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The Site of the Office of Institutional Research and Planning

Explore the site of the Office of Institutional Research and Planning at UPRM. Find information about our mission, staff, metrics, special projects, sculptures and works of art, statistics and presentations, dynamic graphics, data management, change of use of space, certificates of recognition, and more.

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The Site of the Office of Institutional Research and Planning

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  1. The Site of the Office of Institutional Research and Planning Dr. Antonio A. González Quevedo Director July 31, 2007

  2. Home Page

  3. Main Menu: OIIP • Acerca de nosotros (About us) • Acerca del recinto (About UPRM) • Misión y Visión (Mission and Vision) • Personal (Staff) • Métricas de Ejecución (Metrics) • Enlaces de Interés (Links)

  4. Main Menu: Planning (Planificación) • PlanificaciónEstratégica (Strategic Planning) • PlanificaciónFísica (Physical Planning) • Proyectosespeciales (Special projects) • Sculptures and other artwork • Research profile

  5. Planning: Strategic Planning

  6. Planning: Physical Planning

  7. Planning: Special Projects: Sculptures and Works of Art

  8. Planning: Special Projects: Research Profile

  9. Main Menu: Statistics and Presentations Statistics Reports and Presentations Newsletter: …Perfiles

  10. Estadísticas y Presentaciones: DatosEstadísticos (Statistics)

  11. MainMenu: Gráficas Dinámicas (DynamicGraphics) http://oiip.uprm.edu/charts_menu.php

  12. System menu for dynamic graphs • The user can choose among different categories • Presently only two statistic: • Registration • Degrees conferred • When you select a category a short description appears • The icon “Ver Gráfica” generates the selected graphs • Available in English or Spanish

  13. Windowwheregraph and data isshown

  14. Data management (series and categories)

  15. Interchange of rows and columns (“transpose”)

  16. Types of graphs

  17. Export data to Excel (Format: csv)

  18. Main Menu: Buildings register (Registro de edificios)

  19. Menu: request information (solicitarinformación): Statistics

  20. Menu: Request information (request information): Change use of Space (Cambio de uso de espacio)

  21. Memo regarding change of use

  22. Change of use form

  23. Horizontal Menu (Alternate Menu) • BEAMS • Certificates of Recognition

  24. Vertical Menu: BEAMS & NSEE

  25. Certificate of Recognition

  26. Questions and answers If you have any questions, please contact us at: http://oiip.uprm.edu You can also write to us at: maira@uprm.edu

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