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English 10 - 1/2/13. Write about the good and bad of your break. Why can’t a woman ask her brother for help? Frantling – the mating call of a peacock . Goals – Discuss future goals for this class and life. Dashing Denny . Work on writing creative sentences.
English 10 - 1/2/13 • Write about the good and bad of your break. • Why can’t a woman ask her brother for help? • Frantling – the mating call of a peacock. Goals –Discuss future goals for this class and life. Dashing Denny. Work on writing creative sentences. Homework – Don’t forget to study for Quiz # 16 Friday.
English 10 - 1/3/13 • How does a writer make a story more interesting? Think about the stories you like to read. • If Mr. and Mrs. Bigger had a baby, who would be the biggest of the three? • Canorous – sweet sounding. Goals - Work on combining sentences to make our writing more interesting and amusing. Listen to POL recitations. Homework –Don’t forget to study for Quiz # 16 tomorrow.
English 10 - 1/4/13 • Five minutes to study for vocabulary #16. • What has four legs and one arm? • Tittle – a particle; and iota. Goals - Successfully complete vocab. #16 study. Complete and revise paragraph about hang gliding. Transitions. Working with Relative Clauses. Homework – None.
English 10 - 1/7/13 • Write about a subject of your choice. Have a little fun with it! • What do you call a Norwegian car? • Piff – something insignificant, a trifle. Goals - Complete Soar Like a Hawk. Revise for transitions. Change title? Homework – Complete revisions for paragraph for tune in tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for vocabulary quiz #17.
English 10 – 1/8/13 • Write about making writing enjoyable. Give your advice by suggesting some of the ideas we have been working with for the past several days. • Why do birds fly south for the winter? • Noil – a knot of small hair or fiber. Goals - Complete check daily work, 12/10-12/18. Begin to understand relative clauses and how they can give you more choices in writing. Homework – Finish what we started but you did not get finished.
English 10 – 1/9/13 • Write about the joy that your favorite activity gives you. Be playful with your language. Keep it school appropriate but make it funny and interesting. • What do you get when you eat onions and Beans? • Doit – a trifle. This word occasionally shows up in crossword puzzles. • Goals – Develop the skill to revise sentences for relative clauses. Improve the ability to create relative clauses in sentences. • Homework – Revise your “Soaring” paragraph to include at least one relative clause. Underline it.
English 10 - 1/10/13 • Write interestingly about what you like to eat and why. • Where does satisfaction come from? • Gry – an old, little used word for anything of little value; for instance, nail clippings. • Goals – Continue to work on “Six Million Paper Clips.” Think about revision as on page 30. • Homework – Finish what we started but you did not get finished. Don’t forget to study for Vocabulary #18 tomorrow!
English 10 - 1/11/13 • Five minutes to prepare for vocab. # 17. • Did you hear about the marriage between the two antennas? • Punk hit – a short hit. • Goals – Successfully complete Vocab. #17. Share our best writing with each other. Of course there will be candy! • Homework – none.