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No Child Left Behind. Federal Programs – Working Together Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Reauthorized by the “No Child Left Behind” Act of 2001 - Public Law 107-110 (NCLB). Commitment. NCLB.
No Child Left Behind Federal Programs – Working Together Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Reauthorized by the “No Child Left Behind” Act of 2001 - Public Law 107-110 (NCLB)
Commitment NCLB The major focus of No Child Left Behind 2001 is to provide all children with a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. The U.S. Department of Education is emphasizing four pillars within the bill: • Accountability • Flexibility • Research-based education • Parent options NCLB emphasizes the implementation of educational programs and practices that have been demonstrated to be effective. It is a national extension of the standards-based education reform efforts undertaken across the states.
State 2006 Results – Adequate Yearly Progress Elementary Schools State made adequate yearly progress at the elementary level in 29 of 37 categories (78%).
State 2006 Results – Adequate Yearly Progress High Schools State made adequate yearly progress at the high school level in 31 of 37 categories (84%). * Made AYP by making significant improvement (“safe harbor”).
State 2006 Results – AdequateYearlyProgress Middle Schools State made adequate yearly progress at the middle school level in 28 of 37 categories (76%).
Why do federal programs need to work together? Provide supplemental services in order to improve student achievement that benefits • students who are at risk of not meeting state standards and • educators for their continued professional development.
Supplement Not Supplant The provision requires that federal funds be used to augment the regular education program, and not substitute for funds or services that would otherwise be provided.
Connections Across Programs Title III Part A Language Instruction For Limited-English Proficient and Immigrant Students Title I Part A Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged Title I, Part C Migrant Education Program Title II, Part A Teacher & Principal Quality
Title I, Part A - Purpose The purpose of the federally-funded Title I program is to provide supplemental educational services to children who are most at risk of failing to meet the state’s student academic achievement standards in reading, language arts, and mathematics (and science in 2005-2006)
Title III Part A Title I Part A Title I, Part C Title I, Part A Title I Part A serves low-achieving students in high poverty schools including ELL, Migrant, Special Education, Homeless, Native American, Neglected & Delinquent and young children.
Title I, Part A – Who’s Eligible • Children who are economically disadvantaged, children with disabilities, and migrant or limited English proficient children are eligible for services on the same basis as other children selected to receive services • Children also eligible for services include homeless students, special education students, and former Head Start, Even Start and Early Reading First students • Students Pre-K through grade 12 are eligible for Title I services
Title I, Part A - Services Types of services • Additional instruction either in class or in small groups • Extended learning time (before and after school and in the summer) • Family Literacy • Pre-K readiness to learn • Counseling • Computer-assisted instruction • Combination of services listed above
Title I, Part A - Decisions • Building staff decide subject areas and grade levels to be served with Title I funds, based on the greatest academic needs of the students • Staff determine how many students can be served based on Title I funds allocated to the building
Title I, Part A – Targeted Assistance Targeted Assistance Programs NCLB Section 1115 “…multiple, educationally-related, objective criteria established by the local educational agency and supplemented by the school” is the basis for student selection
Title I, Part A – Targeted Assistance • A selection matrix may use standardized test results, classroom and curriculum assessments, teacher recommendation, and other indicators • Parents must be notified that their children are eligible for participation and given an opportunity to provide program input
Title I, Part A – Targeted Assistance • Students must be rank-ordered and services provided to the most academically at risk • Students enter and exit the program based on assessment analysis and criteria defined in their school improvement building plan
Title I, Part A - Instruction Instruction for Title I students: • Must incorporate effective methods and instructional strategies based on scientifically based research • Must be aligned with state Essential Academic Learning Requirements and Grade Level Expectations • Must be incorporated into existing school planning
Title I, Part A – Schoolwide Program Schoolwide Program NCLB Section 1114 • Designed for high poverty schools (40% or higher) • Does not require rank order list but targets most academically at risk students • Requires a year of planning
Title I, Part A – Schoolwide Program A schoolwide plan must describe 10 required components: • Comprehensive needs assessment • Schoolwide reform strategies • Instruction by highly qualified staff • Professional development activities • Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers • Strategies to increase parent involvement • Transition plans for preschool to elementary school • Inclusion of teachers in assessment decisions • Strategies to assist struggling students • Coordination and integration of federal, state and local services
Title I, Part A – Schoolwide Program • The schoolwide plan must include the names and the dollar amounts of the federal, local, and state programs that have been combined into the schoolwide program • All programs serving students should be addressed in the plan
Title I, Part A – Schoolwide Program • The schoolwide plan must address the intent and purpose of each of the federal programs that have been included in the program • Schoolwide programs must meet all requirements relating to health, safety, civil rights, student and family participation, private school services, maintenance of effort, and comparability of services
Title I, Part A – Schoolwide Program • Although all students in the schoolwide program are eligible for Title I services, it is the students who are at greatest risk of not meeting the state academic achievement standards that are to be the main focus of the services • Annual evaluation of the program/plan effectiveness is required of staff and parents
Title I, Part A – Schoolwide Program Schoolwide programs combining migrant (Title I, Part C) must be submitted to the Migrant Office of OSPI for approval • Must show evidence that the needs of migrant students are addressed in all program elements • Must be submitted annually for approval
Title I, Part C – Migrant Education Support of high-quality and comprehensive education programs for migratory children to help reduce the educational disruptions and other problems that result from repeated moves.
