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DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE MISSION Student Life serves as a student-centered and technologically-infused office, promoting learning communities that foster a safe, respectful, and healthy environment to be consumed by its constituents. We align initiatives (programs and services) to empower the university’s faculty and staff, students, and community to responsibly develop academic, physical, psychological, service, social, and leadership accountability. Ultimately, this produces respected, diverse, engaged, and ethical professionals and citizens who mirror the changing demographics of the world.
DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE 2013-2014 GOALS • Along with Facilities Management and Construction, the Division will begin planning the 3.5 million renovation of Stewart Hall to house the JSU HealthPlex, which will include the departments of Disability Services, Health Services, Latasha Norman Counseling Center, Alcohol Drug Studies, and Campus Ministries. • Complete the renovation of Alexander West during Summer 2014 and be ready for occupancy for Fall 2014. Begin renovation of Alexander East during Summer 2014. • Along with the JSU Foundation, begin the planning of the 630 Bed Honors Residential Hall. • In conjunction with Institutional Advancement, establish a campaign drive to assist with providing furnishings and equipment for the JSU HealthPlex. • The Division will continue evaluating the new housing structure to ensure efficiency and management control. • The Division will improve campus climate on diversity by establishing a student life diversity committee that will work hand in hand with the University committee. • To promote student retention through the provision of a wide range of support services, i.e., First Year Experience Program, Parent Student Organization, and Leadership Programming. • Along with the University Title IX Coordinator, identify and train a Title IX Deputy Coordinator to aid students affected by sexual misconduct, sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, etc.
DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE 2012-2013 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • The Department of Career Services and Student Employment Center Corporate Partners increased from 6 to 10 and raised a total of $17,750.00 in corporate partnerships. • Blue and White Flash student newspaper received a total of 15 awards, which included state, regional and national recognitions. • Housing/Residence Life housing model was implemented to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and best practices. • In conjunction with the Division of Academic Affairs, the USA Today College Program was implemented. Distribution of the newspaper occurred in all residence halls, Honors College and the Department of Mass Communication. • The JSU Health Center received a grant from the Mississippi Department of Health in the amount of $10,000 to conduct Rapid Test, syphilis test and Chlamydia and gonorrhea tests. • Alice Harden Center for Community Service and Service Learning received the 2013 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. • The JSU Veterans Center received the distinction of a Military Friendly Campus for 2013.
HEALTH CENTER 2012-2013 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • ACCOMPLISHMENT1: Began tracking clinical cases of staph skin infections and early diabetes (pre- diabetes) for later incorporation into two case studies required for accreditation. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 2: Begin researching several EMR companies and reviewed their systems at the annual American College Health Association meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. Visited and evaluated the EMR programs on the campuses of The University of Mississippi and Mississippi State University. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 3: Conducted educational programs in the residence halls once a month. The Health Center also coordinated the Annual Health Fair, Spring, 2013. Several programs related to the HIV/AIDS awareness grant resulted in an increase of numbers reported by the previous year. For example: the National HIV/Aids testing day, World Aids Day - December 1, 2013, National Aids Forum February 7, 2013, National Aids Awareness - April, 12, 2013. Collectively over 1000 students participated in all of the events. The BET Health College Tour was conducted on campus where135 student were tested on that day. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 4: The Student Health Advisory Committee/Peer Education Program was created to assist the staff in residential and campus wide programming. This committee was organized in conjunction with the HIV Awareness Grant. Twelve (12) students were active on the committee and met bi-monthly. Eight students also traveled to Atlanta, Georgia, to participate in the HBCU Peer Education Retreat at Morehouse College, which was held Jan 25-27, 2013.
HEALTH CENTER 2013-2014 GOALS • GOAL 1: Integrate Student Health Services and the Latasha Norman Counseling and Disability Services into a single department so that all services can be coordinated and delivered more seamlessly. • GOAL 2: Immediately expand access to physician and nurse practitioner services by expanding hours and scope of services available at the Student Health Center. • GOAL 3: Complete the case studies required before submitting application for accreditation by the Association for Ambulatory Health Care Centers. • GOAL 4: Begin investigating the possibility of the Health Center being outsourced.
HOUSING/RESIDENCE LIFE 2013-2014 GOALS • GOAL 1: Establish more leadership programs for residential students by participating in student conferences, soliciting motivational speakers, and participating in service learning projects. • GOAL 2: In conjunction with the Division of Academic Affairs, establish a living and learning community program within the residence halls. Hire a Living and Learning Coordinator to coordinate programs that encourage and enhance academic learning is continued in our residential halls. • GOAL 3: Establish an R&R Account. • GOAL 4: Create more diversity programming and initiatives within the residence halls. • GOAL 5: Purchase a housing model that will give the Department the ability to have online room assignments, lottery, and generate occupancy reports.
TIGER PLAZA Tiger Plaza is 240 bed housing facility used to accommodate upperclassman male students. There are currently 110 male students who reside in this facility.
