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Innovation in T ourism Based Services Rural D evelopment in Tourism

Innovation in T ourism Based Services Rural D evelopment in Tourism. Ing. Magdalena Pichlerova, PhD. Department of Landscape Planning and Design Faculty of Ecology and Environment Technical University in Zvolen mpichler@vsld.tuzvo.sk. www.tuzvo.sk.

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Innovation in T ourism Based Services Rural D evelopment in Tourism

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  1. Innovation in TourismBasedServices RuralDevelopment in Tourism Ing. Magdalena Pichlerova, PhD. Department ofLandscapePlanning and Design FacultyofEcology and Environment TechnicalUniversity in Zvolen mpichler@vsld.tuzvo.sk www.tuzvo.sk

  2. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Aboutme • PhD. in Ecology • teacher, researcher and vice-dean for foreign affairs and development at the FEES • nomination project „Beech Primeval Forests Of the Carpathians“ inscribed • on the List of UNESCO WNH in 2007 • project of the Foreign Commonwealth Office –dynamic visualization of the landscape - invitation to the Highgrove Arboretum by Prince of Wales, initiative of elm introduction

  3. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism

  4. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Man is a being that constantly transforms the landscape: it is the only species that changes his living space purposely for no other reason thanto satisfy his aesthetic delights. (NanFairbrother - TheNatureofLandscapeDesign, 1974)

  5. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Lectureoverview history present future History and perception of rural areas Ruralareas and landscape potential for tourism Factors affecting tourismand nature tourism enterprises Characteristics of tourism services New products and their quality

  6. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Thedevelopmentofurbaninhabitantsthrough 1800–2000

  7. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism • city – ourlivingspaceforseveralcenturies • Homosapiens – cca 100 000 yearsago • theoldestpaintings – cca 25 000 yearsago

  8. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism • shift in genomeofhumansinceprimevalagesisnegligible – man isprimary a culturalbeing • - Homoerectus – Africa, Asia– Europe, evolution (pickers, hunters, neoliticagriculturalrevolution) – man isbecoming a set mechanizm in ecosystem – theresponsibilityforlandscape

  9. Innovation in Tourism Based Services – Rural Development in Tourism - 3 development stages of man – environment conditions relation 1st era 2nd era 3rd era - fight for existence • man graduallyempowersnature to thedegreedependinguponhisknowledgeofproduction (tools), • natureexploatation • → • - eraofone-wayuseofresources - eraofuniversal man development

  10. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism human experience living in landscape (nature) (fixed in humankind genome) man – a part of ecosystem man – managing ecosystem landscape = home landscape = a place where we stop by sometimes

  11. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism - tourism recorded the greatest development with urbanization and with development of such work that is not directly connected with earth – people indirectly searching the reunion with nature - sport, stress elimination from a big city life – escape from the city, clean air, connection with nature, enjoying sceneries, fishing, relax, . . .

  12. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Löw, J., Míchal, I., 2003

  13. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism wilderness culturalland city • fortress?, marketplace? • centersofsecular and spiritualpower • marketwithrelics • placeforcrafts • „garden“ • theresultofcooperationbetween a farmer and nature • a synonymofunforestedland • untachednature • bare land, uncultivated, uninhabited • part of a garden or naturalreservation • strictnaturalpreserve, theareaofintactnature, leftforthepurposesofresearch and to protectintactnature(def. IUCN)

  14. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism • nowadays the aesthetic values of the landscape and human relation towards landscape depends on (changesapprox. twice in our lifetime): • cultural background • history • life cycles of individuals • status at the division of labor / work • social status • inherited and gainedattitude ...

  15. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism rural area - an area outside of cities and towns country, back country, backwoods, boondocks, hinterland - a remote and undeveloped area farming area, farmland - a rural area where farming is practiced geographic area, geographic region, geographical area, geographicalregion - a demarcated area of the Earth grazing land, ley, pasture, pastureland, lea - a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock countryside - rural regions scrubland - an uncultivated region covered with scrub vegetation weald - an area of open or forested country wold - a tract of open rolling country (especially upland) populated area, urban area - a geographical area constituting a city or town

  16. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Industry Waterareas countryside country flows core urban area city naturalenvironment rural area Forests grazing land wold Agriculturalland scrubland farmland weald

  17. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism • potential oftheplace– a motivation to visit a destination • services and the potential create a tourism product • while creating the product following steps can be observed: • step1: market research – depends on what are the tourists interest, • step 2: planning and creation of the product – a package of suitable • products can be created, the structure of the product, • step 3: communication – orientation of the product towards costumers, • step 4: determination of the price – the value is assigned, • step 5: distribution – distribution organization and propagation of the • product, commercialization.

