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Commands. How do we use commands in english ?. Brainstorm a few. The command form in French. How to form : Take the tu or vous form of the verb Porter- portes or portez If it is the Tu form and an er verb , drop off the s. Example. Conduire: Tu Conduis!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Commands

  2. How do we use commands in english? • Brainstorm a few

  3. The command form in French • How to form: • Take the tu or vous form of the verb • Porter- portes or portez • If itis the Tu form and an er verb, drop off the s.

  4. Example • Conduire: Tu • Conduis! • Do NOT add the subject in the command form • Lire: Vous • Lisez!

  5. Let’stry a few • Aider: tu • Prier: vous • Courir: tu • Nommer: tu • Boire: tu • Blanchir: vous • Vomir: Yvonne et toi • Appeler: vous • Manger: Ils

  6. Continued • Souffrir: vous • Blesser: tu • Couper: tu • Marcher: vous • Sortir: vous • jouer: tu • partir: tu • Nager: vous • Patiner: tu • Respirer: vous

  7. Person 1:Turn to the personnext to you • Tell them to: • Drive • Help • Go • Do • Watch • Eat • Fish • Cook • Run • Throw up

  8. Person 2: Turn to the otherperson • Tell them to: • Ski • Swim • Turn white • Turn green • Write • Read • Prepare • Say • Think • study

  9. Un peu de vocabulaire

  10. Pardon?

  11. Vous désirez? • Monsieur • Madame • Mademoiselle

  12. Je cherche

  13. Quel est le prix de ____________.

  14. Combien coute ___________________.

  15. Combien _____________________.

  16. Qu’est-ce que tu penses du ________________?

  17. Comment trouves-tu ____________________?

  18. Il/elle est • Joli/e • Élégant/e • Génial/e • Chouette • À la mode

  19. Il/Elle est • Démodé/e • moche

  20. Il est trop • Petit/e • Grand/e • Court/ e • Long/ue

  21. Il/elle est • cher/chère • Bon marché

  22. Verbes • Chercher • Couter • Penser • Penser que • trouver

  23. Trouvez votre partenaire de 6 heures • Decidewhoisgoing to beperson one and person 2

  24. Discussion • P1: Excuse me, sir. • P2: May I help you (mr, mrs)? • P1: I amlooking for socks • P2: They are over here. • P1: How much do theycost? • P2: 500 euros. • P1: That isexpensive, why do theycost 500 euros? • P2: They are golden socks • P1: Well, they are elegant . . . . • P2: They are in style. • P1: They are not pretty. • P2: Well, they are neat.

  25. Discussion • P1: Do you have pants? • P2: Right here, they are in style • P1: How much do theycost? • P2: 230 euros. • P1: Whysoexpensive? • P2: They’resilver pants. • P1: Let me try (essayer) them. • P2: They are terrific! • P1: I thinkthatthey are out of style. • P2: Well, they are not small. • P1: What do youthink of thisvest? • P2: That’s a good deal!

  26. Discussion • P1: I likethisvest! It’sneat! • P2: It costs 50 euros. • P1: and what do youthink of this suit? • P2: It’sterrific! It’s a good deal. • P1: I thinkit’s long. • P2: I don’tthinkso. It’s a silk suit. • P1: How muchdoesthis suit cost? • P2: 345 euros. • P1: I amgoing to buyit! It is in style! • P2: Thankyou, sir • P1: Bye.

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