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Initial COA Brief MPAT TE-5. CTF Khokh Chono 6 August 2003. PURPOSE. Purpose : Brief Commander on Rough Courses of Action being developed Obtain approval / guidance for further planning of those COAs Obtain initial Wargaming guidance. AGENDA. Updated Facts/Assumptions C3
Initial COA BriefMPAT TE-5 CTF Khokh Chono 6 August 2003
PURPOSE Purpose: • Brief Commander on Rough Courses of Action being developed • Obtain approval / guidance for further planning of those COAs • Obtain initial Wargaming guidance
AGENDA • Updated Facts/Assumptions C3 • Review HHQ Msn and Intent C3 • Review CTF Msn and Intent C3 • COA 1 Overview CPG 1 Lead • COA 2 Overview CPG 2 Lead • COA 3 Overview CPG 3 Lead • COA 4 Overview CPG 4 Lead • Request CCTF COA Development Guidance CCTF • Request CCTF Wargame Guidance CCTF
UPDATED FACTS • Rogue elements not abiding to agreements • Lead Nation is Mongolia • Epidemics in several Displaced Civilians (DC) camps • 14 total DC camps (10 in Ayland and 4 in Beland) - 125,000 (34,000 refugees) • Humanitarian Coordinator “leading” humanitarian effort from the Humanitarian Operations Center (HOC) including setting relief priorities • Donor pallets: 3,300 pallets (C-130)
UPDATED FACTS • Epidemics (pulmonary and bronchial infections, Hep A and B, trachoma, SARS, and brucellosis) in several DC camps • Bubonic plague transmitted via marmots in AUG-OCT • Preparations for harsh winters in DC camps is inadequate • USMC/USN assets available thru C+30 • PACOM Contingency Communications Package (CCP) is available for duration of CTF mission • Rapid deployment of CTF forces NLT 15 1200 NOV 2003 • Operational Control/Tactical Control (OPCON/TACON) of forces is in accordance with MOUs between participating nations
UPDATED ASSUMPTIONS • Due to extreme summer draught, there is very high probability of a “Dzud” starting in October • Terrorists (TPFDL) will attempt to disrupt MNF & UN / IO / NGO efforts • Ayland and Beland continue to abide by Agreement • Beland and Ayland will provide law & order in Non-occupied zone (less camps) • Primary APOD can support air operations • Surface to air threat • TPFDL is well armed and organized, and receives support from significant elements of the population within the disputed area
UPDATED ASSUMPTIONS • Ayland/Beland Support as Host Nation extremely limited • Permissions for overland transit granted by Russia/China • IO/NGO will distribute HA to DC camps • Strategic lift available and may move IO/NGO HA material • APODs/SPODs/SLOC will remain open • SPOD/APOD: Vlad (Rus)/ULN (Mon), Choybalsan (Ay), Sainshand NE (Be) • APODs will not have sufficient POL and de-icing equipment • Certified Airlift/Airdrop will be required and possible
CTF RESTATED MISSION No later than 15 November, CTF KHOKH CHONO will secure the borders and maintain buffer zone, facilitate HA/DR operations in order to set the conditions to facilitate peace & security in Ayeland & Beland. On order, execute mission handoff to appropriate authorities
CTF COMMANDER’S INTENT • Purpose: • Set the conditions to facilitate peace & security in Ayland & Beland • Method: • Secure the borders and maintain buffer zone • Facilitate HA/DR operations • End state: • Secure a stable environment, alleviate immediate human suffering, mitigate the effects of the DZUD, substantially restore infrastructure critical to HA efforts, BZ is operational & effective, effective CT measure in place, MNF transitions to appropriate authorities & MNF redeployed
FOUR COAS COA 1: Geographical Zones LTC Imam Mulyono COA 2: Components by Service Col Udaya COA 3: HA/DR Primacy Capt Rick Regan COA 4: Sectoral Lt Col Simon Hutchinson
Under a CTF HQ: Main Effort: Security & HA/DR in zone Establish TF-A (in Ayland) & TF-B (in Beland) Examine organizing subordinate TF components by either function or mission; recommend procedures for coordination of air assets Supporting Effort: Establish TF-CT (MAF) Mission: CT in AO CPG-1 Guidance
COA 1 STATEMENT NLT 15 November, CTF Khokh Chono will rapidly deploy, secure the borders and maintain the Buffer-zone, Facilitate HA/DR and transition operations in the combined area of operations by utilizing parallel CTF organizations in order to facilitate peace and stability in Ayland and Beland.
