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The Early Republic. George Washington 1789-1797. Where to Start?. Capital: New York City Congress passes the Federal Judiciary Act Supreme Court would have one chief justice, and five associate justices Washington appoints John Jay as chief justice. Washington’s Cabinet.
Where to Start? • Capital: New York City • Congress passes the Federal Judiciary Act • Supreme Court would have one chief justice, and five associate justices • Washington appoints John Jay as chief justice
Washington’s Cabinet • Vice President: John Adams • Secretary of War: Henry Knox • Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson • Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton • Attorney General: Edmund Randolph
Debt, Debt, Debt • USA owed A LOT of money for the Revolutionary War • Had to pay it back to gain trust and respect of other countries • Whose job is it to figure out a plan? • Alexander Hamilton!!! (Secretary of Treasury)
Hamilton’s Financial Plan • Pay of all war debt • Southern states did not want to pay any more money because they had already paid their part • Came to a compromise: We will help pay, but move the capital south!!!
2. Increase Government Revenue • Revenue = income • Passed tariffs • Tax on imported goods… why? • Highest tariffs added to foreign goods that were bought in large quantities • Raised money for the government • Encouraged American industry
3. Create a national bank • Safe place to keep money • Could loan money to businesses and government • Could issue money • How does Hamilton create the Bank of the United States? • Elastic Clause: “necessary and proper” • Jefferson and Madison argued it was unconstitutional
What else does Washington do? • Decides on the title “President” • Increased national security: Secures the Northwest Territory against Native Americans (Battle of Fallen Timbers) • Showed the strength of the national government: Enforced a tax on whiskey, even against rebellion • Declared USA neutral in the French Revolution
Remaining Neutral… Not so easy • Jay’s Treaty: Britain was attacking goods being shipped on American boats. John Jay is sent to work this out. British fear being brought in to the battles over the Northwest Territory and quickly leave the area. Also agree to pay for ships they had damaged. Do not agree to open the British West Indies to Americans for trade.
Pickney’s Treaty: Agreement with Spain allowing the Americans to use the Mississippi River freely and to store goods at New Orleans. Settled the border of Florida.
Farewell Address • Sets a precedent (an example to be followed by others)—only 2 terms • Stay neutral! • Avoid political parties!
Federalists Hamilton, Adams Strong fed gov Fear of rule by mob Loose interpretation of Constitution National Bank Economy= Manufacturing and Shipping Democratic-Republicans Jefferson, Madison Weaker fed gov Fear of rule by one Strict interpretation of Constitution No national bank Economy=Farming Political Parties Develop…
Trouble from the Start… • His opponent, Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican), becomes Vice-President • XYZ Affair • Passed Alien and Sedition Acts:
XYZ Affair • French began attacking US ships to stop them from trading with Britain • Adams hoped to avoid war and sent representatives to talk to the French • 3 French agents (X, Y, Z): We will talk to you if you loan France $10 million and give a bribe of $250,000 • Eventually Adams will make peace with France and count it as one of his greatest accomplishments
Alien and Sedition Acts • Democratic-Republicans call Adams “the blasted tyrant of America” • Adams wants to silence his critics—targets immigrants who aren’t citizens (aliens) • Increase wait time to become a citizen • Allowed President to arrest and deport disloyal aliens • Could not write false/harmful things about the government
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions • Virginia: Madison: Argues that a state can come between the national government and the citizens of the states (STATES’ RIGHTS) • Kentucky: Jefferson: States have the right to nullify (cancel) and not follow federal laws
Life in the White House • 1800—Adams is the first President to live in the White House • Married to Abigail Adams • Tried to convince her husband to fight for equality for women
Adams and the Supreme Court • Judiciary Act of 1801: appointed as many Federalist judges as he could before Jefferson’s inauguration • Appointed John Marshall as chief justice!!!
Thomas Jefferson1801-1809 QUICK REVIEW!
