z).n(A, Z) + + (A, Z–1).n(A, Z–1) × P(A, Z–1) + + (A+1,Z–1).n(A+1,Z–1) × P1n(A+1,Z–1)+ + (A+2,Z–1).n(A+2,Z–1)×P2n(A+2,Z–1) +(A+3,Z–1)n(A+3,Z–1) × P3n(A+3,Z–1)+ + (A, Z) + Ff (A, Z), n andn — rates of (n,γ) and (γ,n) -reactions,=ln(2/T1/2) —-decay rate, P - probability of (A, Z) nuclide creation after –-decay of (A,Z-1) nuclide. Branching coefficients of isobaric chains - P1n, P2n, Р3ncorresponds to probabilities of one-, two- and three- neutrons emission in–- decay of the neutron-rich nuclei; the total probability of the delayed neutrons emission is the sum: Ff (A, Z)describes fission processes — spontaneous and beta-delayed fission. (A, Z) - neutrino capturing processes. Inner time scale is strongly depends on the nuclear reactions rates.
II. NUCLEOSYNTHESIS WAVE MOVEMENT Concentrations: nА= forthree time moments calculated for r-process conditions: nn=1024 сm-3, Т9=1.= 109K Lutostansky Yu.S., et al. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 1985, v. 42. s s s
β-Delayed processes in very neutron-rich nuclei Delayed neutron emission -(β, n) ------------------------------------ Multi-neutron β – delayed emission -(β, kn) ------------------------------------ β – delayed fission - (β,f) GTR GTR AR “pigmy”-resonances
Beta – Delayed Multi-Neutron Emission Probability for (β, 2n) - emission: Probability for (β, kn) - emission: U, I(U) – energies and intensities in the daughter nucleus, Wn(U, E) – probability of neutron emission: qi and qf – level densities of compound and final nucleus, Тn(Е) — transitivity factor Lyutostansky Yu.S., Panov I.V., and Sirotkin V.K. “The -Delayed Multi–Neutron Emission.” Phys. Lett. 1985. V. 161B. №1. 2, 3. P. 9-13.
BETA-DELAYED NEUTRONS IN NUCLEOSYNTESIS exp Calculated abandancies:1–with out (β,n)-effect; 2–with (β,n)-effect; in the relative units (Т=109 К, nn =1024 см-3). Calc.: Lutostansky Yu., Panov I., et al. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 1986. v.44.
BETA-STRENGTH FUNCTION CALCULATIONS-1: COLLECTIVE ISOBARIC STATES protons neutrons G-T - SELECTION RULES: Δ j =0;±1 Δ j =+1: j =l+1/2 → j =l–1/2 Δ j =0: j =l+1/2 → j=l+1/2 Δ j = –1: j =l–1/2 → j =l+1/2 j =l–1/2→ j =l–1/2
BETA-STRENGTH FUNCTION CALCULATIONS-2: MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION - 1 The Gamow–Teller resonance and other charge-exchange excitations of nuclei are described in Migdal TFFS-theory by the system of equations for the effective field: where Vpnand Vpnh are the effective fields of quasi-particles and holes, respectively; Vpnω is an external charge-exchange field; dpn1 and dpn2 are effective vertex functions that describe change of the pairing gap Δ in an external field; Γωand Γξare the amplitudes of the effective nucleon–nucleon interaction in, the particle–hole and the particle–particle channel; ρ, ρh, φ1 and φ2 are the corresponding transition densities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effects associated with change of the pairing gap in external field are negligible small, so we set dpn1 = dpn2 = 0, what is valid in our case for external fields having zero diagonal elements [Migdal].Pairing effects are included in the shell structure calculations: ελ → Eλ = -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The selfcosistent microscopic theory used for the beta-strength function calculations.
BETA-STRENGTH FUNCTION CALCULATIONS-3: MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION - 2 For the GT effective nuclear field, system of equations in the energetic λ-representation has the form[Migdal, Gaponov]: G-Tselectionrules: Δ j =0;±1 Δ j =+1: j=l+1/2 → j =l–1/2 Δ j =0: j=l±1/2 → j=l±1/2 Δ j = –1: j=l–1/2 → j=l+1/2 j =l–1/2→ j =l–1/2 where nλand ελare, respectively, the occupation numbers and energies of states λ. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local nucleon–nucleon δ-interaction Γωin the Landau-Migdal formused: Г = С0 (f0′ + g0′σ1σ2) τ1τ2 δ(r1- r2) where coupling constants of: f0′ –isospin-isospinandg0′ –spin-isospin quasi-particle interaction with L = 0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Constants f0′and g0′ are the phenomenological parameters. Matrix elementsMGT :where χλν – mathematical deductions G-T values are normalized in FFST: Standard sum rule for στ-excitations: Effective quasiparticle charge is the “quenching” parameter of the theory.