CPG 1 COA: PHASING C+1 C+XX Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Legend: Phase 1 “Pre-Deploy/Lodgement/Deployment” Phase 4 Phase 2 “Secure AO/ Establish BZ” Phase 3 “Conduct HA/DR” Phase 5 Phase 4 “Transition to Follow on Force” Phase 5 “Redeploy”
NOVOSIBIRSK RUSSIA AYLAND CHOYBALSAN ULAANBAATAR BUFFER ZONE MONGOLIA BARUUN URT BELAND BEIJING PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA COA 1, PHASE 1: PRE-DEPLOY/ DEPLOY/LODGEMENT(C+0 to C+15) This phase starts when CTF forces are ordered to deploy into AO. The purpose is to prepare forces and deploy. The main effort is to CCTF. This phase ends when CTF forces have completed lodgement. CTF HQ: (ME) Plan for cold WX, Deploy,Start IO, Coord w/ SRSG CFACC: Deploy, Spt APOD establishment, est FOBs TF A: Deploy, Prep for operations TF B: Deploy, Prep for operations TF CT: Deploy, Prep for operations CSOTF: Deploy, Est APODS, Spt IO Campaign
NOVOSIBIRSK RUSSIA AYLAND CHOYBALSAN ULAANBAATAR BUFFER ZONE MONGOLIA BARUUN URT BELAND BEIJING PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA COA 1, PHASE 2: SECURE AO/ESTABLISH BUFFER ZONE(C+15 to C+30) This phase starts when lodgement is complete. The purpose is to secure the border and establish the buffer zone. The main effort is to TF A and TF B. This phase ends when border is secure, the buffer zone is established and conditions are set to begin HA/DR operations. CTF HQ: Continue IO, Prep for HA/DR CFACC: Spt TF A and TF B ops, spt CT efforts TF A: (ME) Secure AO, est BZ in Ayland, spt Ayland Law & Order TF B: (ME) Secure AO, est BZ in Beland TF CT: Dev/Assist in CT efforts, plan to eliminate terrorists CSOTF: FID, Spt and assist TF CT Efforts
NOVOSIBIRSK RUSSIA AYLAND CHOYBALSAN ULAANBAATAR BUFFER ZONE MONGOLIA BARUUN URT BELAND BEIJING PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA COA 1, PHASE 3: Conduct HA/DR(C+30 to C+XX) This phase starts when conditions are set to begin HA/DR operations. The purpose is to mitigate humanitarian suffering. The main effort is to CCTF. This phase ends when ordered to transition to appropriate authorities. CTF HQ: (ME) Facilitate HA/DR, Cont. IO Campaign, Prep to redeploy CFACC: Spt HA/DR, BPT spt Civ Agencies TF A: Facilitate HA/DR, BPT spt Civ Agencies TF B: Facilitate HA/DR, BPT spt Civ Agencies TF CT: BPT spt Civ Agencies CSOTF: BPT spt Civ Agencies
NOVOSIBIRSK RUSSIA AYLAND CHOYBALSAN ULAANBAATAR BUFFER ZONE MONGOLIA BARUUN URT BELAND BEIJING PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA COA 1, PH 4: TRANSITION(C+XX to C+XX) This phase starts CTF is ordered to transition to appropriate authorities. The purpose is to hand-over responsibilities of AO from military to civilian authorities. The main effort is to the CCTF. This phase ends appropriate authorities have assumed responsibility of mission. CTF HQ: (ME) Transition, Cont. prep to redeploy CFACC: Prep to redeploy TF A: Conduct hand-over, prep to redeploy TF B: Conduct hand-over, prep to redeploy TF CT: Prep to redeploy CSOTF: Prep to redeploy
NOVOSIBIRSK RUSSIA AYLAND CHOYBALSAN ULAANBAATAR BUFFER ZONE MONGOLIA BARUUN URT BELAND BEIJING PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA COA 1, PHASE 5: REDEPLOY(C+XX to C+XX) This phase starts with the mission close-out. The purpose is to redeploy CTF forces. The main effort is to the CCTF. This phase ends when all CTF forces are safely redeployed to their respective troop contributing countries (TCCs). CTF HQ: (ME) Redeploy CFACC: Redeploy TF A: Redeploy TF B: Redeploy TF CT: Redeploy CSOTF: Redeploy
COA 1 RISKS • Potential fratricide between TF A, TF B, and TF CT unless clear coordination lines established. • Lack of coordination between TF A and TF B could lead to Buffer Zone cross border incidents. • Multiple HA/DR organizations within CTF could lead to duplication of effort. • Decentralize organization could lead to National Command Element (NCE) issues (i.e.; National C2)
Under a CTF HQ: Organize CTF components by service (i.e., CARFOR, CAFFOR, CMARFOR, etc.) Main effort: BZ maintenance, CT campaign & security Supporting effort: HA / DR, CMO CPG-2 Guidance
COA 2STATEMENT No later than 15 November, CTF KHOKH CHONO will secure the borders and maintain buffer zone, set the conditions (peace & security) to facilitate HA/DR conditions in Ayland & Beland. The CTF will be prepared for CW, organised by component structure and will secure the initial lodgement with army forces, allowing the follow-on air/land forces to deploy into the AO and begin securing the borders/establish the BZ, which will set the conditions to facilitate distribution of HA/DR. On order, execute mission handoff to appropriate authorities and redeploy forces.
