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Adjectives of 3 rd declension

Adjectives of 3 rd declension. Adjectives of 3 rd declension. three forms in nominative singular : āc er , ācr is , ācr e (celer, celeris , celere) each gender has its own form in nom . sg . two forms in nominative singular : nāsāl i s , nāsal e

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Adjectives of 3 rd declension

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  1. Adjectivesof 3rddeclension

  2. Adjectivesof 3rddeclension • threeforms in nominative singular: • ācer, ācris, ācre (celer, celeris, celere) • each gender has itsownform in nom. sg. • twoforms in nominative singular: • nāsālis, nāsale • mamasculines and feminineshavethesameform in nom. sg. • oneform in nominative singular: • simplex, simplicis • allthreegendershavethesameform in nom. sg • itisimportant to knowalsotheir genitive ending (in thedictionary) • itisimportant to knowalltheformsgiven in thedictionary

  3. 3 forms

  4. 2 forms

  5. 1 form

  6. All threetypesofadjectivesof 3rd declension

  7. Adjektiva 3. deklinace • masculine and feminine gender forms are declinedaccording to paradigmpelvis • !but abl. sg.: -ī! • neutersaccording to paradigmrete Abl. sg. -ī Gen. pl. -ium Nom. a Ak. pl. -ia(neuters)

  8. Decline: dolor acer nervuscranialis vertebracervicalis caput breve

  9. Decline:

  10. Guessfromwhichnouns are thefollowingadjectivesderived: cranialis, e lateralis, e ulnaris, e abdominalis, e bronchialis, e nasalis, e frontalis, e capitalis, e dentalis, e uterinus, a, um vertebralis, e cervicalis, e cutaneus, a, um palatinus, a, um pectoralis, e

  11. Connectthenounswithadjectives pulveres + simplex contrafebrim + continuus, a, um partes + aequalis, e laesiovasorum + afferens cumveneno + validus, a, um in haemorrhagia + gravis, e pulveressimplices contrafebrimcontinuam partes aequales laesiovasorumafferentium cumvenenovalido in haemorrhagiagravi

  12. Connectthetermswiththenouns and prepositions laesio(medullaspinalis, nervuscranialis, caputlateralemusculitricipitisbrachii) causa (delirium tremens, spondylitisdeformans, sclerosis multiplex, icterus gravis, doloracutus, thrombosisvenae) mors post (spondylitisdeformans, trauma grave, vulnusperforanssclerae, carcinomalatens, febrissubita) sine (dolor acer, trauma grave, febris, fracturacomplicata)

  13. Changethenumber extractiodentislactei pro dosi medicinali morbilatentes e tunicismucosis dosis letalis contusiopericulosa extractionesdentiumlacteorum pro dosibusmedicinalibus morbuslatens e tunica mucosa dosesletales contusionespericulosae

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