Title I, Part C - Migrant Education • Design programs to help migratory children overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems, and other factors that inhibit the ability of such children to do well in school. • Ensure that migratory children benefit from state and local systemic reforms.
Title II, Part A Teacher and Principal Quality
Title II, Part A – Purpose • Increase student achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom and highly qualified principals and assistant principals in schools; • Assure funds will target schools that • Have the lowest proportion of highly qualified teachers, • Have the largest average class size, • Identified for school improvement under section 1116(b) • Ensure equitable distribution of high quality teachers in high poverty, high minority, lower performing schools as in low poverty, low minority schools.
Title II, Part A Recruitment - shortage areas of highly qualified teachers • Strategies, mechanisms, initiatives • Incentives (scholarships, signing bonuses, differential pay for teachers to teach in academic subjects in which there exists a shortage of HQT in the district or a school) Hiring • Class size reduction – grade levels where at risk students benefit • Must meet HQT requirement
Title II Part A Retention • Strategies and initiatives for teachers to meet HQT requirements (professional development, coursework, assessment fee and other costs associated with completion of assessment, • Professional development • Aligned with state standards and focus on areas where students need additional learning support • Includes subject area specialist who provides job embedded professional development for teachers in the subject area – reading or mathematics coaches • Induction programs • Incentives (differential pay – hard to place assignment areas)
Title II, Part A Application for funding • Who are your students? • What are their learning needs? • Differentiated and/or specialized instruction, smaller class size • Who are the teachers teaching at-risk students and what are their professional learning needs? • Greater understanding of the subject area, differentiated and/or specialized instructional strategies, working with parents to better support student learning • How will the principal support teachers and is the principal prepared to provide the leadership and support for teachers? • How will Title IIA funds be used to meet the learning needs of teachers, principals and students? • How will success be measured – impact on classroom instruction and student learning?
Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Data - 2005-06 School Year • 135,826 core academic classes taught in Washington public schools • 33,045 Elementary Level • 102,806 Secondary Level • 95.6% of the classes are taught by teachers who meet HQT requirements • 97.8% - Elementary Level • 94.8% - Secondary Level • There is a .2% difference in elementary classes taught by HQ teachers in high poverty and low poverty elementary schools – 97.8% in high poverty vs. 98.0% at low poverty schools • There is a 8.0% difference of secondary classes taught by HQTs in high poverty and low poverty high schools – with 89.3% in high poverty and 97.3% in low poverty schools • All districts reported at 80% or above classes taught by HQT • 159 of 296 school districts reported that 100% classes taught by HQT • 114 of 296 school districts reported that 90% to 99.9% classes taught by HQT • 23 of 296 school districts reported that 80 to 89.9% classes taught by HQT
Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Data – 2005-06 School Year Elementary • 27,146 elementary teachers who teach 33,045 classes • 340 teachers (1.3%) who do not meet HQT requirements and teach 712 elementary classes (2.2%) Secondary Teachers - Middle School and High School • 22,009 secondary teachers who teach 102,806 classes • 1,567 secondary teachers (7.1%) who do not meet HQT requirements and teach 5,315 classes (5.2%) • 1,017middle/junior high teachers (4.6%) who do not meet HQT requirements • 550high school teachers (2.5%) who do not meet HQT requirements • Subject areas reporting highest numbers of non-HQTs • Mathematics • Reading • English/Language Arts • History
TITLE III, Part A - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, LANGUAGE ENHANCEMENT, AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT ACT Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students
Purpose: Title III, Part A To ensure that limited English proficient (LEP) students and immigrant children and youth develop English proficiency and Meet the same academic content and academic achievement standards that other children are expected to meet.
