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KLASIFIKACE KOVů. JAN TŘÍSKA, CENTRUM VÝZKUMU GLOBÁLNÍ ZMĚNY AV ČR ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE S VYUŽITÍM MATERIÁLů PROF. MASAROVIČOVÉ BRATISLAVA. Pearson R: Hard and soft acids and bases, HSAB, part I. Fundamental principles. J. Chem. Educ. 45 (1968) 581-587
Pearson R: Hard and soft acids and bases, HSAB, part I. Fundamental principles. J. Chem. Educ. 45 (1968) 581-587 Rozdelenie kovov na slabé a silné akceptory na základe vytváraných stabilných komplexov s ligandami
Nieboer E, Richardson DHS : The replacement of the nondescript term „heavy metals“ by biologically and chemically significant classification of metal ions. Environ. Pollut. (Ser B) 1 (1980) 2-26 Klasifikácia kovov podľa biologicky relevantných vlastností
Klasifikácia kovov pomocou ionových charakteristík a elektronegativity: Ionový index= z2/rkde z je mocenstvo a r je ionový polomer - je mierou možnosti vytvoriť iónovúväzbu Kovalentný index = Xm2*rkde Xm je elektronegativita - určuje schopnosť Me iónu prijať e- od donora – ligandu podľa závislosti ionový index vs. kovalentný index, klasifikujeme kovy ako kovy triedy B, hraničné kovy a kovy triedy A trieda A= kovalentný index<1.75(„Oseeking") hraničné= kovalentný index>1.75<3.4 trieda B= kovalentný index>3.4(“NorS seeking")
Zovšeobecnenie: Kovy s veľkým ionovým polomerom a vysokou elektronegativitou sú toxickejšie Poradie toxicity:B > hraničné > A
Katióny typu B (napr. Hg2+, Pb2+, Cu+): - pri tvorbe komplexov zohráva úlohu kovalentná väzba - tieto kovy vytvárajú stabilnejšie komplexy ako katióny typu A - komplexy s ligandami obsahujúcimi N sú stabilnejšie ako komplexy s ligandami obsahujúcimi O -trend tvorby komplexu medzi kovom typu B a donorovou skupinou ligandu je nasledovný: S > I > Br > Cl > N > O > F - pre organizmus sú kovy typu B najtoxickejšie
Mechanizmus toxického účinku katiónov kovov typu B • ich vysoká toxicita súvisí s vysokou afinitou k S-donorovým ligandom, ktoré sa nachádzajú na mnohých makromolekulách; -vytvárajú však aj stabilné komplexy s ligandami obsahujúcimi O, a to vo väčšej miere ako kovy typu A a hraničné kovy - môžu sa viazať na katalytické centrá enzýmov, na membránové proteínya vytláčať esenciálne kovy z metaloproteínov
Hraničné kovy: - do tejto skupiny patria hlavne Cd, Fe, Zn a Ni - sú schopné tvoriť komplexy so všetkými typmi donorových ligandov - tieto kovy majú určitý podiel charakteru kovov skupiny B, pričom tento charakter typu B závisí od umiestnenia kovu v periodickej tabuľke a rastie smerom zľava doprava a zhora dole - z hľadiska ich afinity k atómom síry, dusíka alebo kyslíka patria medzi katióny skupiny A a B
Mechanizmus toxicity hraničných kovov -mechanizmus toxicity spočíva väčšinou v ich schopnosti vytláčať kovy skupiny A alebo iné prechodné katióny (Zn) z metaloproteínov - tieto kovy sú zvyčajne menej toxické ako kovy skupiny B, ale môžu byť oveľa toxickejšie ako kov skupiny A
Klasifikácia kovov podľa Nieboera a Richardsona Trieda A= kovalentný index<1.75(„Oseeking") (Na, Ca, Mg, K) Hraničné= kovalentný index>1.75<3.4 (Cd, Fe, Zn, Ni) trieda B= kovalentný index>3.4(“NorS seeking") (Hg, Cu, Pb)
Toxické účinky kovov: vytláčanie esenciálnych kovov z biomolekúl blokovanie esenciálnych funkčných skupín biomolekúl zmena konformácie biomolekúl narušenie integrity membrán modifikácia niektorých iných biologicky aktívnych látok
MĚĎ • Hornictví • Zpracování kovů • Průmyslové odpadní vody pivovary (0,4 mg/L), čistírny a prádelny (1,7 mg/l) • Městské splachy • Popílky ze spalování • Algicidy
MĚĎ - TOXICITA • Esenciální prvek v nízkých koncentracích (kofaktor), hemocyanin • Toxický pro rostliny (nahrazuje Mg v chlorofylu) řasy a lišejníky • pH a biodostupnost (uhličitanové komplexy) • Komplexy s huminovými látkami
Properties of heavy metals • They occur near the bottom of the periodic table • Have high densities • Toxic in nature • Nondegradable Note: Arsenic is not actually a metal but is a semimetal i.e. its properties are intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals.
Transport phenomenon • Water • Food • Air • Adsorption or absorption onto various materials Example: Over half of the heavy metal input into Great Lakes is due to deposition from air.
Toxicity of heavy metals • Mercury is highly toxic in vapor form but lead,cadmium and arsenic are more toxic in their cationic form • Toxicity arises from strong affinity of the heavy metal cations for sulfur • Medicinal treatment for heavy metal poisoning is done by chelation therapy by administering compounds known as chelates Example : British Anti-Lewisite(BAL), ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid(EDTA).
