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The First Industrial Revolution: a Puzzle for Growth Economists. Nick Crafts and Larry Neal. The Holy Grail. To explain the sustained acceleration in economic growth in Britain during the Industrial Revolution The Good News : the explicandum is better described
The First Industrial Revolution: a Puzzle for Growth Economists Nick Crafts and Larry Neal
The Holy Grail • To explain the sustained acceleration in economic growth in Britain during the Industrial Revolution • The Good News: the explicandum is better described • The Bad News: endogenous growth theory does not yet have a persuasive model that fits the facts
British Industrial Revolution • Modest growth • Escape from ‘Malthusian Trap’ • Large structural change • No take-off but TFP growth increases significantly
Malthusian ModelCrafts & Mills (2007) LogW = α- βLogPop + ρtTrend growth of W is zero till 1800 while ‘Iron Law’ of wages allows population growth at ρ/β =0.5% pre-1800, = 2% post-1800 based on higher ρEnglish population in 1800 was 3 x 1550 population but no sign of positive feedback from population to technological progress The key feature of the industrial revolution is the dog that didn’t bark – rapid population growth was sustained without a collapse in real wages
Agricultural/Total Employment at British 1840 Income Level (%)
Family to Capitalist Farming • Disappearance of small farms • Release of surplus labour • Promotes industrialization • ‘Explains’ British divergence from ‘European Norm’
Institutions, Theory • “Rules of the game” set incentives and constraints for “play” by economic agents. • “Winners” become incumbents, resist institutional change • “Losers” adapt, exit, or revolt
Institutions are persistent • New rules emerge in response to external shocks; they do not evolve gradually • New institutions are conditioned by adaptations of past losers • New institutions are fragile; reversals are typical. Legitimacy is hard to establish
Institutions Matter • Modern economic growth associated with modern institutions: nation state secularism constitutional government extension of the franchise
Institutions Matter • Issue of causality confounded by advantages of backwardness for followers, who can: substitute capital skip learning stages adopt most advanced technology import capital, skills, institutions
Slow TFP Growth • Uneven technological progress • Slow incremental improvements and diffusion of well-known inventions, e.g. steam power • Disincentives to innovative activity • Confirmed by growth of wages (Clark, 2005)
TFP Growth • Much slower and less pervasive than ‘old-hat view’ believed • Sustained acceleration from 2nd quarter of 19th century indicates new era of growth • Note the (delayed) impact of steam
Total Steam Contribution to Growth of Labour Productivity (% per year) Source: Crafts (2003): includes railway, steamships, steam engines
1780-1860: Ingenuity or Abstention ?Crafts (2004b) • TFP growth accounted for less than 30% of GDP growth • TFP growth accounted for 70% of labour productivity growth • TFP growth and new varieties of capital goods accounted for 87% of labour productivity growth
Sources of Labour Productivity Growth, 1780-1860(Crafts, 2005) (% peryear)
Why Was Britain First ? • Timing of acceleration in TFP growth much harder to explain than structural change • Search but success not guaranteed • Inventions and market demand • The Peso Problem • Macro-inventions • NEG and agglomerations
Endogenous Innovation Models • Expected technological progress is faster if appropriability of returns improves productivity of R & D inputs goes up markets get bigger
^ k Endogenous Growth Schumpeter relationship (high λ) x Schumpeter (low λ) Solow (high s) Solow steady-state relationship (low s)
Growth Potential • In later 18th century quite probable that growth potential higher in Britain than in France or 16th_century Britain (cf. Crafts, 1995) • Britain better at micro-inventions but what does that tell us about the ex-ante probability of making the decisive inventions in cotton and getting ahead in the key sector ?
Implications for Unified Growth Theory • Industrial revolution is more than a scale effect of bigger population (cf. Kremer, 1993) • Period of sustained demographic pressure is prolonged and escape from Malthusian Trap involves substantial increase in TFP growth (cf. Galor & Weil, 2000) • Understanding the acceleration of technological progress is central; the ‘national innovation system’ (cf Mokyr, 2002) not the size of the population is the heart of the matter
Role of Markets: Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurs • Markets allocate resources more efficiently than alternative methods: Command economies Custom in traditional economies • Hicks’ dilemma:Command is usual response to shocksCustom emerges in absence of shocks
Role of Finance: Mobilize Resources • Hicks’ resolution of dilemma:European invention of city-states governed by merchant elites committed to maintenance of markets • Neal’s resolution of dilemma:Governments that use debt markets to respond to shocks committed to use labor and capital markets as well
Tales of Two Revolutions • Bordo-White compare UK & France during Napoleonic Wars • UK wins, despite flexible exchange rates, fiat currency, and tax shocks.Why? Credible commitment for debt • France loses, despite fixed exchange rates, and balanced budget.Why? Napoleon’s defeat in Russia.
Neal’s Tale of Two Revolutions • Capital flight initiated by French revolution elimination of feudal rights • Capital fled to merchant centers throughout Europe, using private trade credit circuits • British war finance resumes on 18th c. model, fails with fall of Amsterdam, leads to paper pound
Neal’s Tale of French Revolution • Flexible exchange rate of pound “locks in” foreign capital in London’s capital market • Continental Blockade destroys UK system of war finance, as intended • Napoleon’s capital levies throughout conquered Europe increase flight capital to London
Tale of Two Revolutions • France: establishes property rights, rule of law, constitutional monarchy, and funded government debt by end of 1815. • New institutions constantly under threat and revised periodically through 1871. • Lesson: Institutions matter, but hard to legitimate and incorporate in new setting
Tale of Two Revolutions • Great Britain: switches capital formation to capital goods industry, reducing relative cost of capital permanently (cf. Hicks) • Key to success is arms-length financial markets maintained by government throughout conflicts with France • Postwar settlement difficult: Corn Laws, repatriation of capital, de-mobilization, • TFP resumes rise by 1830, accelerates after 1850