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NEW TESTAMENT FOUNDATIONS NT 102. Introduction A. Importance of the NT 1. Status 2. Content. B. OT & NT: Continuity & Discontinuity
Introduction • A. Importance of the NT • 1. Status • 2. Content
B. OT & NT: Continuity & Discontinuity “The days are coming when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors the day when I took them by the hand to lead them forth from the land of Egypt … I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts. I will be their God and they shall be my people” (Jer. 31:31-33).
Moving from an Exiled Israel of the OT the Reconstitution of Israel (the new Israel to include Gentile believers) the Redemption of the Cosmos in the New
(Dis)continuity with the OT • Differences from the OT: • 1. Cultural situation: • a. Language shifts • b. Hellenism • 2. Political forces • a. From the West • b. Tensions in Palestine
3. Socio-economic affairs • a. Economic realities • b. Travel & multi-cultural environments • c. Cosmopolitan landscape • d. Focus lies outside Israel • 4. Religious tradition
C. Text & Books of the NT • i. Language of the NT world • ii. Characteristics of NT Greek • 1. Koiné style • 2. Semitic influence
D. The Canon of the NT • i. Preliminary remarks (see B. Metzger, The Canon of the NT) • 1. Canon defined • 2. How did the canon come about? (Why was there a need?) • 3. Why only these books?
ii. Authoritative works in the 1st century • 1. The OT • 2. The teachings of Jesus • 3. The writings of the apostles
iii. The Rise of the New Testament 1. Major developments contributing to formalizing NT a. Marcion controversy (circa. 150AD) b. a spate of various kinds of Christian writings (see Schneemelcher, NT Apocrypha) c. church’s response
2. Qualifications for canonicity a. apostolicity b. regular reading in church liturgy (lections) c. consistency of theology 3. Muratorian Canon (c. AD 200); Origen (c. AD 250); Eusebius (c. AD 300)
4. Development of the inclusion of NT letters: a. around 150-70, formally certainly authoritative: 4 Gospels, Acts, Paul’s letters, 1 Peter, 1 John (21 books) [Revelation?] b. certainly not authoritative: Acts of Paul, Shepherd of Hermas, Apocalypse of Peter, Epistle of Barnabas, Didache, Gospel According to the Hebrews
c. disputed: James, Jude, 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, Revelation (authorship issue) 5. Recognition of present 27 books (last half 4th c.) E. Current Issues
Aims of the Course 1. historical & cultural background 2. basic content of the NT 3. coherence of individual books and what issues they address in what settings.
Emphases: 1. NT documents as unitary Wholes: a. literary context b. historical context 2. NT as Word of God both to live it & to teach others
1 Tim. 4:16: “Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; continue in these things, for in doing this you will save both yourself and your hearers.”
Introduction I. Roman Caesars
II. The Geography & the Peoples i. Roman Empire & Provinces
iii. Language III. Everyday Life in Graeco-Roman Society i. Classes in society 3 classes of people: Slaves; Freedmen; Free.
1. Emperor & the imperial household 2. Aristocracy (Honestiores) i. Senate ii. Equestrians iii. Decurions iv. Wealthy landowners & traders v. Examples of wealthy or powerful early Christians
3. Slaves (Humiliores) a. 1/5 of the population b. Reasons for enslavement c. Lifestyle & conditions d. Many were believers
4. Artisans, freedmen & working classes 5. Roman military 6. Roman citizenship 7. Patrons & Clients
i. Husbands/Men • ii. Wives/Women • iii. Children
9. Education • a. Public Gymnasium • b. Rhetoric • 10. Work & leisure • 11. Guilds, clubs & associations
IV. Religions • A. Role of religion • 1. pervasive
2. corporate, civic activity • 3. religion & politics inseparable • 4. bolster political unity • 5. society critical of those who rejected traditional religions
B. The gods • 1. classical Greek pantheon with Roman deities • 2. Agricultural activities • 3. Urban matters • 4. Healing figures • 5. Pagan temples
C. Characteristics • 1. Ceremonial, ritual purity & rites • 2. polytheistic • 3. popularity of astrology, magic & occult practice • 4. sense of helplessness before all-pervading Fate • 5. gods as benefactors/patrons of communities • 6. gods subjected to human passions
E. Mystery religions Mystery religions appeal to: 1. the emotions 2. the intellect 3. the conscience
Varieties of mystery religions: 1. Dionysus 2. Cybele (Great-mother of the gods) & Attis (her consort 3. Isis, Osiris & Serapis 4. Mithraism
Common features of mystery religions: i. elaborate secret initiation, revelation of ‘mysteries’ ii. regular fellowship & the sharing of sacrificial meals iii. spiritual ecstasy (in some cases) iv. reputation for immorality v. notions of a dying & rising god?