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CELDT PRACTICE. Reading. READING. CELDT assesses students’ reading skills in 35 items CELDT divides the reading assessment in three reading skills Word Analysis Fluency and Systematic Vocabulary Development Reading Comprehension CELDT assesses students’ ELD Proficiency using ELD Standards.
READING • CELDT assesses students’ reading skills in 35 items • CELDT divides the reading assessment in three reading skills • Word Analysis • Fluency and Systematic Vocabulary Development • Reading Comprehension • CELDT assesses students’ ELD Proficiency using ELD Standards
Expected ReadingELD Proficiency LevelEarly Advanced Word Analysis ELD Standards • Apply knowledge of word relationships, such as roots and affixes, to derive meaning from literature and texts in content areas (e.g., remove, extend). • Distinguish between cognates and false cognates in literature and texts in content areas.
Question FormatWord Analysis • Students are asked multiple-choice questions • Students’ answers are scored correct, incorrect, or no response • Sample question
Word Analysis Directions • Find the word that means more than one mouse. a. mouses b. mice c. mousy d. mices
Word Analysis Directions 2. The past tense of advance is a. advances b. advancing c. advanced d. advance
Word Analysis Directions 3. Which word means the same as advertisement a. ad b. addition c. address d. adapt
Word Analysis Directions 4. Which word means the study of life a. biology b. mathematics c. English d. neutron
Word Analysis Directions 5. Which part of the word comfortable is the root word? a. com b. comfor c. comfort d. comfortable
Word Analysis Directions 6. Which part of the word happiness is the root word a. ness b. hap c. happy d. happines
Word Analysis Directions 7. Which word has the root word care a. caries b. carry c. carefully d. curry
Word Analysis Directions 8. Which is the root word for incorrect a. in b. correct c. corr d. incorr
Word Analysis Directions 9. Which word does NOT have the same root word act a. actor b. acting c. action d. addict
Word Analysis Directions 10. Which word does NOT have the same root word love a. lover b. loving c. leaving d. loveable
Word Analysis Directions 11. Which is the root word for freezer a. freezer b. free c. freeze d. zer
Word Analysis Directions 12. Which word does NOT have the root word suit a. suits b. suitable c. unsuitable d. swiss
Expected ReadingELD Proficiency LevelEarly Advanced Fluency and Systematic Vocabulary Development ELD Standards • Use knowledge of English morphemes, phonics, and syntax to decode and interpret the meaning of unfamiliar words. • Recognize that some words have multiple meanings, and apply this knowledge to understand texts. • Use knowledge of affixes, root words, and increased vocabulary to interpret the meaning of words in literature and content area texts. • Use a standard dictionary to determine the meaning of unknown words (e.g., idioms and words with multiple meanings). • Use decoding skills and knowledge of academic and social vocabulary to achieve independent reading. • Recognize idioms, analogies, and metaphors used in literature and texts in content areas.
Question FormatFluency and Vocabulary • Students are asked multiple-choice questions • Students’ answers are scored correct, incorrect, or no response • Sample question
Fluency and Vocabulary Directions Choose the answer that means the SAME or nearly the same as the underlined word or words. 13. The gray windowless room was gloomy. a. bright b. lovely c. spooky d. depressing
Fluency and Vocabulary Directions Choose the answer that means the SAME or nearly the same as the underlined word or words. 14. He returned the money immediately because he is honest. a. Liar b. cheater c. honorable d. dishonest
Fluency and Vocabulary Directions Choose the answer that means the SAME or nearly the same as the underlined word or words. 15. That girl was so mean to him when she yelled and screamed at him for no reason. a. cruel b. happy c. friendly d. angry
Fluency and Vocabulary Directions Choose the answer that means the SAME or nearly the same as the underlined word or words. 16. I know a girl that is smart and clever because she always passes all her tests. a. bright b. dumb c. ugly d. persistent
Expected ReadingELD Proficiency LevelEarly Advanced Reading Comprehension • Apply knowledge of language to achieve comprehension of informational materials, literary text, and texts in content areas.