COA 2: PHASING PHASE 5 Redeploy PHASE 1 Preparation / Deploy PHASE 4 Transition PHASE 2 Establish Lodgement PHASE 3 Enforce Mandate –Estb BZ, CT & Security, facilitate HA/DR D-7 D-Day D+90 D+150 D+180 D-10 D+170 D-10 to D+10 Phase I – Deployment of forces D-7 to D+10 Phase II – Establish Lodgement D-Day to D+90 Phase III – Enforce Mandate D+80 to D+170 Phase IV – Transition D+150 to D+180 Phase V – Redeploy
NOVOSIBIRSK RUSSIA AYLAND CHOYBALSAN ULAANBAATAR BUFFER ZONE MONGOLIA BARUUN URT BELAND BEIJING PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA COA 2 PHASE 1: PREPARATION /DEPLOYMENT(D-10 to D +10) This Phase starts with issue of warning order and the subsequent embarkation to the AO to stand up the CTF. Initial marine, air and SOF actions prepare the battle space. CTF HQ: (ME)Organise equipping and training for CW for all coalition forces, Continue LNO with host nations, Co-ord with SRSG, C2 of deployment. CARFOR: Plan for CW Ops, High Alt acclimatization, preparation and build-up of specialized equipment, sectorization and detailing responsibilities, collection of ground info, fwd adv parties to APODs, conduct assessment, Est APOD, depl landing teams to secure APOD, depl Bn CAFFOR: Support APOD survey and security, conduct ISR of border region, deploy CTF ground forces, deploy offensive air assets, CW trg & prep. CMARFOR: Provide support to CARFOR as required, Commence CW trg & deployment, CSOTF: Est coalition SO Force, Depl SOF, Conduct adv force ops into AO, conduct assessments in disputed areas, prepare SRO/CSAR ops, assist APOD security, commence CW trg, support PSYOPS and IO planning CCMOTF: Identify civil organizations, plan for LO teams to local authorities and NGOs, prepare for lodgement, CPOTF: Initiate IO campaign CTF This phase ends when all forces have arrived in the AO.
