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Professional Development Plan for Tami Noorzay. Five Year Plan. Introduction. What is the plan?
Professional Development Plan for Tami Noorzay Five Year Plan
Introduction What is the plan? • “In-service teachers can become self directed to identify their goals and plans for continued professional growth instead of depending on an administrator to determine their effectiveness through one or two yearly evaluations” (Constantine et al.,p. 5) • Reflecting on the past and laying a foundation for the future for continuing education and growth, increasing skills in the studio, bringing forward theory and practice, and expanding leadership within the community. • Finding learning opportunities which align with areas requiring deeper investigations in student centered learning, behavior management strategies for challenging student/s, and motivating non-participatory students • Creating new paths for professional experiences including leadership, curriculum development at the district level and grant writing,collaborating with a community partner or city to open cultural arts opportunities at schools or establish an arts center
Goals • Support breadth and depth of studio skills • Expand behavior management strategies • Presentation of curriculum at conferences • Advocacy and leadership in North County • Bringing arts educators together for collaboration and professional development • District level involvement • City partnership/arts commission • Supporting community through volunteerism
Timeline • Spring 2014-plant seeds to implement 5 year plan • School Year 2014/15-Seminars,Present at SDCAEA, volunteer, grants • Summer 2015- brush-up ceramic skills • School Year 2015/16 leadership-staff training, North County SDCAEA • Summer 2016 deepen fiber arts skills • School Year 2016/17join arts commission,present at NAEA, SDCAEA • Summer 2017 develop metal/jewelry making skills • School Year 2017/18CBDG, writing district level curriculum • Summer 2018 museum/arts center management • School Year 2018/19 collaboration with city -cultural arts center
Present • Building a framework for the next five years • Completion of Masters in Global Education • Fact finding missions at North County Lifeline and other support organizations about volunteering with at risk students-tutoring • Contact mentor teachers at Alta Vista and General Murray continuation schools for ideas • Summer 2014 enroll in ceramics classes for a refresher (forcredit) • Research seminar, extended studies classes at CSSMU, UCSD et al. on better differentiation strategies to motivate and manage special populations, especially at risk students • Summer teaching at Batiquitos Lagoon ecology and conservation of our precious resources and two week Creative Arts Intensive-theater and the visual arts
No Time like the present! • Just returning from NAEA “SPARK” Conference loaded with notes, full of inspiration to create new curriculum
New Opportunities! • SDCAEA mega conference presenter Rationale: Moving out of the classroom and into the community of arts educators to become a collaborator and co-creator of curriculum. Incorporating ELA common core and visual arts standards this lesson is culturally appropriate and integrates social science earth and life sciences. Presented for 3-5th grade (can be modified for middle and high school levels)
School Year 2016/2017 Enhancements • Join the city Arts Commission with the agenda of collaborating with the city to create opportunities for students to engage the community with the arts • Reflect on volunteer work to date and discern next steps • Read two of the latest books on educational theory and practice • Take a seminar/workshop on better grant writing, or museum /arts center management/running a nonprofit
Rationale for Choices • Development and growth in leadership in the arts educators community • Gain student centered strategies for behavior management and motivation of underserved students • Deepen studio art techniques in order to create diverse opportunities within the classroom.
School Year 2014/2015 • Present at SDCAEA Arts Empower Mega Conference at Balboa Park • Begin attending SDCAEA meetings in order to gain momentum for opening a chapter for North County arts educators • Sign up for class/seminar focused on supporting special populations, at risk students (for credit) • Attend CAEA conference in November, possible presentation opportunity • Summer take Fiber Arts class at community college(for credit) .
