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Most Common Injuries Physical Therapists See http://spinaldoc.com/common-injuries-treated-physical-therapists/<br>
Most Common Injuries Treated by Physical Therapists http://spinaldoc.com/common-injuries-treated-physical- therapists/
There are five major areas of physical therapy: Orthopedic physical therapy Geriatric physical therapy Neurological physical therapy Cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation Pediatric physical therapy
Physical therapy helps relieve pain, prevent stiffness, enhance range of motion, and improve strength, coordination and mobility.
Here are the most common injuries that are treated by physical therapists: Sprains Fractures Torn Ligaments or Tendons Arthritis Dislocations
At the South Texas Spinal Clinic, you will South Texas Spinal find the most dedicated and highly Institute qualified team of licensed physical therapists in San Antonio.
T H I S A R T I C L E I S O R I G I N A L L Y A P P E A R E D O N h t t p : / / s p i n a l d o c . c o m / c o m m o n - i n j u r i e s - t r e a t e d - p h y s i c a l - t h e r a p i s t s / C O M P A N Y . C O M