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Understand the significance of referencing in academic work to acknowledge sources, show research effort, and avoid plagiarism. Learn the guidelines of Harvard referencing and citing internet sources.

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  2. Why do we have to reference work from other authors in our text? • Because we do not have all the information from the top of our head to write about any given topic. • To show evidence that we have carried out some research in the topic that we have written about. • To show our audience that we have not cheated nor claimed materials from other authors as our own.

  3. Harvard referencing guide • If you are citing work from a publication (book, journal, newspaper) written by a single author In a study by Seedhouse (1997) coping with illness was investigated …… According to Smith (2001), patients suffering from pneumonia need …… Piaget (1992) advocates the use of tranquilizers to cure …….

  4. Harvard referencing guide continued…. • If you are citing work from a publication written by two authors Williams and Corry (2002) have stated that the use of cot sides for elderly patients should ……. Edwin and Peterson (1994) do clearly state that “A blockage of an artery in the lung, could result in a stroke ……..”

  5. Harvard referencing guide continued …… • If you are referring from a publication of more than two authors Jackson et al (2003) do point out the fact that lack of vitamin c can lead to …….

  6. Referencing from the internet • If the web page that you are referencing from has got an author, than cite it as the way you would normally cite work from a single author Postnatal depression (PND) is a depressive illness that occurs after having a baby (Williams, 2006).

  7. Referencing from the internet continued ….. • If the web page that you are referencing from has not got an author or authors, then use the company or organisation’s name as the author Overnutrition results from the body taking in more than it needs, without sufficient means of ridding the body of the excess (Novartis, 2002).

  8. Writing a Bibliography or a References section for your report • A Bibliography will contains the sources of information that you might have looked at, but not cited in the body of your text. • The References section will contain the sources of information that you have looked at and directly cited in the body of your text.

  9. Writing a Bibliography or a References section for your report continued ….. • If it is a book, you write as below: Smith, Eric (1996). Adult Nursing in Practice. 3rd edition. Oxford: Palgrave. PP 12, 43 & 76. Mercer, P.A. AND Williams, G (2003). Alcohol Addiction. New York: Prentice Hall. PP 54.

  10. Writing a Bibliography or a References section for your report continued ….. • If it is a website, you write it as below: McGuire, Margaret M and Stoddart, Bernie. (2004) IT for clinical practice in Scotland - friend or foe? [Online]. Available at: http://www.bcsnsg.org.uk/itin08/mcguire.htm [Accessed 21 December 2004].


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