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Understanding the Respiratory System and Body Performance | Dr. Zaenal M. Sofro

Explore the anatomy and functions of the respiratory system, differences in inhaled and exhaled air, chronic bronchitis, body performance capacities, and the impact of exercise on carbohydrate and fat utilization. Learn about the fascinating case of Gregg Valentino and the dangers of Synthol injections. Discover the role of the vagus nerve and the Polyvagal Theory in regulating physiological responses.

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Understanding the Respiratory System and Body Performance | Dr. Zaenal M. Sofro

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  1. Overview Respiratory System Dr.dr.Zaenal M. Sofro, AIFM, Sport & Circ. Med. BagianIlmuFaalFak.Kedokteran UGM

  2. Respiratory Centers Medullary Respiratory Center

  3. Oxygen 20.95 % Oxygen 16% Nitrogen 79% Nitrogen 79% Carbon Dioxide 0.04% Carbon Dioxide 4.0% Water vapour 0.01% Water vapour 1% The Difference between Inhaledand Exhaled Air Inhale air into the lungs (%)‏ Exhale air out of the lungs (%)‏

  4. Structures and Functions of the Respiratory System

  5. Chronic BronchitisBlue Bloater versus Pink Puffer

  6. Increased A-P DiameterBarrel-Chest

  7. Emphysema

  8. DiffusionBody Tissue-Blood Capillary

  9. Physiologic Requirements to Perform Exercise

  10. 100 (%)‏ 80 60 Performance ___________ Performance Capacity 40 20 0 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 3 6 Local Time Circadian Status Automated Performance Daily periodicity and readiness to perform (Graf)‏

  11. World largest biceps Mr. Synthol - "in honor" of the medication, huge doses of which he injects in his arms. , Gregg Valentino is 169 cm tall, and the volume of his biceps is 58 cm. It took the bodybuilder 23 years of training and liters of steroids to grow his monstrous muscles. In addition, Gregg lost his hair and earned liver cancer because of the medication. Synthol is not a testosterone, and does not contain steroids. It is purely oils that puff up a muscle to make it look like it had been trained hard.

  12. Pusat vagus bermielin dan yang tidak bermielin di medulla oblongata. Sumber: Porges (2011)‏

  13. The Polyvagal Theory By Stephen Porges The Vagus Nerve in three parts, all working simultaneously: Ventral Vagal System: Is part of the Parasympathetic Nervous System (Social Engagement/frontal cortex)‏ Sympathetic Nervous System: (Fight/Flight, Freeze - Limbic Brain)‏ Dorsal Vagal System: Is part of the Parasympathetic Nervous System (Freeze/Immobility/Brainstem)‏ 20

  14. % Carbohydrate 80 40 60 20 100 Intense Moderate Exercise Light 0 20 40 80 60 % Fat Carbohydrate and fat utilization during exercise

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