Mercury • Most volatile of all metals • Highly toxic in vapor form • Liquid mercury itself is not highly toxic, and most of that ingested is excreted
RTUŤ • Zvětrávání hornin (Hg, HgS) • Průmyslové aplikace výroba vinylchloridu z acetaldehydu elektrolýza nátěry, farmaceutické přípravky • Zemědělství (fenylmerkuriacetát) • Spalovací procesy cca 5000 t/rok
Sources of Mercury • Elemental mercury is employed in many applications due to its unusual property of being a liquid that conducts electricity • Used in electrical switches, fluorescent light bulbs and mercury lamps • Emission of mercury vapor from large industrial operations • Unregulated burning of coal and fuel oil • Incineration of municipal wastes • Emissions from mercury containing products :batteries, thermometers, etc. • Mercury amalgams: dental fillings
Health effects • Skin burns • Irritation of nose and skin • Rashes • Excessive perspiration • Damage to the kidneys • Damage to vision • Minamata disease • Dysfunctions of the central nervous system • Loss of hearing and muscle coordination • Severe brain damage • Death
Concentration of Mercury Vapor Indoors Source: Foote, 1972.
OLOVO • Zvětrávání hornin (cca 180 000 t/rok) • Hornictví, zpracování kovů (cca 135 000t/rok) • Spalovací procesy (uhlí a ropné produkty) • Spalování odpadu • Nátěry a baterie • Spalování benzinu (před 1989, cca 270 000t/rok) • Spalovací procesy cca 5000 t/rok
Sources of lead • Commonly used in the building industry for roofing and flashing and for soundproofing • Used in pipes • When combined with tin, it forms solder, used in electronics and in other applications to make connections between solid metals • Lead is also used in ammunition Note: Lead shots have been banned in United States, Canada, Netherlands, Norway and Denmark • Lead is used in batteries and sinkers in fishing
Sources (contd.) • Used in paints Lead chromate is the yellow pigment used in paints usually applied to school buses. Lead is also used in corrosion-resistant paints and has a bright red color • Used in ceramics and dishware The leaching of lead from glazed ceramics used to prepare food is a major source of dietary lead, especially in Mexico • In the past, lead salts were used as coloring agents in various foods • Lead is used in some types of PVC mini-blinds
Health effects • At high levels, inorganic lead is a general metabolic poison • Lead poisoning effects the neurological and reproductive systems, example: downfall of roman empire • Lead breaks the blood-brain barrier and interferes with the normal development of brain in infants
Health effects(contd.) • Lead is observed to lower IQ levels in children • Lead is transferred postnatally from the mother in her breast milk • At elevated levels, lead poisoning would eventually result in death
Lead content of House Dust Source: Roberts et al., 1990.
Facts about lead poisoning • The human groups most at risk of lead poisoning are fetuses and children under the age of seven • Chronic lead poisoning from wine and other sources is one of the factors in the downfall of the roman empire • Episodes of lead poisoning were recorded through the middle ages and even until recent times • A recent study in Mexico indicated that pregnant women can decrease the lead levels in their blood and presumably in the blood of their developing fetus by taking calcium supplements.
KADMIUM • Hornictví, zpracování kovů (Cd je isomorfní se Zn) • Pokovování • Nikl-kadmiové baterie • Fotovoltaické panely • Plastické hmoty (Cd stearát – stabilizátor) • Spalovací procesy (uhlí cca 2 ppm Cd, topné oleje cca 0,5 ppm Cd) • Zemědělství (superfosfáty)
Cadmium • Cadmium lies in the same subgroup of the periodic table as zinc and mercury, but is more similar to zinc • Coal burning is the main source of environmental cadmium • Incineration of wastes containing cadmium is an important source of the metal in the environment • Cadmium is most toxic in its ionic form unlike mercury Note: Mercury is most toxic in vapor form and lead, cadmium and arsenic are most toxic in their ionic forms.
Sources of Cadmium • Cadmium is used as an electrode in “nicad” batteries • Cadmium is used as a pigment in paints(yellow color) • It is also used in photovoltaic devices and in TV screens • Cigarette smoke • Fertilizers and pesticides Note: The greatest proportion of our exposure to cadmium comes from our food supply- seafood, organ meats, particularly kidneys, and also from potatoes, rice, and other grains.
KADMIUM - TOXICITA • Metalothioneiny (MT), metaloproteiny • MT v játrech přecházejí do ledvin – odbourání a uvolnění Cd - nefrotoxicita • Vytěsňuje Zn z biologických molekul • Mechanismus příjmu buňkou je podobný jako u Ca • Zemědělství (superfosfáty) - fytotoxicita
Health effects • Severe pain in joints • Bone diseases • Kidney problems • Its lifetime in the body is several years • Areas of greatest risk are Japan and central Europe • In very high levels it poses serious health problems related to bones, liver and kidneys and can eventually cause death.
Arsenic • Arsenic oxides were the common poisons used for murder and suicide from roman times through to the middle ages • Arsenic compounds were used widely as pesticides before the organic chemicals era • Arsenic is very much similar to phosphorous
Sources of Arsenic • Pesticides • Mining, smelting of gold, lead, copper and nickel • Production of iron and steel • Combustion of coal • Leachate from abandoned gold mines • Used as a wood preservative • Herbicides • Tobacco smoke • Wallpaper paste and pigments in wallpaper
Health effects • Birth defects • Carcinogen: Lung cancer results from the inhalation of arsenic and probably also from its ingestion. Skin and liver cancer, and perhaps cancers of the bladder and kidneys, arise from ingested arsenic • Gastrointestinal damage • Severe vomiting • Diarrhea • Death