Election of 1800 • Tied with Aaron Burr • Tie breaker goes to the House of Reps • Surprisingly, Alexander Hamilton will support (and gain support) for Jefferson • On the 36th tie breaking vote, Jefferson is named President with Burr as his Vice President
Marbury vs. Madison • John Adams had made many federal appointments, including William Marbury as justice of the peace in the District of Columbia. (“Midnight judges”) • Jefferson refused to recognize the appointment of Marbury. • The normal practice of making such appointments was to deliver a "commission," or notice, of appointment. This was normally done by the Secretary of State. Jefferson's Secretary of State at the time was James Madison. • At the direction of Jefferson, Madison refused to deliver Marbury's commission. Marbury sued Madison, and the Supreme Court took the case. • The Supreme Court decided Marbury’s lawsuit unconstitutional and denied his claim. • Established the idea of judicial review—Supreme Court gets the final say in whether or not something is constitutional
Louisiana Purchase • 1803—purchased from France for $15 million (3 cents an acre!) • This land will double the size of the USA • Lewis and Clark sent to explore the Northern part of the new land, hoping to find an all water route to the Pacific and to describe the land • Receive help from Sacagawea • Zebulon Pike will explore the Southern part (find Pike’s Peak)
How can the people living in the Ohio River Valley benefit from the fact that America, not France is in charge of the Louisiana Territory? New Orleans is a very important port for trade!
Embargo Act of 1807 • British blockade stops American trade • Impressment—British begin to kidnap American sailors • Instead of war, Jefferson asks Congress to pass the Embargo Act of 1807—stops ALL trade (in and out) • Problem? The embargo hurt Americans more than anyone else • It was like “cutting one’s throat to cure the nosebleed”
War of 1812http://www.history.com/topics/war-of-1812/videos#james-madison-and-the-war-of-1812 • Causes: • British support of Natives in Ohio River Valley • Impressment of American sailors • Blockades • Effects: • Jackson is made a hero (New Orleans) • Treaty of Ghent: no clear winner • Patriotism UP (Star Spangled Banner) • Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution • Change from hand made goods to factory made goods • Faster and easier • Francis Cabot Lowell, Eli Whitney, Robert Fulton, Samuel Morse, John Deere, Cyrus McCormick
Slavery on the Rise • Where? • Southern plantations • Why? • Cotton gin encouraged more cotton growth; needed slaves to pick the cotton • Why not the North? • Not much farming, more industrial • How did slaves communicate? • Through sprituals—send secret messages
Nat Turner • Born on a plantation in Virginia, learned to read and write • Thought God wanted him to free the slaves • Led an armed rebellion in 1831 • Killed 55 people, but he was stopped quickly • This rebellion spread fear in the South and led to harsher laws against slaves
Madison and Nationalism • USA is number ONE! • Did not need foreign help for the economy… why not? Henry Clay’s Plan: The American System • Protective tariff • National Bank • Improve Transportation
Protective Tariff • Tax on imports • How does this help US factories? National Bank • One currency instead of many • Established the 2nd Bank of the US
Improving Transportation • Roads • Cumberland Road was extended to reach from Maryland to Illinois • Became known as the National Road • Waterways: “The Age of Canals” • Erie Canal: From NYC to Buffalo • United Ohio River Valley and New England • NYC grew by 75,000 people in 10 year! • Railroads
“The Era of Good Feelings” • Time period with very few political differences, the Federalist party disappears • Monroe, a Democratic-Republican, won the election pretty easily
Supreme Court Cases • McCulloch vs. Maryland • States cannot tax a national bank! • Gibbons vs. Ogden • Interstate commerce would be handled by the federal government! • Who do these cases give power to? • Federal government! • Who is the chief justice on these cases? • John Marshall!
What are our boundaries? • East • Atlantic Ocean • West • Rocky Mountains • North • Settle with the British; 49th parallel • South • Andrew Jackson is sent to Florida to stop raids; he claims Florida for USA • Spain gives us Florida in the Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)
What is sectionalism? • Opposite of nationalism • Loyalty to your area of the country more than the USA as a whole • Why might sectionalism be growing?
The Missouri Compromise • USA has 11 slave, and 11 free states • Missouri applies to be a state, they want slaves • Why would some people say no? • Henry Clay comes up with Missouri Compromise • Add Missouri as a slave state • Add Maine as a free state • No more slavery above 36O30’ (in Louisiana Territory)
The Monroe Doctrine • Latin American countries had won their independence from Spain/Portugal • Europe wanted to help S/P regain their power • Why would the USA be worried about this? • Monroe Doctrine: • Do NOT set up anymore colonies in the Americas • We will stay out of European issues • The USA is becoming a superpower!
Election of 1824 • New England: John Quincy Adams • South: Crawford • West: Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson • Jackson wins the popular votes • No one wins the electoral majority • The decision goes to the House of Representatives…
Choosing between the top 3 • Henry Clay is OUT! • Clay supports JQAdams in the House, and he WINS! • In turn, Adams makes Clay his Secretary of State • Jackson supporters in Congress did not allow JQA to get much done because they thought he was corrupt!