INTRAMURAL SPORTS 2013-2014 GOALS • GOAL 1: Increase Intramural and Recreation programs. During the 2012-2013 academic term only four (4) recreational programs were offered: Football, Basketball, Racquetball, and Table Tennis. Fall 2013: During the fall 2013 semester, intramural sports added Indoor/Outdoor Volleyball, Fantasy Basketball, Fantasy Football, Indoor Soccer, Outdoor Soccer, Board Games, and Kickball. Spring 2014: During the spring semester, intramural sports will offer Taekwondo, Female Self-Defense Courses, Softball, Squash Ball and Badminton. This is a increase in the number of sports provided in the previous years. • GOAL 2: Increase the number of female participants. Fall 2013: Intramurals sports hired and trained student workers to participate in residence hall raids to solicit female residents to participate in women’s indoor volleyball. Secured a total of four (4) female teams with 20 participants as a result of the raids. Intramural Sports also integrated six (6) female students to facilitate and referee intramural football. Spring 2014: In January, intramural sports will administer a survey in the female residence halls to determine what recreational programs they would like to see catered to their population. Partner with the Department of Housing to initiate a residence hall basketball challenge within the female residence halls. • GOAL 3: Collaborate programs with other Student Life Departments . Fall 2013: Partnerships were established with: Latasha Norman Center (Latasha Norman 5K), Department of Housing (Sponsored travel to University of Southern Mississippi for Intramural Competition), Disability Services (Wheelchair Basketball Training Sessions and Games), Walter Payton Recreation & Wellness Center (Assist w/ Daily Operations) Student Engagement and Inclusion (Welcome Week Committee), Class of 2016 Week (Advisor Proxy). Spring 2014: Collaborations with: Disability Services (Best Practices visit to Ole Miss), Veterans Affairs (ROTC Obstacle Course), SGA (Battle of the Classes Spring Course), Walter Payton Recreation & Wellness Center (Assist w/ Daily Operations and SWEETNESS 5K).
INTRAMURAL SPORTS 2013-2014 GOALS CONT. • GOAL 4: Continue expanding the JSU Intramural Sports brand. Fall 2013: JSU Intramural Sports has successfully acquired a departmental logo. This will help establish the department as a brand and ensure marketability. This semester, 3x5 push cards and pop-up banners were distributed. Posted a department events calendar throughout campus, which can also be seen on the JSU Public Relations email blast. A Facebook page was successfully launched at Intramural Sports at Jackson State University. Intramural Sports continue to give our student’s exposure to what other intramural programs are doing by attending the NIRSA Region II flag football championship held annually at the University of Southern Mississippi and NIRSA Region II Conference. Spring 2014: Increase our exposure efforts by attending Mississippi State University for an Intramural Basketball Competition. We will a make a big push to build relations with the city of Jackson by collaborating with the American Cancer Society to host a Relay for Life event and establish a dance-a-thon to support the efforts of Blair E. Batson’s Children Hospital.
JUDICIAL SERVICES 2012-2013 GOALS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS • GOAL 1: Improve the effectiveness of the Student Life Judicial Process by developing or purchasing an electronic student conduct management system to assist in adjudicating student conduct violations. • GOAL 2: Host a minimum of four (4) informational sessions within the residence halls or via university wide workshops throughout the academic year about the student judicial process. • GOAL 3: Facilitate informal/formal hearings based on the guidelines outlined in the student code of conduct and provide educational sanctions that will encourage a change in behavior and decrease the number of conduct violations. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 1: An in-house system was created and utilized for maintaining student judicial records. The system was efficient and effective in that it provided the staff with an opportunity to generate the appropriate correspondence and reports for student conduct violations. With the increase in student conduct violations, the staff decided to purchase the Simplicity judicial module for the 2013-2014 academic school year. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 2: The AVP/Dean of Students and Housing and Residence Life staff facilitated eight (8) informational sessions during the 2012-2013 academic year. We were unable to determine the decrease in student conduct violations from the previous academic year due to inconsistencies with the files. However, the number of students who violated the student code of conduct from Fall 2012 to Spring 2013 decreased. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 3: Students who violated the student code of conduct for the academic year were provided educational sanctions as well as campus and/or community service. For students who failed to complete their sanctions, a student judicial hold was placed on their account. In addition, students were contacted via phone informing them about their judicial sanction (s) and/or holds.
