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Volunteers Welcome to the Arizona College Application Campaign

Volunteers Welcome to the Arizona College Application Campaign. Building a College-Going Community 1. History of the College Application Campaign. First College Application Day began in 2005 in North Carolina In 2013 the national effort grew to 39 states and 250,000 applications filed

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Volunteers Welcome to the Arizona College Application Campaign

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  1. Volunteers Welcome to the Arizona College Application Campaign Building a College-Going Community 1

  2. History of the College Application Campaign • First College Application Day began in 2005 in North Carolina • In 2013 the national effort grew to 39 states and 250,000 applications filed • The Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education was asked to lead the Arizona CAC effort in 2013 • Arizona began with pilot at 8 high schools which included over 3,000 students 2

  3. AzCAC Participation 5

  4. Reasons for Arizona College Application Campaign • To maintain economic competiveness, Arizona’s 26% college degree attainment rate for adults will not suffice • Changing demographics in Arizona’s K-12 system only 33% of Arizona children have a head of household who has college experience* and 52% of Arizona K-12 students live at 200% poverty or below* • Many parents do not have experience or expertise to assist seniors in completing college or FAFSA applications * Source: Annie E. Casey Kids Count Data Center 2012, American Community Survey 3

  5. Purpose of Arizona College Application Campaign • Arizona College Application Campaign encourages students to take a significant step toward college, i.e. filing a college application, by providing assistance and creating enthusiasm • The Idea is to develop a sustainable college-going community within Arizona high schools 4

  6. Key Components • Goal: Every senior completes at least one postsecondary education application • ACPE has a focus on first generation students and their needs • Takes place during regular school day with a computer • Recommend 1 ½ hours with a computer for FIRST application to a university • Student Exit Survey provides data to school regarding application history and measures success the event 6

  7. Host Sites • Each school will set a goal of 100% of seniors to complete at least one application • High school counselors and other staff will help students complete preparatory steps for the application process • Computer lab time is designated for students to complete application • Postsecondary education professionals and volunteers will be present to assist seniors in filling out the application. • Volunteers will likely be assigned administrative functions that will make the event run smoothly. 7

  8. Understanding “College” in this Campaign • Workforce developers & education leaders use the word “college” to include any type of postsecondary education or training beyond high school. For the Campaign, a postsecondary application is accepted and desirable. • Certificates/Licensing Programs are specialized programs intended for students planning to purse a vocational pathway. • Associate’s Degrees are typically completed in two years and are often required for careers in technical fields. Students can also transfer general education classes from a community college to a university to complete a bachelor’s degree. • Bachelor’s Degrees are typically completed in four years. Arizona has 3 public universities: Arizona State University , University of Arizona , Northern Arizona 8

  9. Serving with Resource Personnel • Representatives from Arizona’s public universities, community colleges and private university admission staff will be helping students • College Access Professionals who also know about application filing and are a great resource may be at your site • Parents may be helping at the event • Each person brings strength to this event • We hope you have a great experience 9

  10. Volunteer Roles Your site coordinator may ask you to: • Post signage to direct students • Greet students • Manage sign-in/sign out sheets • Monitor printers • Remind students to complete exit survey 10

  11. Volunteer Tips • To help promote a college spirit, you may want to wear a T-shirt from your alma mater • Remind students about next steps as they leave • Support student individual choices • Congratulate students on applying • Ask your site coordinator how you can complete the volunteer evaluation form. We want your input! 11

  12. Contact Information For further information you are welcome to contact the Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education at 602-258-2435. Thanks so much for your help! Dr. April Osborn: aosborn@azhighered.gov Judi Sloan: jsloan@azhighered.gov For quick questions, contacts us through: Facebook.com/AzCollegeAppCampaign 12

  13. Certificate of Completion is presented to from the Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education for successfully completing the Volunteer Tutorial thereby demonstrating a commitment to our students’ future. _____________________ Date

  14. ArizonaCollege Application CampaignCollegeGoal FAF$A!

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