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Explore Marshall Public Schools' data analysis for accountability and academic achievement based on North Star criteria, including math and reading proficiency rates, progress toward English language proficiency, graduation rates, and attendance records.
Fall Data Review| 2019 Marshall Public Schools | Jeremy Williams
Park SideDemographics • EL 25.1% • Special Education 23.5% • Free/Reduced 54.4%
West Side Demographics • EL 24.1% • Special Education 17.5% • Free/Reduced 56.2%
Middle School Demographics • EL 8.7% • Special Education 13.8% • Free/Reduced 45.2% • Homeless .7%
High School Demographics • EL 11.4% • Special Education 11.1% • Free/Reduced 35.3% • Homeless .6%
MATEC Demographics • EL 20% • Special Education 23.8% • Free/Reduced 68.8% • Homeless 2.5%
Minnesota uses the North Star system to identify schools and districts for support. The North Star system was designed to satisfy the requirements of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the state’s World’s Best Workforce law (WBWF). • The broad idea of accountability includes three main areas: identifying schools for support, publicly reporting data, and recognizing schools for success. Each of these areas provides valuable information to families, communities, and educators. • Both overall performance and the performance of specific student groups (major racial and ethnic groups, English learners, students in special education, and students eligible for free or reduced price lunch) are considered when making identifications.
Three-Stage Process to Identify • Stage 1 - math achievement, reading achievement, and progress toward English language proficiency • Stage 2 - math progress and reading progress in elementary and middle schools, four-year and seven-year graduation rates in high schools, and all four of those indicators in districts • Stage 3 - consistent attendance The three stages are used to identify the lowest 10 percent of traditional districts and the lowest 10 percent of charter schools.
Five Key Indicators in North Star • achievement and progress on reading tests over time • achievement and progress on math tests over time • progress towards English language proficiency • graduation rates • consistent attendance
Academic Achievement Rate • Academic achievement is the number of students demonstrating they are at grade level. It is calculated by dividing the number of students at the “Meets Standards” or “Exceeds Standards” achievement levels on state tests by the number of students in tested grades. Math achievement and reading achievement are calculated separately. • Academic progress is a score based on students’ achievement levels from one year to the next. Math progress and reading progress are calculated separately.
Progress Toward English Language Proficiency • Progress toward English language proficiency is specific to English learners. It measures the average progress English learners make toward individual growth targets on the ACCESS for ELLs test. • Average Progress towards Targets (also referred to as ELP Index) is the average amount of progress English Learners made toward their individual goals on a test of English Language proficiency. • The Percent of ELs Meeting targets is the percentage of English Learners who reached or went past their target.
Graduation • North Star looks at four and seven year rates for accountability determinations.
Consistent Attendance • This is a measure of students who attend more than 90 percent of the time they are enrolled.
Park Side Talking Points • NWEA growth scores were strong • ACCESS scores were above both the state and District average when looking at index and percent meeting target • SLT will look at how to improve the percent of students at grade level proficiency targets in reading and math
West Side Talking Points • Consistent attendance rates were very strong! • Reading increased proficiency by 20% • 78% of students met ELP targets • Growth rates and proficiency for math was below other sites • SLT will look at math curriculum, focus on FRP, SPED, and EL achievement gaps, and triangulating data on various standardized assessments
Middle School Talking Points • Grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 performed above the state average in Math • 5th grade science was significantly above the state average • 5th grade reading saw a substantial increase for the cohort in percent proficient • Grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 each saw a significant increase in math by cohort • Gaps still exist in math and reading for Free/Reduced vs non-Free/Reduced, EL vs non-EL, SPED vs non-SPED, and White vs non-White • SLT will look more at indicated achievement gaps and will pay particular attention to ACCESS data.
High School Talking Points • Consistent Attendance rates are 13% higher than the state average • Free/Reduced proficiency rates are above the state average in Reading, Math, and Science – by double digits • MCA Reading scores were above state average for all students • SPED proficiency is close to the state average • MCA Math proficiency is increasing over last several years, and is above the state average • Areas of focus this year will include EL proficiency (percent of students meeting target) and fall to spring NWEA growth in Reading
MATEC Talking Points • The 7-Year Graduation rate is strong; students are graduating! • Focus this year will be on increasing the graduation rate, consistent attendance, and overall math and reading proficiency • SLT will look more at comparisons to other ALCs and look for models demonstrating success • SLT will look more at grade level comparisons
District SPED Talking Points • Special Ed students met or exceeded state standards at a higher rate then the state average • Higher percentage of SPED students who graduate in 4-years and 7-years • Achievement level in math was almost 4% higher than the state average • Attendance rates were higher than state average
District EL Talking Points • MPS EL students are above the state average in reading and math for students who met or exceeded on state tests • 65% of EL students made progress toward their language target, which is 4% above the state average • 45% of MPS EL students reached or exceeded their language target, which is 5% above the state average • The EL team will work on ways to increase the 4-year and 7-year graduation rates with a focus on more co-taught classes at the high school • The MS EL team will work on a strategic plan to best meet the needs of students
District Free/Reduced Talking Points • MPS exceeded the state in math and reading achievement rate • 7-Year graduation rate was higher than state average • Math progress is above the state average • Reading increased 30% more than non-FAR • Reading progress is “stagnant” • FAR attendance is lower than non-FAR peers in MPS • Ongoing discussions around gap and how to close it