NOVOSIBIRSK RUSSIA AYLAND CHOYBALSAN ULAANBAATAR BUFFER ZONE MONGOLIA BARUUN URT BELAND BEIJING PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA COA 2 PHASE 2: ESTABLISH LODGEMENT(D-7 to D +10) This phase starts after sufficient/required forces for Lodgement are in the AO. The purpose is to build-up/posture forces to conduct operations. CTF HQ: Continue co-ord of RSOI efforts, Liaison with SRSG CARFOR: (ME) Deploy to assigned sectors, CSS arrangements,co-ord with local law enforcement. Maintain security, Est QRF, recon BZ and LLOCs, Est FOB Ayland and Beland. CAFFOR: Complete depl of CTF forces, continue ISR of buffer zone, Lodge ground forces, BPT conduct off air ops in support of ground ops. CMARFOR: Support CARFOR, CSOTF: Insertion of SOF into disputed areas, Assist in est of BZ, RSI of disputed areas and terrorist groups, BPT support FID ops with A & B, BPT SRO/CSAR ops, BPT UW ops, support conduct of PSYOPs and CA CCMOTF: Est CMOC, co-operation with IO/NGO, depl LO teams, CPOTF: Continue IO Campaign This phase ends when all required forces are established in location and ready to begin operations
NOVOSIBIRSK RUSSIA AYLAND CHOYBALSAN ULAANBAATAR BUFFER ZONE MONGOLIA BARUUN URT BELAND BEIJING PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA COA 2 PHASE 3: ENFORCEMENT MANDATE(D DAY to D + 90) This phase begins when the required BZ security forces are in place and ready to commence enforcement of the mandate(UNSCR 1527 & UB agreement). CTF HQ: Liaise with SRSG, co-ordinate all ops, CARFOR: (ME) Secure BZ, enforcement of crossing points on borders, assist police with law & order, facilitate HA/DR ops. Initiate engineering ops. CAFFOR: Sustain & support ground forces, continue ISR of BZ, BPT support civ agencies, support building 5 star hotel for crew rest. CMARFOR: Support CARFOR, prepare and redeploy CSOTF: Assist in security of BZ, Assist in separation of A& B forces, support restoration of Law and Order, conduct FID with A & B forces, conduct DA ops, conduct UW within BZ, support conduct of PSYOPS and CA, conduct CT ops. CCMOTF: Co-ord with IO/NGO for security and Tpt of HA CPOTF: Continue IO campaign, focused on TPFDL illegitimacy and CTF mandate. This phase ends when peace and security has been established in the AO.
NOVOSIBIRSK RUSSIA AYLAND CHOYBALSAN ULAANBAATAR BUFFER ZONE MONGOLIA BARUUN URT BELAND BEIJING PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA COA 2 PHASE 4: TRANSITION(D+80 to D +170) This phase starts when peace and security has been established in the AO. The purpose is to commence the transition to follow on forces/ authorities. CTF HQ: (ME)Coordinate for handover to FOF/authorities/HA/DR authorities, coordinate ops. CARFOR: Develop and assist CT effort, continue BZ security, liaise with HA org, brief follow-on forces (A & B or PK) CAFFOR: Sustain & support ground forces, continue ISR of BZ, BPT support civilian agencies, support building 5 star hotel for crew rest, on order commence redeployment CMARFOR: N/A CSOTF: Train, develop and transition A & B CT forces, execute msn handover to A & B SOF CCMOTF:Coordinate and reinforce the NGO/IO, provide humanitarian assistance. CPOTF: Continue IO campaign, focus on transition and stability in AO This phase ends when other forces have assumed security and other tasks/duties of the CTF.
NOVOSIBIRSK RUSSIA AYLAND CHOYBALSAN ULAANBAATAR BUFFER ZONE MONGOLIA BARUUN URT BELAND BEIJING PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA COA 2 PHASE 5: REDEPLOY(D+150 to D +180) This phase commences during the completion of the handover to FOF/authorities. The purpose is to allow for a smooth transition and repatriate deployed forces . CTF HQ: (ME)Handover, monitor redeployment. CARFOR: Redeploy as the last component. CAFFOR: Redeploy CTF forces. CMARFOR: N/A CSOTF: Redeploy SOF & conduct liberty CCMOTF: Redeployment. CPOTF: Redeployment This phase ends upon the completion of the military end-state.
COA 2 RISK • Deploying for CW training will cut into time line/deployments. • Component structure of CTF will make C2 difficult.
CPG-3 Guidance • CTF is established as a Coalition Civil Military Operations Task Force (CCMOTF) • Main effort: Civil-military Operations • Supporting effort: security • Organization: IAW MNF SOP, Chapter C-7, Figure C-7-A-1, CCMOTF Organizational Model
COA 3 Statement • COA 3: Features establishment of incremental escalation of force and simultaneous HA operations. CCTF conducts operations in five phases: • Phase 1: Pre-Deployment and form CTF in UB • Phase 2: Lodgment and intra-theater movement from UB to AO • Phase 3: Decisive Operations • Phase 4: Transition • Phase 5: Redeployment
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 COA 3: PHASING 1 Oct 03 C Day C+21 C+180 Legend: Phase 1 “Pre-deployment Phase 2 “Lodgment” Phase 3 “Decisive Operations” Phase 4 “Transition” Phase 5 “Redeployment”
Ayland Mongolia Beland COA 3, PHASE 1: PRE-DEPLOYMENT(now to C+0) is to __________. The main effort is ________. This phase ends _______. This phase has commenced. CTF HQ is established vic UB, form CTF vic UB, conduct theater specific training as required, and conduct RSOI operations. The main effort is CTF HQ. This phase ends on C Day. CTF HQ: - (ME) CTF HQ established vic UB; Prepare to accept C2 of MNF forces, conduct theater specific trg as required, implement IO campaign planning/execution; Establish strong coordination links with SRSG TF SEC: - Form and organize TF Security in UB, Conduct theater specific trg as required, BPT provide FP as required. CSOTF: - Form and organize CSOTF in UB, Conduct theater specific trg as required, conduct assessments, conduct Advance Force Operations (AFO); conduct contingency planning TF HA/DR: Form and organize TF HA/DR in UB, Conduct theater specific trg as required, Conduct HA assessment, establish relationship with IO/NGO TF CSS: - Form and organize TF CSS in UB, Conduct theater specific trg as required, Conduct RSOI, Establish ISB/FOB. UB AIR/LAND
Ayland Mongolia Beland COA 3, PHASE 2: LODGEMENT(C+0 to C+21) This phase starts on C Day. The purpose is to position forces in Theater, by securing APOD/LOC, commencing force build-up, and commencing CTF security operations. The main effort is TF CSS. This phase ends when CTF has sufficient forces and stocks in Theater to commence HA/DR support operations, and to provide a secure operational environment. CTF HQ: - Deploy forward command element into Theater; TF SEC: - Secure fwd bases in Theater and LOC; Provide force protection for CTF; Establish QRF in Theater CSOTF: - Establish recovery/CSAR force in Theater; continue AFO; Continue assessments TF HA/DR: - Deploy into Theater; Establish coordination mechanisms; Continue assessments; BPT support emergency HA/DR RFA; TF CSS: (ME)- Provide lift into AO; continue ISB/FOB operations; Commence material build-up in Theater; Commence development of Winterized CTF facilities; UB
Ayland Mongolia Beland COA 3, PHASE 3: DECISIVE OPERATIONS(C+21 to on order) This phase starts on C + 21. The purpose is to establish and enforce the BZ regime, and expand and conduct HA/DR support efforts. The main effort is TF HA/DR. This phase ends when CTF support to NGO HA/DR efforts are no longer required, border regime and BZ effective, and secure environment established in AO. CTF HQ: - Conduct transition planning for mission handoff to appropriate authorities TF SEC: (SPT Effort)- Secure the borders and maintain buffer zone; Maintain separation of Ayland and Beland armed forces; Maintain CTF QRF; Be prepared to temporarily assure execution of security functions in Ayland (disputed area) (includes detaining, transporting and turning over of lawbreakers to proper authorities). CSOTF: - Maintain CTF Recovery/CSAR capability; Conduct FID with CT forces from A and B; In conjunction with governments of Ayland & Beland, develop a CT plan to eliminate the terrorist threat in Ayland & Beland, in particular in the disputed area & DC camps TF HA/DR: (ME) - Facilitate HA/DR operations; TF CSS: - Continue rear area support operations; provide logistic/technical support to CTF; UB CTF
Ayland Mongolia Beland COA 3, PH 4: TRANSITION(on order) This phase starts on order when designated authority is ready to sustain follow-on operations. The purpose is to facilitate handoff of CTF tasks to appropriate authorities. The main effort is CTF HQ. This phase ends CTF responsibilities assumed by designated authorities. CTF HQ: - Monitor the handoff of CTF functions to appropriate authorities. TF SEC: - Maintain CTF QRF, Facilitate handoff of tasks to appropriate authorities. CSOTF: -Maintain CTF Recovery/CSAR capability; Facilitate handoff of tasks to appropriate authorities. TF HA/DR: Facilitate handoff of tasks to appropriate authorities. TF CSS: - Prepare for redeployment; Facilitate handoff of tasks to appropriate authorities. UB CTF
Ayland Mongolia Beland COA 3, PHASE 5: REDEPLOY(C+180 to as required) This phase starts on order. The purpose is to redeploy CTF forces to TCC. The main effort is TF CSS. This phase ends when redeployment from UB is complete. CTF HQ: - Transfer to C2 back to TCC; retain C2 of designated stay-behind forces TF SEC: - Maintain CTF QRF; redeploy CSOTF: - Maintain CTF Recovery/CSAR capability; redeploy TF HA/DR: Redeploy TF CSS: (ME) - Facilitate CTF re-deployment; redeploy UB
COA 3 RISKS • BZ regime not enforced till Phase 3 • Risk: Resumption of hostilities • Mitigation: IO campaign, SOF, QRF, FID • HA/DR limited to emergency response till Phase 3 • Risk: Deterioration of Humanitarian Situation • Mitigation: Emergency response mission allocated to TF HA/DR
CPG-4 Guidance • Under a CTF HQ: • AO divided into sectors (Main & Supporting Efforts determined by Sector Commanders) • Organize CTF components by sector • CTF Component CDRs are lead force in a sector • Several nations may be assigned to a sector • Nations are assigned responsibility for all missions (except CT) in sector • MAF responsible for CT campaign
COA 4 Statement Operate By Sector • COA 4: An incremental build-up to deliver 3 TFs balanced and poised to conduct simultaneous HA and security ops as required. CCTF conducts operations in 5 phases: • Phase 1: Preparation and deployment • Phase 2: Lodgment • Phase 3: Execute the mandate • Phase 4: Transition • Phase 5: Redeployment
CTF Component Organization Legend: Strategic Guidance And Support OPCON or TACON NATIONAL COMMAND Coordination, Support and Consultation Supporting Nation)s) (NAT AUTH) Lead Nation (NAT AUTH) Supported Strategic Commander Supporting Strategic Commander(s) CCC Coalition Coordination Center (used within coalitions) Commander Coalition / Combined Task Force (CCTF) CCC TF3 TF1 TF2 TF-CT National Forces National Forces National Forces National Forces National Forces National Forces National Forces National Forces TF-CRAC
EXAMPLE: PHASING C+1 30 60 90 120 150 180 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Legend: Phase 1 “PREP AND DEPLOYMENT” Phase 4 Phase 2 “LODGEMENT” Phase 3 “EXECUTE MANDATE” Phase 5 Phase 4 “POSTCRISIS TRANSITION” Phase 5 “REDEPLOY”
COA 4 – Sector Definition TF-2 Sector Sectors TF–1 Sector: Ayland & Beland east of 116.30deg East TF–2 Sector: Ayland and Beland between 116.30deg East and 114 deg East TF–3 Sector:Ayland and Beland east of 108 deg TF-CRAC Sector: Remaining areas of Ayland & Beland; and Mongolia inside AO Where possible, actual boundaries to follow Aimag or Provincial boundaries TF-CRAC Sector CTF HQ TF-1 Sector TF-3 Sector
COA 4, PHASE 1: Preparation and Lodgment This phase starts upon receipt of WO. The purpose is to prepare and deploy CTF. The main effort is RSOI. This phase ends TFs are task-organised and ready to move into the sectors. TF-2 Sector TF–1 TF–2 TF–3 TF-CRAC: RSOI, establish APOD/SPOD TF-CT: Advanced force ops CCTF: Initiate IO campaign for CCTF RSOI TF-CRAC Sector CTF HQ TF-1 Sector TF-3 Sector
Establish Sectors, begin liaison, BPT HA/DR, protect/defend LLOCs COA 4, PHASE 2: Expand Lodgment This phase starts when TFs are task-organised and ready to move into the sectors . The purpose is to establish the sectors. The main effort is establishing Sector1. This phase ends when all forces are postured to enforce the mandate. TF-2 Sector TF–1 TF–2 TF–3 TF-CRAC: Rear area security, protect/defend LLOCs TF-CT: BPT CT, FID CCTF: Continue IO campaign, coordination TF-CRAC Sector CTF HQ TF-1 Sector TF-3 Sector
Establish and maintain the BZ, support HA/DR Prepare for transition phase COA 4, PHASE 3: Enforce the Mandate This phase starts when all forces are postured to enforce the mandate. The purpose is to enforce the mandate and facilitate HA/DR. The main effort is establishing and maintaining the BZ. This phase ends when conditions allow the transfer of CTF functions to appropriate authorities . TF-2 Sector TF–1 TF–2 TF–3 TF-CRAC: Rear area security, protect/defend LLOCs TF-CT: Conduct FID and CT ops, advanced force ops CCTF:Continue IO campaign, coordination TF-CRAC Sector CTF HQ TF-1 Sector TF-3 Sector