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Commands!. or How to tell others to do or not do things!. Regular Informal Tú Commands So your Mom tells you to… You want your little brother to…. Models: İPasea en bicicleta ahora ! (Ride a bike now!) İCome más verduras ! (Eat more vegitables !)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Commands! or How to tell others to do or not do things!

  2. Regular Informal TúCommandsSo your Mom tells you to…You want your little brother to… Models: İPasea en bicicletaahora! (Ride a bike now!) İComemásverduras! (Eat more vegitables!) İDuermeochohoras! (Sleep eight hours!) İNocorrasaquí! (Don’t run here) * Commands already include do’s and don’ts

  3. Step #1 For an affirmative (+) command to tell someone to do something: • Begin with the tú form of the verb in the present tense STATEMENT Caminas(You walk) Comes(You eat) Duermes(You sleep)

  4. Step #2 • Then just drop the “s” from the tú form of the verb and you have an informal command! STATEMENTCOMMAND Caminas→İCamina! (walk!) Comes → İCome! (eat!) Duermes → İDuerme! (Sleep)

  5. Escribe 3 mandatos con estosverbos STATEMENTCOMMAND • Hablar • Leer • Escribir

  6. İAquí los tienes! STATEMENTCOMMAND • HablarHablasİHabla! • Leer LeesİLee! • EscribirEscribesİEscribe!

  7. Step #3 For negative (-) commands to tell someone not to do something: • For -AR verbs switch the -as ending -es • For -ER /-IR verbs switch the -esending to -as STATEMENTCOMMAND Fumas→İNo fumes! (Don’t smoke!) Corres→ İNocorras! (Don’t run!)

  8. Irregular Informal Commands

  9. Solamente Hay 8! AFFIRMATIVE (+)NEGATIVE (-) • HacerİHaz! İNohagas! • PonerİPon! İNopongas! • TenerİTen! İNotengas . . . ! • IrİVe! İNovayas! • Ser İSé! İNo seas . . .! • VenirİVen! İNovengas! • SalirİSal! İNosalgas! • DecirİDi! İNodigas!

  10. Modelos İHaztutarea! (Do your homework!) İNopongas los zapatos en la mesa! (Don’t put shoes on the table!) İTencuidado! (Be careful!) İNovayas a la fiesta! (Don’t go to the party!) İSéuna persona feliz! (Be a happy person!) İVen a clase a tiempo! (Cometo class on time!) İSal de aquí! (Leave here!) İDime la verdad! (Tell me the truth!)

  11. Commands with Pronouns Where do we put our Direct Object, Indirect Object or Reflexive Pronouns? Direct ObjectIndirect ObjectReflexive me nos me nos me nos teosteosteos lo/ La los/las le les se se

  12. Commands with PRONOUNS • Place the pronoun in front of a negative (-) command: İNolobebas! (Don’t drink it!) İNolasllames! (Don’t call them!) the girls

  13. Commands with PRONOUNS To make an affirmative (+) command just attach the pronoun to the command form of the verb: İHazloahora! (Do it now!) İMirame! (Look at me!)

  14. PrácticaRápidaRegular and Irregular Tú commands AFFIRMATIVE (+)NEGATIVE (-) • Hacer • Vivir • Poner • Tener • Bailar • Ir • Ser • Venir • Moverse (o – ue) • Salir • Decir

  15. PrácticaRápidaRegular and Irregular Tú commands AFFIRMATIVE (+)NEGATIVE (-) • HacerİHaz! İNohagas! • VivirİVive! İNovivas! • PonerİPon! İNopongas! • TenerİTen! İNotengas . . . ! • BailarİBaila! İNobailes! • IrİVe! İNovayas! • Ser İSé! İNo seas . . .! • VenirİVen! İNovengas! • MoverseİMuevete! İNotemuevas! • SalirİSal! İNosalgas! • DecirİDi! İNodigas!

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