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The Protestant Reformation. Europe 1517 – c. 1650. “reform” = to change for the better The Reformation began with people (esp. Martin Luther ) questioning the teachings and practices of the Catholic church and ended with the formation of different sects (types) of Christian churches.
The Protestant Reformation Europe 1517 – c. 1650
“reform” = to change for the better The Reformation began with people (esp. Martin Luther) questioning the teachings and practices of the Catholic church and ended with the formation of different sects (types) of Christian churches Martin Luther stands up to the Catholic church at the Diet of Worms The Reformation – the movement to reform (change) the Christian church in Western Europe
During the Middle Ages, the Catholic church had much power. It developed several practices that angered some catholic thinkers: Sale of indulgences - The Church taught that when Christians died, they went to a temporary place called purgatory where they were punished for their sins (wrongdoings). After a while of suffering, they went to heaven. - An indulgence was something that reduced the amount of time someone spent in purgatory. It was usually sold as a piece of paper, signed by the Pope. People were taught that the more money they paid, the quicker they or their loved one would get to heaven. - The Church used these sales to raise money. Corruption in the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages
This picture demonstrates the medieval Church teaching on purgatory. 4. Then, people can end up in Heaven with God. 3. This shows the role of the Church. People can & must go through the Church to get out of purgatory. 1. Here are common people in normal life. 2. Here are the people in purgatory once they die.
This picture shows a poor woman paying money to a Clergyman for an indulgence. In the movie Luther, Martin Luther becomes angry at the thought of poor people paying money for a worthless piece of paper. Indulgences
ChurchCorruption (cont’d) • Immoral and ignorant priests / clergy - Many clergy often broke their vows; they were rich (breaking the vow of poverty), they had children (breaking the vow of chastity), and abused their power - Many clergy could not read, so they did not know the Bible personally. They were supposed to be teaching the people, but they were ignorant about the teachings and beliefs of Christianity. • Enormous wealth of the Catholic church - The Church was one of the richest institutions in Europe during the Middle Ages and it paid no taxes. - Most people were very poor in the Mid. Ages - The Church still required people to give it money.
Martin Luther was a Catholic monk who disagreed with the corrupt Church teachings and practices. On October 31 1517, Luther posted 95 Theses (arguments) on the door of the castle church in Wittenberg. These theses outlined Luther’s disagreements with the Church. Luther nails his 95 Theses to the Wittenberg door (movie, Luther.) Martin Luther
This is Martin Luther King,Jr. We love him! But he is NOT the guy we are talking about! This is Martin Luther. THIS is the guy with the 95 Theses! By the way,
Martin luther • However, the reformation had been brewing across Europe for many years (click here to read about Pre-Reformers such as Hus, Wycliffe...). Luther was fortunate to have a protector and supporter, Frederick the Wise. The invention of moveable type by Gutenberg, also meant that Luther's books, Bibles, pamphlets etc could be widely distributed. Back to top
Other figures • Calvin • Tyndale • Henry VIII – church of England