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SPRINT Initiative Dr Shible SAHBANI, UNFPA, Morocco CO. What is the “SPRINT” Initiative?. S exual and Reproductive Health PR ogramme IN Crisis and Pos T -Crisis Situations. Pilot project in Asia Pacific, started in 2007 Extension to other regions since 2009 (Middle East and Africa)
Sexual and Reproductive Health PRogramme IN Crisis and PosT-Crisis Situations • Pilot project in Asia Pacific, started in 2007 • Extension to other regions since 2009 • (Middle East and Africa) • Principal donor AusAID
strengthen thecoordinationof SRH responses in crisis situations increase the regional capacity of key stakeholders raise awareness on SRH in crises at national & regional level respondin a timely fashion to SRH needs in crisis situations GOAL: to increase access to SRH information and services for populations surviving crises and living in post-crisis situations
Key Challenges for SRH in Emergencies • Scarcity of trainers • Updating, dissemination and promotion of training materials • Lack of financial resources to implement training • Keeping track of former participants UNFPA Strategy Paper, IAWG Academic Partnership for Reproductive Health in Emergencies Training, 26-27 September 2006
Expected outcomes of SPRINT • Key people trained in implementing SRH during crises ARHA
4. SRH services and information accessed by persons affected by crises
What’s innovative about the SPRINT? • First regional initiative to address SRH in crises country by country=> SPRINT model • Action research: building evidence on SRH in crisis • National and regional emergency relief agencies (government + NGOs) integrate SRH into contingency planning and aid responses • Interagency collaborative approach • Bridging the gap between immediate relief and development continuum between emergency and development
Approach and strategies adopted Training • Priority countries were identified based on their vulnerability to disaster and conflict and less developed disaster risk reduction (DRR) mechanisms; • Priority countries were clustered into groups depending on language (French or English) and geographical location for ease of training logistics. The clusters were then invited to one central place for the training • The Secretariat facilitated translation of training materialsto French, developed job aids and disseminated the same for use by the CCTs.
Approach and strategy adopted cont’ • The Secretariat consulted with partners from UNHCR and UNFPA to select candidates with a view to creating a country mix with representation from NGOs, Ministries of Health, Red Cross/Crescent and UN agencies; • After the Regional workshops, SPRINT Initiative provided funds to Country Coordination Teams to implement the first in-country MISP training. • At least one SPRINT expert was sent to offer technical assistance to the country team during the initial in-country training to ensure quality control for the training
Approach and strategy adopted cont’ • In case of an emergency, SPRINT Initiative provided funds and as well as technical support to enable country teams initiate RH responses at limited scales at the onset of an emergency; Response
Who are the partners? • IPPF (Selected IPPF Member Associations ) • UNFPA (Humanitarian Response Branch) • UNHCR • University of New South Wales School of Public Health (UNSW) • The Australian Reproductive Health Alliance (ARHA) • Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) on SRH in crises • Key emergency relief and SRH agencies Refugees, IDPs, local populations living in crisis/post-crisis
Achievements so far 5 days Regional training 6 ToTs, 207 humanitarian actors trained as masters trainers 3 days Regional training 33 trainings, 687 people trained
Achievements so far Response Protracted Uganda, Chad Emergency Togo, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tunisia Total direct beneficiary More 100,000 people
Country covered in a Reg. TOT so far In Africa 70% of the countries of the continent have been covered through SPRINT MISP trainings, involving the critical partners in each of the country, with a total of 204 key persons trained at regional level.
Lessons learned • The cooperation between the partner organizations (UNFPA, UNHCR, IPPF, IFRC, etc.) involved in SPRINT is a key-factor for the success in selection of quality participants for regional ToTs • The involvement of Governmental stakeholders through dedicated high-level staff of the relevant Ministries in the Country Teams is key to the buy-in of SPRINT roll-out at country level. If existing, the Disaster Management body has to be involved together with the MoH.
Lessons learned • Country Coordination Teams implement their roll-out if there is a leadership within the team, and a clear role with division of tasks. Leadership is often taken by UNFPA and a counterpart agency as co-lead .This cooperative model of leadership has to be encouraged in the development of the Country Team ToR. • Using IPPF Member Associations provides an institutional structure for operational and logistical back up for in-country implementation.
Way forward • Coordination among the different partners at country level should be formalized, to clarify both the question of leadership and the division of responsibility, to ensure improved efficiency and effectiveness. • More technical support is needed to successfully integrate SRH (through the MISP) in disaster management plans at all levels (national and sub-national) • Use SPRINT model to ensure that MISP will remain on the top of emergency response agenda as life saving intervention