  18. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Naturalpotential depends on • reliefofthelandscape • geomorphologicalrelief • climate • waters • fauna • flora

  19. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Culturalpotential depends on • cultural-historicalremains • (culturalfacilities, culturalevents, sportevents)

  20. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Factorsaffectingrecreation and naturetourismenterprises Natural and socio-economicfactors Factorsrelated to thepopulationsize and density Factorsassociatedwithlandownership, knowledge, skills and attitudes Factorslinked to conservation, protectedareas and diversification Factorsassociatedwithco-operation, partnershipworking or competition and funding Factorsconnectedwithlegislation, regulation and publicawareness Simpson, M., Pichler, V., Martin, S., Brouwer, R., 2009

  21. culture (history) landscape „image“ (brand) Landscape Ruralareas story accessability safety attractiveness

  22. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism atractivity • whatisattractive ? • lowlandswithbroadriverbedsversushighmountainrangeswithruggedterrain • landscapewith a high heterogenity

  23. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism culture (history) • cultureof a certainplacereflectsitshistoricaldevelopment • theplace has theinformation on custums, typicalcrafts, traditions, language - geniusloci, thespiritof a place (evokes a certainfeelingsofthevisitor) • naturalbariers

  24. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Dominant natural bariers

  25. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism „image“ • a „key word“ that characterizes a certain place • every significant characteristic that influences the selection of the destination to bevisited • Interioroftheforest in theSmallCarpathians

  26. Hungary France

  27. USA Czechrepublic

  28. Netherlands Greece Egypt

  29. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism story • visitorcanfindhiswaybetter in a placehisis more familiarwith, he has somebasicinformation on • thewayofinterpretation - storiesand myths

  30. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism accessability • one of the main assumptions for tourism development • generally: I will not go to the places I can not get to, EXCEPT the target group that looks for adventure)

  31. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism safety • more important overpastfewyears • targetgroup: families, seniors (forthemthesafetyisthetop-priorityrequest)

  32. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism stagnation No. ofvisitors revival consolidation decline development exploration involvement time

  33. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism EXPLORATION • explorationofthearea • No. ofvisitorsissmall • visitors are willing to accomodatetolocalconditions (language, culture, etc.) • no commercialacgtivities are organised • visitors are welcomed • influenceuponsocialenvironmentissmall, visitorisconsidered a guest

  34. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism INVOLVEMENT • increasing No. of visitors • increased influence upon local communities • local inhabitants start to offer services (accommodation) and finds out about the economical advantages • way towards commercialization is opened • relation guest – host changed to client – service provider

  35. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism DEVELOPMENT • attractivity and popularity of the place results into increase of No. of visitors • the area is becoming a tourist attraction in a real sense • changes in the spatial structure of the place • visiting the place is a commercial activity

  36. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism CONSOLIDATION AND STAGNATION • No. of visitors stabilizes • the attractivity of the place („boom“) gradually decreases • entrepreneurs are oriented more on wideningtheirservices or theyevenlowertheprices to attract more (or new) clients • needforinnovation and new products

  37. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism DECLINE • loss of interest in the place, it is becoming more uniform and less attractive • devastation of the environment of the place (erosion, deterioration of buildings, etc.) • BUT • overcoming the stagnation may result in further development of the place leading to its . . .

  38. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism REVIVAL

  39. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism

  40. dates back to the early 19th century • 1820: coal mine in the U.S. was opened for tourism – gravity operated train • 1842: Thomas Cook Tours – package tours – encouraging tourismand enjoyment of the natural environment • 1869: Pacific Railroad – a journey around the world may be possible in 80 days Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Having knowledge of the culture of the place visited • visiting or living in (missions) – a real knowledge versus building a biography - attracting tourists – ecotourism versus adventure tourism • over the past 150 yrs people have become aware that everything moves • need for speed and need for thrills

  41. „When people travel, they experience more freedom, have more contact with nature and with other people and generally have a more interesting time than usual. All of these things represent a gain compared to a normal life and can help reduce life's shortcomings at least temporarily.... .... many brief moments produce the feeling of satisfaction during the holidays“. JostKrippendorf Jost Krippendorf (1938-2003), tourism professor and researcher at the University of Bern, Switzerland; one of the founders of the sustainable tourism. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism • touristtales • tourist experience and time (memory) • evidence: postcards, videos, saved ephemera (entry tickets, season passes, ...), souvenirs, etc. • vacation adventures becomes stories in which the teller owns the experience • „ Been there, done that ! “

  42. recounted experiences dissolve into family history and legend • the story of the individual's experience shifts to a story of family member's adventures • family legend: the collective family saga summarizing the activities and achievements of family members Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism • how to be a legend and the biography of the tourist

  43. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Forest tourism – a remediation to the accelerated sublime issue ?

  44. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism Thestoryof LittleRedRidingHood Rotkäpchen Punahilkka CapuccettoRosso ScufițaRoșie Červená Čiapočka

  45. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism • cultural and historical contexts • – Herodotus • (country full of bees...) • – Tacitus • (Hercynean forest...) • – Origenes • (trees in us, symbols ...) • – St. Bernard from Clairvaux • (you will never learn in school...) • – Simon Schama, Ethan Matt Kavaler • (Arboreal Gothic) • – Czeslaw Milosz, Mateolli and many others(inspiration)

  46. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism • impressions(aesthetical, imaginative,...) • wilderness

  47. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism • structured appearance • (monodominant or mixed) - extreme dimensions

  48. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism • learning, science • (example of specialized tourism – scientific, interpretative)

  49. Innovation in TourismBasedServices – RuralDevelopment in Tourism The poll carried out in 2000 immediately prior to the visit of the Prince of Wales toBadín Primeval Forest showed that 4% of adults taking part in the poll were able toname a primeval forest in Slovakia (a large majority of them mentioned the Dobroč Primeval Forest).

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