School Year 2014/2015 Enhancements: • Collaborate with three other disciplines on cross curricular lessons, either I will co-create an art lesson for them to integrate or we will integrate their curriculum into my studio project • Apply for Lowe's Tool Box for Education Grant either Fall or Spring to fund a “public”/campus installation-mural, sculpture etc • Begin volunteering at North County Lifeline, Boys and Girls Club etc for tutoring • Continue volunteer work with Vista Teen Outreach, running food drives, stocking school food pantries etc
School Year 2015/2016 • Provide Staff trainings on arts integration, highlighting CCS through the arts • Attend and present at CAEA • Bring SDAEA to North County and lead • Continue with next class or seminar in the quest to become more student centered around specific student populations (forcredit) • Summer class at community college in metal work or jewelry making(for credit)
School Year 2015/2016 Enhancements • Work with Arts Empower toward arts advocacy and building community partnerships in support of the arts • Continue with volunteer work at NCLL and VTO • Work with The Kid's College programs that meet the needs of underserved students at Title I schools
School Year 2016/2017 • Groundwork for becoming a district curriculum planner, writer, and implementation workshop leader • Educational research project in conjunction with research university focused on multicultural curriculum or teaching core subjects through the arts • Continue to expand SDAEA North County • Present at NAEA • Summer class at community college glass slumping/blowing etc (for credit)
School Year 2017/2018 • Continue work on research project • Follow up on collaboration with city • Apply for CBDG to open a cultural arts center to serve the populations who would not have access to such opportunities, education, performances and entertainment • Follow-up on new directions that have presented as a result of all these endeavors
Looking Back... • Reflect upon the goals and plans • What were the highlights • What provided the sharpest contrasts and gave birth to new directions, perspectives, and inspirations • What needs to be reconstructed in order to provide clarity and better growth • What is the next 5 year plan going to be...
Reflection • Having taught Standards based studio arts classes for K-12 in two local school districts, multiple after school programs and specialty arts camps and intensives, I have a good foundation not only in the arts, but also core subject integration into my arts curriculum. I have steadily attended local, state and national professional conferences to keep current with trends, learn new techniques and products available for the arts, the latest teaching strategies and to stay personally and professionally inspired. I am ready to expand my classroom experiences to include leadership and advocacy positions within the arts educator community without losing sight of my student centered foundation. I will keep the big picture in check by continuing my volunteerism with Vista Teen Outreach, The Kid's College and working with Lifeline and Boys and Girls Club as a one on one tutor.
Sharing Plan with Others • Share Professional Development with community of arts educators who have been collaborators and mentors. • Share plan to expand SDCAEA to North County arts educators with SDCAEA board members, create goals for NCSDCAEA
Literature Review Analysis of Motivation in Young Adolescents byAlbert Minh Ngo, 2013 • How to motivate at risk students-students with low probability for growth and development • Student disengagement results from lack of emotional connection to school environment and teacher • Use affirmative process(vs deficit approach) and student voice to determine how students can feel connected and how student perceives teacher
Literature Review Findings: 1. “building a sense of school identity and connectedness Rationale:lower achieving students often lack a sense of membership towards the school (KEY) A strong sense of school membership is important because it can direct students towards educational values and academic achievement.” 2. “These factors include:a strong relationship with their teacher, the perception that their teacher cares for them and theopportunity to establish a personal identity within the context of school activities and peers. “ (Ngo,2013)
Literature Review • Albert Mihn Ngo's research is one of the most current studies, albeit limited in numbers that aligns with my quest for strategies for motivating students in the bottom 1/3rd of the class • His findings are not surprising, but they are directly from the students instead of from an adult construct and evaluation • Ngo's methodology of Student Voice to reform educational practices aligns with my personal educational philosophies that student perspectives have to be considered when considering what we teach and how we teach and how we make students feel within that experience • Ngo also notes that for high risk students, the classroom must be well managed and the students have student who can help in close proximity in order to feel supported and comfortable.
Conclusion • Making plans and setting goals provides a clear roadmap on where we are going and what we'd like to achieve. The details filling in come as a result of making contacts, building relationships and capitalizing on opportunities whenever and how ever they present themselves. Therefore the most important component to my five year plan is flexibility and reflection. As these choices build in momentum I will have to reassess and reconstruct my plans to fit the movement of life and the exciting mystery of future experiences. I am thrilled to have constructed a master plan even if it changes in direction because I have been able to discern the types of learning experiences I am looking to create as a classroom teacher, professional educator, community collaborator and especially as an individual, working one on one, with a student who needs support.
References • Costantino, P., De Lorenzo, M, and Tirrell-Corbin, C. (2009). Developing a Professional Teaching Portfolio: A guide for success (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. • Ngo, A., (2013) Analysis of Motivation in Young Adolescents. (research paper). Available as PDF Download at https://csusm-dspace.calstate.edu/bitstream/handle/10211.8/493/NgoAlbert_Summer2013.pdf?sequence=1