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Texas Skyward User Group Conference Things to Watch Steve Outlaw. Session Title. Shown items throughout Open Edge and Skyward systems Customer Forum UAC DEP Firewall Services Skyward!5233 Account Type 2 database AI and Archive Files Dbscan.bat
Texas Skyward User Group Conference Things to Watch Steve Outlaw
Session Title Shown items throughout Open Edge and Skyward systems • Customer Forum UAC • DEP Firewall Services • Skyward!5233 Account Type 2 database • AI and Archive Files Dbscan.bat • Copy to Remote server.bat Cleanup Web and Report servers.bat • Delete-ADMSVR.lock Task Defrag Task • Reboot Weekly Task OEE –B • Task Manager – Memory OEE – Web Broker Logs • AGENT_RETRY_VAL=0 NPP log entries • SKYRAS 64-bit SkyConnect • Print Queue Maintenance Cleanup Guidelines pdf • 5506 Looses Trusted SSL Binding upon reboot
https://support.skyward.com/DeptDocs/Corporate/Project%20Management/Public%20Website/Tutorials/SkywardCustomerForum.pdfhttps://support.skyward.com/DeptDocs/Corporate/Project%20Management/Public%20Website/Tutorials/SkywardCustomerForum.pdf • http://forum.skyward.com Customer Forum
REM USER Defined variables for drive letter and how long to keep backups/ai • REM USER Defined EMAIL SERVER AND ADDRESS INFORMATION • REM SET DATE AND TIME VARIABLE (Example skyback.120520080743AM) • Logit > %PROPATH%\backup\BackupLog.%DATE%%TIME%.log • REM SET DRIVE LETTER AND FOLDER PATH INFORMATION • REM Create directories if they do not exist • REM DELETE OLD BACKUP FILES (/D -2 will keep two days) • REM Delete the old AI AutoArchive files • REM Delete the old AI and Skyback files on NAS or UNC share - this command will search sub directories • REM CHECKS FOR DATABASES ON SYSTEM • REM ONLINE BACKUP SECTION • REM OFFLINE BACKUP SECTION • REM VERIFY BACKUP SECTION • REM FIGURES OUT CONDITION THAT APPLIES AND SENDS OUT APPROPRIATE EMAI • REM SENDS OUT EMAILS • REM CLEANS UP TEMPORARY FILES AND WRITES TO LOG FILE • REM RUNS SPECIAL OR EXTRA COMMANDS • REM Optional - Copy the backup folder to another server, /FFT is needed sometimes on NAS for date time functions Dbscan.bat
REM BATCH FILE TO COPY AI FILES TO REMOTE SERVER EVERY XX NUMBER OF MINUTES • REM SCHEDULE BATCH FILE TO RUN USING SCHEDULED TASK EVERY 30 MINUTES • REM USER Defined variable for drive letter • if "%PROPATH%" == "" set PROPATH=D:\Skyward • REM DRIVE LETTER AND FOLDER PATH INFORMATION • set AiArchiveStuDir=%PROPATH%\archive\stu • set AiArchiveFinDir=%PROPATH%\archive\fin • set AiArchiveDir=%PROPATH%\archive • REM Robocopy.exe is an external command that is included on 2008 server when the OS is installed. It is not included in Windows 2000/2003. It can be located in the ?:\skyward\install\skyward_folders\backup folder; copy it to the ?:\windows folder. • REM If remote location is a NAS the /FFT option may be needed to get data\time function to work. • REM Optional - Copy the Student AI files to another server • REM RoboCopy %AiArchiveStuDir% \\ANOTHER SERVER\SHARE NAME • REM Optional - Copy the Finance AI files to another server • REM RoboCopy %AiArchiveFinDir% \\ANOTHER SERVER\SHARE NAME • REM Optional - Copy all AI files including sub directories to another server • REM RoboCopy %AiArchiveDir% \\ANOTHER SERVER\SHARE NAME /S Copy to remote server.bat
REM CLEANS UP TEMPORARY FILES AND COPIES CONFIG FILES • copy %DLC%\properties\*.properties %BackupDir% • copy %ConfigDir%\*.* %BackupDir%\config\ • del %PROPATH%\Wrk\lbi* /A:H /F /Q • del %PROPATH%\Wrk\dbi* /A:H /F /Q • del %PROPATH%\Wrk\srt* /A:H /F /Q • del %PROPATH%\Wrk\qqq* /A:H /F /Q • del %PROPATH%\wrk\rcd* /A:H /F /Q • del %PROPATH%\Wrk\lbi* /F /Q • del %PROPATH%\Wrk\dbi* /F /Q • del %PROPATH%\Wrk\srt* /F /Q • del %PROPATH%\Wrk\qqq* /F /Q • del %PROPATH%\wrk\rcd* /F /Q Cleanup web and report server.bat
A Scheduled Task named Delete-Admsvr.lock is created as part of the 10.2B Base Installer. This was added as a workaround to a known bug in OpenEdge 10.2B that causes the AdminService to fail to start on a server reboot. • This task runs ‘At Startup’ to run a command, c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C del ?:\skyward\dlc\oemgmt\config\admsvr.lock using System as user and Run whether logged in or not. • Issue: • This task has been created to make sure the file named admsrv.lock file is removed so AdminService starts. It has been found that during a restart or shutdown of the server that this file does not get deleted in a timely fashion so upon restart or reboot the file still exists and AdminService does not start. This problem may not happen on every reboot but if it does happen this means that Skyward is down. It is a documented bug in OpenEdge 10.2B. • Resolution: • 1. Check ?:\skyward\dlc\oemgmt\config folder to see if admsvr.lock file exists; delete it if it does exist, then start the AdminService normally. • 2. Check Task Scheduler to see if the Delete-Admsvr.lock task exists. • 3. If not, manually create the task. Delete-ADMSVR.lock Task
shutdown -r -t 1 -f Reboot Weekly Task
[12/09/21@08:11:03.953-0700] P-003032 T-004468 1 WS -- WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: -70 size: 6484 sentbytes 0 retrycount 0. (6404) • [12/09/21@08:11:03.955-0700] P-003032 T-004468 1 WS -- WTA: npp_send() failed while sending terminate message! Error: -70. (6397) OEE- web broker log
[12/09/21@08:11:03.955-0700] P-003032 T-004468 1 WS -- WTA: npp_send() failed while sending terminate message! Error: -70. (6397) NPP Log Entries
Windows Service named SKYxxxRAS • ?:\skyward\x64\crystal\skyras\skyras.exe SKYRAS 64-bit
Locate the following 5506 property in the <CustomMetaData> section of the c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config file, and delete the 3 lines shown below. • <key path="LM/W3SVC/X"> • <property id="5506" dataType="Binary" userType="1" attributes="None" value="oXiHOzFAMOF0YxIuI7soWvDFEzg=“ • /> </key> • The 5506 property is a legacy feature from Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 and is no longer needed. • Once this is done go into IIS manager, expand the server and choose the Skyward Web Site -> Edit Binding -> Choose the secure binding (443) -> Edit -> Reselect your SSL Certificate. 5506 looses SSL Binding upon reboot
End of presentation – Extra space for other notes
Texas Skyward User Group Conference THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING!