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Tema 6: Environment (incl. Climate Change). MILJØ og KLIMA. Ingunn Borlaug Lid UiO: Universitetet i Oslo 22. Juni 2010. NORSK FORSKNING I DET FELLESEUROPEISKE FORSKNINGSOMRÅDET (ERA). Fra HVORFOR? Til HVORDAN!.
Tema 6: Environment (incl. Climate Change) MILJØ og KLIMA Ingunn Borlaug Lid UiO: Universitetet i Oslo 22. Juni 2010
Forskningsrådet er en sentral partner i det norske forsknings- og innovasjonssystemet Stortingsmeld. 2009 Dialog og utforming av policy Forskningsrådets strategi KDs EU strategi for forskning
Nøkkeltall for den norske deltakelsen i 7RP (2007-2009)per juni 2010 • Norsk suksess i 7RP: Norge deltar i 13% av alle innstilte prosjekter i FP7: – totalt 541 innstilte prosjekter – i disse prosjektene er det ca 108 norske koordinatorer (20%)– i de samme prosjektene har vi samarbeidsrelasjoner med 100 (ca) forskjellige land. – tildelt EU-støtte til norske deltakere i innstilte prosjekter anslås til rundt 1,6 mrd.kr. - nesten 2 300 forskere er involvert i de innstilte prosjektene. Norge 23,8 % EU 18,3 % Suksess rate (innstilte prosjekter)
Hva er 7RP? 7RP er verdens største forsknings-program. EUs syvende rammeprogram for forskning og teknologisk utvikling skal gjøre Europa til en verdensledende kunnskapsregion. Utfordringer i Europa og verden skal løses ved hjelp av forskningssamarbeid og kompetansedeling på tvers av landegrensene. Fire særprogram: Cooperation, Ideas, People og Capacities. Budsjett 50 milliarder euro.Varighet 2007-2013.
EUs 7. rammeprogram for forskning og teknologisk utviklingBudsjettfordeling
Hva finansierer 7RP?Du kan få finansiert: • Forskningsprosjekter med deling av kunnskap • Tilgang til avansert infrastruktur • Forskning for din bedrift eller etat, også om den ikke har egen forskningsvirksomhet • Arrangement/konferanser og nettverksbygging • Praktiske demonstrasjoner av dine nye teknologi/kunnskap • Stipendprogram
Forskningsprosjektene som EU finansierer skal • øke verdiskapingen i Europa • knytte bånd mellom forskning, utdanning og innovasjon • øke forskningsinnsatsen i Europa • være av betydning for samfunnsutviklingen • bidra til økt mobilitet blant forskere • tilfredsstille EUs krav til grensesprengende forskning • være kort og konsist formulert • være solid dokumentert
Hvilket utbytte får du av 7RP? • Du får nye partnere/kontakter • Du får tilgang til spennende forsknings-resultater fra dine samarbeidspartnere • Du får mer konkurransedyktig forskning • Du posisjonerer din bedrift/organisasjon mot et fremtidig kundegrunnlag • Du får økt kulturforståelse • Du får økt språktrening • Du får penger
EUs 7. rammeprogramm Budsjett i mill. € I - Cooperation 32.292 1) Health 6.050 2) Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology 1.935 3) Information and Communication Technologies 9.110 4) Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies 3.500 5) Energy 2.300 6) Environment (including Climate Change) 1.900 7) Transport (including Aeronautics) 4.180 8) Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities 610 9) Security 1.350 10) Space 1.430 II - Ideas 7.460 III - People 4.727 IV - Capacities 4.291 Research Infrastructures 1.850 Research for the benefit of SMEs 1.336 Regions of Knowledge 126 Research Potential 558 Science in Society 370 Activities of International Co-operation 185 1.751 Non-nuclear actions of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) 50.521 TOTAL
Klima, Miljø & Helse, og Naturkatastrofer Ressursforvaltning, inkl. ”Forvaltning av marine miljøer” Miljøteknologi, inkl. Kulturminner og Kulturmiljø Jordobservasjon og Bærekraftig utvikling • EUs 7. rammeprogram (2007-2013), • Environment (incl. Climate Change) • Naturvitenskap og Samfunnsvitenskap • Økt tverrfaglighet
2011:'Transformation to Sustainable Societies in a Changing Environment‘: • To provide integrated solutions for action on adaptation to and mitigation of climate change • To support eco-innovation for eco-efficiency in society • To provide a systemic approach for governance in a changing environment
Activity 6.1 Climate Change, pollution and risks Sub-Activity 6.1.1 Pressures on environment and climate Indicative budget: EUR 37 000 000 In 2011, the main research priorities: the interaction between climate change and pollutants, the vulnerability of regions to climate change, the development of earth systems models and the improvement of decadal climate forecasting. Also: the responses from the research community to climate policies and to the conclusions of the 3rd World Climate conference and the UNFCCC-COP-15 meeting in Copenhagen.
Eksempel på ulyste tema: • ENV.2010.1.1.1-1 Improvement of the representation of critical climate processes in climate and Earth system models, L • ENV.2011.1.1.2-1 The impact of atmospheric pollution on European land ecosystems and soil in a changing climate, L • ENV.2011.1.1.3-1 Vulnerability of Arctic permafrost to climate change and implications for global GHG emissions and future climate, L • ENV.2011.1.1.5-1 Impacts of climate and land use changes in the Amazon, S/M, Latin America • ENV.2011.1.1.6-1 Impacts of a global temperature increase up to 2°C from pre-industrial level, in Europe and most vulnerable regions of the world, L
6.1.2 Environment and health • Indicative budget: EUR 18 000 000 • In 2011, improving our understanding of the impacts of natural environment and its changes on human populations. • ENV.2011.1.2.2-1 Combined exposures to environmental agents: integrated approaches to evaluate environment-health relationships in children, L. • ENV.2011.1.2.3-2 Positive effects of natural environment for human health and well-being, S/M.
6.1.3 Natural Hazards Indicative budget: EUR 18 000 000 WP 2011 will put emphasis on essential knowledge developments that will contribute to better protect society and enable improved prevention against risks and damages and to provide integrated solutions. Eksempel på utlyste tema: ENV.2011.1.3.1-1 Towards real-time earthquake risk reduction, L ENV.2011.1.3.2-1 Building societal resilience to disasters in Europe, S/M ENV.2011.1.3.3-1 Better prevention and management of volcanic eruptions, S/M.
6.2 Sustainable management of resources • 6.2.1 Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources and biodiversity • Indicative budget: EUR 41 000 000 • In 2011, contribute to the strategic objectives by focusing research activities on the need to generate the knowledge basis and develop advanced models and tools needed for: • the sustainable management of resources; • 2) the protection and sustainable use of ecosystems, • 3) assuring urban sustainability. • Both natural and man-made environment (cities) is addressed including lagoons.
Eksempel på ulyste tema: • ENV.2011.2.1.4-1 Potential of biodiversity and ecosystems for the mitigation of climate change, L, Latin America • ENV.2011.2.1.4-2 Behaviour of ecosystems, thresholds and tipping points, L • ENV.2011.2.1.4-3 Improved comprehension of the utility of the concepts of value of biodiversity, S/M • ENV.2011.2.1.5-1 Sustainable and Resilient Green Cities, L, SME
6.2.2 Management of marine environmentsIndicative budget: EUR 16 000 000 for the FP7 OCEAN-2011 • Oceans offer opportunities for sustainable economic development. Human activities - increasing environmental pressure on the oceans - threatening marine ecosystems and sustainable maritime activities. • The European Union: a new integrated maritime policy, of which the "European Strategy for Marine and Maritime research“ is a fundamental part. The strategy highlights the importance of integration between established marine and maritime research disciplines. • It is suggested to join forces with other Themes in order to address this challenge through a joint call.
OCEAN.2011-1. MULTI-USE OFFSHORE PLATFORMS Objective: to develop several innovative designs for multi-use offshore platforms and to assess the technical, economical and environmental feasibility of constructing, installing, servicing and maintaining these platforms together with the transport aspects. Funding scheme: Collaborative Project - large scale integrating projects several proposals funded Directorates concerned: H (Transport) K (Energy) E (Food, Fisheries and Biotechnology) I (Environment) Lead: H (Transport)
OCEAN.2011-2. MARINE MICROBIAL DIVERSITY • new insights into marine ecosystems functioning and its biotechnological potential
OCEAN.2011-2. MARINE MICROBIAL DIVERSITY OCEAN.2011-2.Marine microbial diversity • Objective: to develop new bio-informatic approaches in the marine environment field that will enable exploitation of the information and streamlining of data for researchers and different users worldwide. • Funding scheme: Collaborative Project - large scale integrating project 1 proposal funded • Directorates concerned: E (Food , Fisheries and Biotechnology) I (Environment) • Lead: E2 (Biotechnologies)
IDEAS FOR A M&M JOINT CALL IN WP 2011 IDEAS FOR A M&M JOINT CALL IN WP 2011 OCEAN.2011-3 Assessing and predicting the combined effects of natural and human-made pressures in the Med and Black Sea in view of their better governance Objective: to promote a sustainable well-coordinated research effort in order to characterise patterns of pressure, in environmental and socio-economic terms in Mediterranean and Black Sea, with a view to assess, predict and manage these pressures and to contribute to the development of basin wide environmental Policies (reaching Good Environmental Status of EU marine waters by 2012). • Funding scheme: Collaborative Project - large scale integrating project 2 proposals funded (one for each basin) • Directorates concerned (Lead: Dir I): I (Environment) E (Food, Fisheries and Biotechnology) H (Transport) • Lead: I (Environment)
IDEAS FOR A M&M JOINT CALL IN WP 2011 IDEAS FOR A M&M JOINT CALL IN WP 2011 OCEAN.2011-4 Knowledge-base and tools for an integrated management of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea marine and maritime activities • Objective: todevelop knowledge base and tools for (i) establishing regional or sub-regional wide networks of marine protected areas aiming at conservation of marine biodiversity and management of marine living resources in order to fulfil EU legislations and international agreements (ii) assessing off-shore wind energy potential in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. • Funding scheme: Collaborative Project – large scale integrating project 1 proposal funded with at least one pilot project for each basin • Directorates concerned (Lead: Dir E): E (Food, Fisheries and Biotechnology), I (Environment), K (Energy), H (Transport)
Water, Soil, Waste, Clean technologies, Built environment, Marine environment, Air technologies, Technologies for climate 6.3 Environmental Technologies for observation, simulation, prevention, mitigation, adaptation, remediation and restoration of the natural and man-made environment Indicative budget: EUR 7 000 000 (and EUR 50 000 000 for ECO-INNOVATION call, EUR 5 500 000 for PPP-GC, EUR 5 500 000 for PPP-EeB).
In 2011, Environmental Technologies: • A specific industry/SME-oriented bottom-up call on Eco-innovation where applicants can choose the sector and the kind of technologies/solutions to develop. • Other activities related to the Public Private Partnerships on Green Cars and Energy-efficient Buildings will also be carried out, as well as some specific international cooperation actions. • All the topics foresee a relevant participation of industry, and in particular of SMEs.
6.3.2 Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, including human habitat • Indicative budget: EUR 6 000 000 for FP7-ENV-NMP-2011 call and EUR 2 000 000 for FP7-JPROG-2011-RTD call In 2011: • focus on eco-innovative SMEs. • focus on research for compatibility between old and new materials and techniques for cultural heritage assets through a joint call with the NMP program. • Taking in consideration the coming Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage, an accompanying action has been envisaged.
6.4 Earth observation and assessment tools for sustainable development 6.4.1 Earth and ocean observation • Indicative budget: EUR 20 000 000 • The research will contribute to providing integrated solutions for action on adaptation and mitigation of environmental changes and providing a systemic approach for governance in a changing environment. • ENV.2011.4.1.1-1 Integration and optimisation of information for building a Global Carbon Observing System, L • ENV.2011.4.1.4-2 Assessing the ecosystem status, including fisheries, within the Mediterranean marine coastal areas of North African countries, S/M.
6.4.2 Forecasting methods and assessment tools for sustainable development • Indicative budget: EUR 13 000 000 • In 2011 the sub-activity puts a major focus on governance. • Tools for impact assessment • ENV.2011.4.2.1-1 Efficiency assessment of environmental policy tools related to sustainability, S/M • Sustainable development indicators • Interplay between social, economic and ecological systems • ENV.2011.4.2.3-2 Sustainable Consumption and Production at the heart of green growth, S/M
Utlysninger innen ”Environment (incl. Climate Change)” Generelt: • Frist 16. november 2010 kl 17.00? • Planlagt budsjett: EUR 155 000 000 Joint call: ”The Ocean of Tomorrow” • Frist: 18 Januar 2011 Kl 17.00. • Planlagt budsjett: EUR 45 mill ”Energy-efficient Buildings”-2011 og ”Green Cars”: • Frist: 2. desember 2010 kl 17.00 • Planlagt budsjett: EUR 85,5 mill (Energy-efficient Buildings) • Plantlagt budsjett: EUR 25 mill (Green Cars)
Utlysninger innen ”Environment (incl. Climate Change)” FP7-ENV-NMP-2011 • Frist 16. November 2010 kl 17.00? • Planlagt budsjett: EUR 12 000 000 FP7-ENV-2011-ECOINNOVATION • Trinn 1 for topic ENV.2011.3.1.9-1: Frist: 16. Nov 2010 kl 17.00? • Trinn 2 for topic ENV.2011.3.1.9-1: Frist: 29 Mars 2011 kl 17.00? • Single stage topics (ENV.2011.3.1.9-2, ENV.2011.3.1.9-3, and ENV.2011.3.1.9-4): Frist: 29 Mars 2011 kl 17.00? • Planlagt budsjett: EUR 50 000 000
Dine EU - kontakter i Forskningsrådet • Environment (incl. Climate Change) • Ingunn Borlaug Lid • Legal and financial issues: • Yngve Foss • Forskningsrådets Brusselkontor: • Gudrun Langthaler • Utfyllende informasjon på • www.rcn.no/eu • cordis.europa.eu/fp7/
7RP Calls for proposals Cooperation Ideas People Capacities Clean Sky IMI ENIAC ARTEMIS FCH Green Car JTIs/ JU SESAR Nye PPPs Factory of the Future JU Energy Efficient Buildings GMES / ESA Galileo / ESA ERA-Net + ERA-NETs ERA-NETs AAL ERA-NETs ERA-NETs ERA-NETs ERA-NETs Bonus? Art. 169 EMRP? EDCTP ETPs EIT JRC ESFRI Eurostars Randsoneaktiviteter til 7RP
7RP Calls for proposals Cooperation Ideas People Capacities Clean Sky IMI ENIAC ARTEMIS FCH Green Car JTIs/ JU SESAR Nye PPPs Factory of the Future JU Energy Efficient Buildings GMES / ESA Galileo / ESA ERA-Net + ERA-NETs ERA-NETs AAL ERA-NETs ERA-NETs ERA-NETs ERA-NETs Bonus? Art. 169 EMRP? EDCTP ETPs EIT JRC ESFRI Eurostars Fremtidens EU-forskning JP NGD & Alzheimer JP Climate Change JP Energy JP Water JP Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans 8RP JP Cultural Heritage and Global Change: a new challenge for Europe JP Agriculture, Food security and Climate Change JP Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life JP med land utenfor Europa?
Arbeidsdeling – konkurranseutsetting - merverdi Nasjonalt program Joint programme Tema/administrasjon/budsjett