Question FormatComprehension • Students are asked multiple-choice questions based on passage read • Students’ answers are scored correct, incorrect, or no response • Sample question
LIZARDS Sight is very important for most lizards, both for locating prey and for communication, and, as such, many lizards have highly acute color vision. Most lizards rely heavily on body language, using specific postures, gestures, and movements to define territory, resolve disputes, and entice mates. Some species of lizards also utilize bright colors, such as the iridescent patches on the belly of Sceloporus. These colors would be highly visible to predators, so are often hidden on the underside or between scales and only revealed when necessary.
Comprehension 17. We know that lizards have very “highly acute color vision” because • Lizards are faster than other animals • Lizards use their eyes for hunting their prey • Lizards can swim underwater • Lizards can’t see in the dark 18. Which is NOT a reason a male lizard uses body language? • Mark their living space • Attract a female lizards • Resolve problems • Hide from predators 19. Why do some lizards’ bright color patches hide under their scales? • To scare off bigger animals • To attract their prey • To hide from predators • To live a longer and better life
SURFING Surfing is a surface water sport in which a person (the surfer) or people, rides an object, usually a board (the surfboard), on the crest of a wave usually carrying the surfer towards the shore. Many variations of the sport exist, as what can be described as a wave, surfboard, and even a surfer have been ever expanded upon. Waves used in surfing are found not only in the ocean, but also in lakes and rivers and man made pools. A variation of surfing, bodysurfing entails the use of no board and is considered by some the purest form of surfing (see separate entry for Bodysurfing). Other variations that have existed for centuries include paipo boarding, stand up paddle surfing, and the use of boats or canoes to ride waves.
Comprehension 20. The phrase “surface water sport” refers to how • The surfer surfs under the water • The surfer surfs on the water • The surfer surfs away from the water • The surfer pretends to surf in the water 21. The word “variations” refers to • The different ways a person can surf • The very limited ways a person can surf • How the sport is dying • Where the sport originally initiated 22. What quote let us know that surfing has been practiced many years • “a surfer have been ever expanded upon.” • “A variation of surfing, bodysurfing entails…” • Other variations that have existed for centuries…” • “The use of boats or canoes to ride waves.”
FACEBOOK Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of July 2011, Facebook has more than 750 million active users. Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Facebook users must register before using the site. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics. The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by university administrations in the United States to help students get to know each other better. Facebook allows any users who declare themselves to be at least 13 years old to become registered users of the website.
Comprehension 23. “Facebook is a social networking service.” Which quote reflects what a “social networking service” means • “Facebook users must register” • “users may join common-interest user groups” • “allows users who declare themselves to be at least 13 years old” • “operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc.” 24. What tells us that Facebook has become very popular • The number of active users using Facebook • How friends can exchange messages • The name was originally taken from a book given to college students • It has been operating since 2004 25. Which is NOT a probable reason a user needs to register on Facebook • To be able to join groups and send messages to friends • To prove that they are old enough to use Facebook • To have a successful academic year in college • To have access to Facebook features
FAST FOOD Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-out/take-away. The term "fast food" was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam–Webster in 1951. Outlets may be stands or kiosks, which may provide no shelter or seating, or fast food restaurants (also known as quick service restaurants). Franchise operations which are part of restaurant chains have standardized foodstuffs shipped to each restaurant from central locations.
Comprehension 26. Why was the name given to “Fast food?” • It was the restaurant term • It was in the dictionary • Because food was prepared and served quickly • It was available at all the malls 27. When the term “fast food” was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam-Webster in 1951 it meant that • The term was to be included in their dictionary with a clear definition • The term was outdated and shouldn’t appear in any dictionary • It was modern and fast • The term was not used before 1951 28. The words “franchise” and “restaurant chains” probably means • Closed restaurants • Many fast food restaurants that have the same name and serve the same food • Many restaurants that serve similar fast food • Ships that station on a central location and sail away at a later time