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Business Communications. Lecture 2. Lecture theme. Oral Communication Written Communication Non-verbal Communication. Message. The message is the main idea that you wish to communicate. It is of both verbal (written or spoken) symbols and nonverbal (unspoken) symbols.
Business Communications Lecture 2
Lecture theme Oral Communication Written Communication Non-verbal Communication
Message • The message is the main idea that you wish to communicate. • It is of both verbal (written or spoken) symbols and nonverbal (unspoken) symbols. • First decide exactly what your message is, also consider the receiver of your message.
Oral Communication OralCommunication. Meaning, AdvantagesandLimitations.
Oral Communication Oralcommunicationimpliescommunicationthroughmouth. It includesindividualsconversingwitheachother, be it directconversationortelephonicconversation. Speeches, presentations, discussionsareallformsoforalcommunication
Oral communication Verbal communication is simply the communication that is expressed through words. What you say is verbal communication. What you don't say is nonverbal communication. Verbal communication is vital to healthy relationships, businesses and groups.
Oral communication • The oral communication brings back immediate feedback. • It has a conversational nature with shorter words and sentences. • It stresses on interpersonal relations. • This medium needs less technical details. • Its sentence structures are simple. Meaning:
Inside an organisation Oral communication may take the form of: Staff meeting reports, face to face discussions, presentations, audio tapes, telephonic chats, teleconferences or videotapes.
. Oralcommunication isgenerallyrecommendedwhenthecommunicationmatterisoftemporarykindorwhere a directinteractionisrequired. Face to facecommunication (meetings, lectures, conferences, interviews, etc.) issignificantsoas to build a rapportandtrust.
Advantages of oral communication • highlevelofunderstandingandtransparency • flexibilityforchangesinthedecisionspreviouslytaken • time, money and effort saving • manyproblems can be solved by discussion • essentialforteamworkandgroupenergy.
Advantages of oral communication Oralcommunicationcanbebestused to transferprivateandconfidentialinformation/matter.
Disadvantages and Limitations of Oral Communitation • Oralcommunicationmaybeinsufficientasbusinesscommunication • Oralcommunicationisnotasorganizedaswrittencommunication. • Long speeches consume much time • Theremaybemisunderstandingsastheinformationisnotcomplete • It requiresattentivenessandgreatreceptivityonpartofthereceivers/audience.
Verbal Communication Strategies Ask questions Premediate Repeat Use nonverbals
Ask Questions Questions are a verbal communication strategy that can help to ensure clarity and accuracy of the messages being exchanged. Questions are used for clarity and to inspire more conversation. If you have a difficult time starting a conversation, use questions about the other person’s life and interests to spark momentum in the dialogue.
Premeditate Think about what you’re going to say before you say it. Determine who the audience is that the message is going to be communicated to and plan the delivery and word usage accordingly. This strategy works well if you are going to be speaking publicly or giving a presentation. Pre-meditated verbal communication is more accurate, precise and condensed, making it more effective.
Repeat Repeat the message you heard back to the person who sent it. Repeating the message back in your own words will help your perspective and evaluation of the message. It will expose areas of misunderstanding or lacking clarity. If you’re the person sending the verbal message, ask the recipient to repeat the message back to you so you can assess if she understood what you were attempting to say.
UseNon-verbals The use of non-verbalswith verbal communication helps to deliver the message more effectively. Non-verbalsthat are commonly used to increase verbal communications effectiveness are visual aids, body language and charts
Written Communication written communication - communication by means of written symbols (either printed or handwritten)
Written Communication. Meaning, Advantages and Limitation Written communication is: Of great significance for business Essential for preparing materials for business development More unique and formal than speech More valid and reliable than speech
Advantages of written communication Written communication: Helps to record the principles, policies and rules for running the work of an organisation Is a permanent means of communication and is useful when recording is required Assists in proper delegation of responsibilities Is more precise Develops and improves the image of a company Provides ready records and references Provides valid records that may be essential in legal issues
Disadvantages of Written Communication Written communication Is expensive (stationery, writing/typing and delivering personnel) Time-consuming (encoding/sending takes time) Requires excellent skills in the use of language and vocabulary Involves much paper and email work
Welcome letter Practice: write a welcome letter to a new employee of your company
Nonverbal communication (NVC) is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages.
Non-verbal Communication iscommunicationoffeelings, emotions, attitudes, andthoughtsthroughbodymovements / gestures / eyecontact, etc.
Components of Non-verbal Communication Kinesics Oculesics Haptics Proxemics Chronemics Paralinguistics Physical appearance
kinesics • It isthestudyoffacialexpressions, postures & gestures. • In Argentina to raise a fistintheairwithknucklespointingoutwardsexpressesvictory, but inLebanon, raising a closedfistisconsideredrude.
oculesics • isthestudyoftheroleofeyecontactinnonverbalcommunication. • In thefirst 90 sec - 4 min youdecidethatyouareinterestedinsomeoneornot. Studiesrevealthat 50% ofthis first impressioncomesfromnon-verbalcommunicationwhichincludesoculesics. Only 7% comesfromwords - thatweactuallysay.
haptics • isthestudyoftouching. • Acceptableleveloftouchingvaryfromoneculture to another.InThailand, touchingsomeone'sheadmaybeconsideredasrude.
proxemics • isthestudyofmeasurable distance betweenpeopleastheyinteract. • Theamountofpersonalspacewhenhavinganinformalconversationshouldvarybetween 18 inches - 4 feet, whilethepersonal distance neededwhenspeaking to a crowdofpeopleshouldbearound 10-12 feet?
chronemics • isthestudyofuseoftimeinnonverbalcommunication. Haveyoueverobservedthatwhileanemployeewillnotworryaboutrunning a fewminuteslate to meet a colleague, a managerwhohas a meetingwiththe CEO, a latearrivalwillbeconsideredas a nonverbalcuethathe / shedoesnotgiveadequaterespect to hissuperior?
paralinguistics • isthestudyofvariationsinpitch, speed, volume, andpauses to conveymeaning. Interestingly, whenthespeakerismaking a presentationandislookingfor a response, hewillpause. However, when no responseisdesired, hewilltalkfasterwithminimalpause.
physical appearance • Yourphysicalappearancealwayscontributestowardshowpeopleperceiveyou. Neatlycombedhair, ironedclothesand a livelysmilewillalwayscarrymoreweightthanwords.
Importance of non-verbal communication Remember, “whatwesay” is less importantthan “howwesay it” aswordsareonly 7% ofourcommunication. Understandandenjoynonverbalcommunicationas it helpsformingbetter first impressions. Goodluck!
Key words Message Oral communication Written communication Non-verbal communication Components of non-verbal communication
Message • The message is the main idea that you wish to communicate.
Oral communication Verbal communication is the communication that is expressed through words.
Written communication written communication - communication by means of written symbols (either printed or handwritten)
Non-verbal communication NVC is the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages.
Components of NVC Kinesics Oculesics Haptics Proxemics Chronemics Paralinguistics Physical appearance