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Self- Enrichment Teacher. Erica Haase 1/22/13 Hour 4 Career Technology Foundations. Introduction.
Self- Enrichment Teacher Erica Haase 1/22/13 Hour 4Career Technology Foundations
Introduction “The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections are darks as Erebus: Let no man be trusted. Mark the music” –William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice. I’ve always loved music whether it was just listening to it or learning how to play an instrument. I have experience with playing piano, ukulele, guitar and I’m learning how to play the Bongo. Helping people who have the same passion that I have is wonderful. I want people to get better at what they are doing and I am determined to get this job no matter how many obstacles I have to go through. In order to get a better understanding of my chosen career field I will be researching Nature of work, working conditions, training, qualifications, advancement, job outlook/employment, earnings, related occupation, in doing so I hope this will strengthen my desire to become a Self Enrichment Teacher.
Nature of Work • Create and teach lessons • Propose new classes to program directors or their supervisor • Determine class goals and objectives and develop a curriculum to meet those goals • Evaluate the course and make any necessary improvements or changes • Help advertise and promote classes
Working Conditions • Teachers (horse-back riding instructors and sailing instructors) spend most time outdoors or citizenship instructors or music instructors spend most of time indoors • Common for self enrichment teachers to have full time job • Classes for adults held during weekend or evenings • Children classes held after school or weekends
Training, Qualifications, Advancement • No formal education but has to have experience in the field they are teaching • For example- A pottery teacher: experience in pottery music instructor: experience in playing instruments • Can get the job by volunteering in the field you are going into • Formal education programs prefer people who are experienced with teaching • I hope to go to University of Michigan or for my college experience. I will take Intro to Music and Guitar classes at Lake Shore High School to pursue my dream of becoming a Self Enrichment Teacher
Job/Outlook Employment • Employment rate are expected to grow by 21 percent, from 2010 to 2020 faster than the average all occupations • Growth expected from more people wanting to have/learn more hobbies • I am open to work anywhere available that hires what I want to go into, but preferably New York, California or overseas like London • I would work anywhere that wants a music teacher or where I can adults or kids how to perfect their skills or that just simply want to learn how to play instruments
Earnings • Goal- go to Italy • The average earnings is $36,337.60 • Average fits my earnings. • First purchase- plane ticket to Italy
Related Occupation • Art Director • Average Earning- 80,630 • Responsible for visual style and images in magazines, movie and television production..etc • 12% work for advertising and public showing and others work for newspaper and video industries • Need a bachelor’s degree in art or design • Expected to increase 9% from 2010 to 2020, slower than the average I picked this occupation because I also love drawing. It doesn’t have to be a specific thing for it to be art. Just a simple squiggle is art. Drawing is another passion of mine and to showcase my talent in front of people would be pretty amazing. It’s showing that people have a fascination for my art work.
Summary I look forward to many things when becoming a Self Enrichment Teacher. I absolutely love helping people and sharing my passion of music with theirs. The one thing that I look forward to when I get into this job is sharing my ideas with other people and just seeing what children and even adults love to do. The one thing that I will least like would probably having kids struggle or just simply not do what they are supposed to do. I want them to succeed and do their best. Everyone deserves a chance and not everyone is going to be great at it. Learning how to play and instrument is hard, but I will do anything for my students to succeed and keep doing what they love to do.
Works Sited • http://www.bls.gov/home.htm original website • http://www.bls.gov/ooh/education-training-and-library/self-enrichment-teachers.htm Career Information