What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? AS Media
On the market already • The typical pop / rock magazines are portrayed as chaos and busy • The colours used are usually red, white and black along with light use of other colours • Clean and crisp designs that attract its audience • The cover lines and or strap lines are integrated into the magazine for maximum affect upon its audience • The design is different, as in its usual AS Media
Distribution of my magazine • The magazine offers: • Exclusive competitions • A-List celebrity interviews • Download charts • My magazine is different to other leading magazines because of the content within it. It has a range of interviews, articles and competitions that suit males and females alike. • I think a company would want to distribute my magazine because its different…the front cover offers a more colourful eye appealing design than other leading magazines. I also think that with a mixed genre of pop / rock it will appeal to a larger target audience that will increase readers numbers. AS Media