BETA-STRENGTH FUNCTION CALCULATIONS-1: MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION - 3 RESONANCE STRUCTURE OF BETA-STRENGTH FUNCTION 1. Discrete structure of beta-strength function. Partial function:Ci (old variant) = 2. Resonance structure of beta-strength function. Partial function: = The Bright-Wigner form for E > Sn Sn Гivalue up to Migdal is: Г = – 2 Im [∑ (ε + iI)] andГ =.ε | ε | + βε3 + γ ε2 | ε | + O(ε4)…, where Гi(i) = 0,018Ei2 МэВ • Exp. Krofcheck D., et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 55 (1985) 1051. • - -Borzov I. Fayans S.,Trykov E. Nucl. Phys. А. 584 (1995) 335. • Borovoi A., Lutostan- sky Yu., Panov I., et al. JETP Lett. 45 (1987) 521 71Ge Yu. V. Gaponov and Yu. S. Lyutostansky, Sov. J. Phys. Elem. Part. At. Nucl. 12, 528 (1981).
BETA-STRENGTH FUNCTION FOR127Xe Dependence from eg 1 - Breaking line – experimental data (1999):M. Palarczyk, et. al. Phys. Rev. 1999. V. 59. P. 500; 2 –Solid red line TFFS calculations with еq= 0.9 ; 3 - Solidblackline– calculations with еq= 0.8:Yu.S. Lutostansky, N.B. Shulgina. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1991. V.67. P.430;
QUENCHING EFFECTfor127Xe 1 -Breaking line – experimental data:M. Palarczyk, et. al. Phys. Rev.59(1999) 500; 2 -line –TFFS calculations with еq= 0.9; Yu.S. Lutostansky, and V.N. Tikhonov. Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 76, 476 (2012). 3 -- - - –TFFS calculations with еq= 0.8: Yu.S. Lutostansky, and N.B. Shulgina. Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991)430;
QUENCHING EFFECT – EXPERIMENT Standard sum rule for στ-excitations: For G-T beta-strength function: In FFST [Migdal] theory: For experimental data sum rule:ΣB(GT) = must be =3.(N – Z). Ideal Emax= ∞ 127Xe 71Ge
INTERACTION CONSTANTS For the (ττ) coupling constant f0/ the value f0/ = 1.35 was used, taken from comparison of calculating energy splitting between the analog and anti-analog isobaric states (IS) with the experimental data for the large number of nuclei [Gaponov, Lutostansky 1970 - 1972]. Three main parameters of FFST theory: eq, f0/, g0/ are taken from exp. and calc. data comparison. -------------------------------------------- eq – from “quenching” effect f0/ and g0/ – from energy splitting data 112-124Sn (3He, t) reaction For (στ) coupling constant g0/ value g0/ = 1.22 ± 0.04received from comparison of calculated energy differences between GTR and the low-lying “pigmy”-resonance with the experimental data for nine Sb isotopes[K. Pham, J. Jänecke, D. A. Roberts, etal., Phys. Rev. C 51 (1995) 526].
Beta – Delayed Fission Calculations Probabilities - Pβf : Beta Strength function: # Г(Е) widths approximation: Г(Е) = α·E2 + β·E3 + … where α ≈ 1/εF and β « α, so we used only the first term. # As Гf «Гn so neutron emission dominates when this energetically possible. # Sub-barrier fission probabilities in the daughter nucleus are small to gamma decay of exited states (barrier was taken in standard parabolic form). # Main dependence of Pβf is from barrier energy Bf .
Neptunium Beta – Delayed Fission Calculations Yu.S. Lutostansky, V.I. Liashuk, I.V. Panov. “Influence of the delayed fission on production of transuranium elements in the explosive nucleosynthesis.” Preprint ITEP 90-25. 1990 Moscow.
Dubnium Beta – Delayed Fission Calculations I. Panov, Yu. Lutostansky, F.-K. Thielemann 2013 Upper panel: the neutron beta-delayed emission probabilities Pβdn(dashed line), beta-delayed fission probabilities Pβdf(line) and number of delayed neutrons per one decay (in percents) In(dotted line) for isotopes of Dubnium (Z=105); down panel: total energy of beta-decay Qβ(line), neutron separation energy Sn(dashed line) and fission barriers (bold line) for the same isotopes (in MeV).
Factor of the concentration losing in Prompt-process Npβ-delayed fission probabilities
MODEL DESCRIPTION OF Sβ(E) - 1 Mat. model developed for the approximate solutions of equations of the FFST theory by the quasi-classical method. ----------------------------- 2 new parameters: E = EF(n) – EF(p) = Els – average energy of the spin–orbit splitting Wigner’s SU(4) super-symmetry restoration in the heavy nuclei Calculated (circles – ○) and experimental (■) dependencies of the relative energy y(x)=Δ(EGTR-EAR)/Els from the dimensionless value x=E/Els. Black circles (●) connected by line – calculated values for Sn isotopes.
MODEL DESCRIPTION OF Sβ(E) – 2. T1/2 calculations 1988. Time of new nuclei synthesis β-decay time: Fermi-function: The dependence of r-process duration time on mass A-value under different external conditions: curve 1) – constant nn=1026 cm-3, T=1.5 109K; 2) – the same nn, T=1.109K; 3) – dynamical calc. with ρ0=2.105 g/cm5, T=1.109K [(t) = 0.ехp (-t/H), Т(t)= Т0.ехр(-t/3H)]. Yu.S. Lutostansky, and I. V. Panov. Astron. Letters. 14, no 2 (1988) 168.
Neutrino capturing En GT and IAS Resonances in Sβ(E )-function n M2GTR≈ 3 (N-Z) eq2 M2IAS≈(N-Z)