Planning for Services for Students • Look at the data • Determine services needed • Define how federal programs can assist in meeting the identified needs.
Scenario A Ricardo Ricardo has attended school in Texas and reads fluently in his native language, Spanish, however he does not speak English. His family moved to work in the farming industry. Ricardo qualifies for Migrant Education support and he is scheduled to attend a Title I Targeted Assistance School.
Scenario A (continued) Ricardo After being assessed for reading in Spanish, he does not require remedial assistance. So the ELL program will take responsibility for assisting him in acquisition of English. He was also assessed in mathematics in Spanish and scored below grade level. He was added to the Targeted Assistance rank order list and received Title I math services. The Migrant Education Office met with Ricardo’s family to help them find health services in the community.
Scenario B Tatiana Tatiana has recently arrived in Washington from Russia. She has been in school since Kindergarten and is now a tenth grade student. She excels in mathematics, but does not read in English. She speaks some English.
Scenario B (continued) Tatiana After a transcript review, it was determined that she is proficient in reading. She is assigned to work with the ELL teacher for English language development. She will also be provided primary language tutorial and academic support. Since she excels in reading and mathematics, she does not qualify for Title I services.
Scenario C Muhammad Muhammad has recently arrived from Somalia. He is ten years old and has never been in school. The lack of English and lack of academic experience are barriers to his school success. He is assigned to a Title I schoolwide. Services for him are to include additional support from the state bilingual program to help him acquire English. He will receive additional reading instruction from a Title I master teacher who has knowledge in assisting students who do not read. This is a specialized reading classroom set up in the school because of the high population of students that are low achieving. He will also receive mathematics support.
Scenario D Noi Noi had been in the Title I Part A school before and has returned. She and her family are migratory as they moved to work in the fishing industry. She is a proficient reader, but does not do well in mathematics. Even though she is a migratory student, it is the responsibility of the school to provide Title I Part A supplemental math instruction to improve her math skills.
School Improvement Planning • Look at the data • Determine services and support systems needed • Define how federal programs can assist in meeting the identified needs
AYP Guidance Scenario Step 3 School Improvement School A (Elementary) Scenario The school did not meet AYP because their fourth grade English Language Learners (ELL) and Hispanic students did not meet the state’s reading standard. The school developed a School Improvement Plan as required under Step 1 and Step 2. The plan focused on reading across the school but did not address the specific populations that did not meet standards (ELL and Hispanic students). The school had also entered into the state’s School Improvement support system with hiring a School Improvement Facilitator. .
AYP Guidance Scenario (continued) Step 3 School Improvement - School A (Elementary) Actions • The principal convened a group of teachers, parents; the district’s reading coach, the School Improvement Facilitator, and a national recognized reading expert on ELL to review the school’s improvement plan. • The group revisited the previous school improvement plan and specifically addressed the academic needs of their ELL and Hispanic populations. • The school reallocated their professional development Title I set-aside funds to focus on reading instruction for ELL students for all staff. • The principals with the teachers reviewed the schoolwide ten components and realized that they needed to focus federal and state program funds to provide adequate services for those students in most academic need. • The district reassigned the Reading Coach from a school meeting AYP standards. It became the responsibility of the coach to work with teachers on lesson design and classroom based assessments to monitor student achievement.
TOGETHER We make a difference in the lives of our students and the FUTURE of our country!
Commitment Contacts Bob Harmon - bob.harmon@k12.wa.us (360-725-6170) Assistant Superintendent Special Programs Gayle Pauley – gayle.pauley@k12.wa.us (360-725-6100) Director Title I/LAP/V/CPR Dr. Alfonso Anaya – alfonso.anaya@k12.wa.us (360-725-6146) Director Migrant and Bilingual Education Mary Jo Johnson – maryjo.johnson@k12.wa.us (360-725-6340) Director Title II Teacher/Principal