“Our school is an excellent school… The problem is the special needs students count into our failures, even though they are doing the best that they can. Sometimes it is a success just for them to show up. Please reconsider the sanctions and AYP guides. Our students desire a fair chance, and our faculty is excellent.” - Mary Puntney-Katchmar
What is NCLB? • Reauthorization of ESEA and Title 1 combined. • Supports education based on standards. • Requires state development of basic skill assessments. • All students given same tests. • Done in order for schools to receive funding. • Goal was that students would be at grade level in reading and math by 2014. • Designed to promote national standards to school systems where success was biased toward certain demographic groups. • States have opportunity to determine how “success” is measured.
Specifics • Purpose is to raise achievement and close achievement gaps • Attempt to give all children great public schools/teaching • “Students must be tested annually in reading and math in grades 3 through 8 and at least once in grades 10 through 12. Students must be tested in science in at least one grade in elementary, middle and high school. Schools that don't meet goals for their overall student bodies or specific categories of students are sanctioned.”
Pros vs. Cons • Since states make own requirements, they can make it easier on students and therefore get funding more easily. • It threatens right to privacy. • NCLB conflicts with IDEA because it denies students with disabilities the right to an education that meets their specific needs. • Unclear conclusion on its affect on achievement. • Most school districts are cutting subjects such as social studies, science, art or other subjects to make more time for reading and math because those subjects are tested. • Classroom teaching is better aligned with state standards. • Teachers/principals use test results more efficiently and effectively to improve their teaching. • State test scores have increased in the majority of districts and states. • Schools Can Benefit
Viewpoints • Teachers • Teachers must be highly qualified • Paraprofessionals must have a two-year degree or equivalent. • Obama • “… I’ll tell you what’s wrong with No Child Left Behind, Promising high-quality teachers in every classroom and then leaving the support and the pay for those teachers behind is wrong. Labeling a school and its students as failures one day and then throwing your hands up and walking away from them the next is wrong.” • Obama help ideas: • Provide promised funding • Give necessary resources to states • Improvements to Assessment • Improvements to Accountability System
Works cited • http://www.greatschools.org/improvement/quality-teaching/61-no-child-left-behind.gs?page=all • http://www.nea.org/home/nclbvoices_Indiana.html • http://www.education.com/magazine/article/Obama_Child_Left_Behind/
What are the two areas that students should be in grade level by 2014? • Science and social studies • Math and English • Math and reading • English and social studies
Who falls in the "failure category" which is unjustified? • minority students • students below the poverty line • Special Education students • Middle class students
How often should students grades 3-8 be tested? • Annually • Once every 2 years • Twice a year • Every 3 months
What is one way schools do not benefit from NCLB? • Grants • Funding for Teacher training • Resources for Reading instruction • Restrictions on federal funding
A main issue with NCLB is that it makes schools focus less on other subjects. • True • False
NLCB has forced teachers to become highly qualified. • True • False