JUDICIAL SERVICES 2013-2014 GOALS • GOAL 1: Judicial Services will ensure that the judicial services function operates as an integral part of contributing to Jackson State University’s motto, “Challenging Minds, Changing Lives.” • GOAL 2: Judicial Services will ensure that the Student Code of Conduct policies and procedures are disseminated, communicated, interpreted, enforced and reviewed annually. • GOAL 3: Judicial Services will follow published policies to ensure that each student receives the process that is due and the mission of Jackson State University is also protected and upheld. • GOAL 4: Judicial Services will respond accordingly to all referrals of alleged student misconduct in a fair, objective, and reasonable manner by following the published policies. • GOAL 5: Judicial Services will encourage ownership for Jackson State University's governance by partnering with faculty, staff, administration, students, and other university stakeholders to promote a shared responsibility for student success and to assist with locating, interpreting and applying JSU's Student Code of Conduct and laws applicable to students. • GOAL 6: Judicial Services will challenge students by engaging them in conversations about integrity, lifestyle choices, community, relationships, academic goals, strengths, diversity, and life beyond Jackson State University. • GOAL 7: Judicial Services will provide learning and developmental opportunities for students to serve effectively on the Student Life Disciplinary Committee. • GOAL 8: Judicial Services will seek to prevent violations of JSU's Student Code of Conduct by participating in proactive informative programs for all students in an effort to decrease the number of Student Code of Conduct violations. • GOAL 9: Judicial Services will use individual meetings and meaningful conversation with students as a primary means to reduce violations of JSU's Student Code of Conduct, as well as for student learning, growth and development. • GOAL 10: Judicial Services will require educational sanctions that provide learning and development for students who violate JSU's Student Code of Conduct. Examples of educational sanctions include, but are not limited to: “The Judicial Educator” modules, community service hours, and writing/research assignments. Educational sanctions are intended to reduce violations and be enlightening as opposed to punitive.
LATASHA NORMAN CENTER FOR COUNSELING & DISABILITY SERVICES2012-2013 GOALS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS (ADA) • Goal 1: Establish a comprehensive range of academic and employment support services. • Goal 2: Foster an accessible physical and technological environment to facilitate employment, retention and graduation. • Goal 3: Community Integration: Utilize state and federal laws to ensure full participation of individuals with disabilities in integrate community setting through equal access to programs, transportation, recreation, and housing. • Goal 4: Education: Ensure the rights to quality educational opportunities for students with disabilities. • Goal 5: Employment: Eliminate barriers to the full employment of individuals with disabilities. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 1: An increased number of students and employees received services and have successfully gained the independence towards gradation. Students and employees maintained and used advocacy skills necessary for them to fully participate in an inclusive campus and attain their educational goals with the use of technology. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 2: Student withdrawal rate decreased and all employees maintained positions due to accommodations being met by the department chairs. • ACCOMPLISHMENTS 3: All individuals with disabilities have had equal access to physical settings and programs, including use of assistive technology. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 4: Provided representation to 386 students with disabilities to free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment. Representation given for 2012-2013 academic year included written accommodations, interpreters, note taker, assistive devices, and tutors. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 5: Ongoing plans are in places to increase access to support employment services, assistive technology, training or worksite modifications that assist individuals with disabilities to prepare for and engage in employment.
LATASHA NORMAN CENTER FOR COUNSELING & DISABILITY SERVICES2013-2014 GOALS (ADA) • GOAL 1: Increase and enhance understanding of various student barriers, provide consultation and serve as a resource on disability access, and foster. The target population will consist of students, faculty, staff, and community for awareness. • GOAL 2: Students will learn to educate other students, promote self-advocacy and develop independence in disaster planning. • GOAL 3: Continue to provide representation to students and employees with disabilities for reasonable accommodations. • GOAL 4: Provide consistent information, referral, and outreach.
LATASHA NORMAN CENTER FOR COUNSELING & DISABILITY SERVICES2012-2013 GOALS (LNC) • GOAL 1: Establish baseline data and to increase the percent of counseling services and consultation provided to students annually. • GOAL 2: Establish baseline data to provide outreach programming (workshops, outreach, and training activities) to students and increase the percentage annually. • GOAL 3: Establish baseline data and collaborate with campus resources to address Multi-cultural, diversity, and mental health needs of the JSU community.
LATASHA NORMAN CENTER FOR COUNSELING & DISABILITY SERVICES 2012-2013 ACCOMPLISHMENTS (LNC) • ACCOMPLISHMENT 1: Provided 373 students in 593 sessions with confidential and consultative counseling services; on-call crisis intervention to students in need of addressing adjustment difficulties and psychological issues such as depression, anxiety and interpersonal skills. Provided services with the goal of obtaining accreditation by the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS). Provided easy access, evaluated services, and referred students to university and community based resources as needed. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 2: Conducted over sixty (60) workshops, outreach, seminars, and training activities to students and campus community reaching a total number of 226. Provided trainings and presentations of counseling services to over 1100 incoming freshmen, community college, and transfer students during Fall 2013 orientation. Conducted workshops to a total number of 250 employees during the Fall Faculty Staff Orientation for responding to students in distress and identifying mental health issues. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 3: Enhanced collaboration with the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion, Health Center, International Studies, Human Resources, and Student Government Association. Enhanced collaboration with those organizations on cultural competence and sensitivity addressing mental health needs of the JSU diverse student population. Participated with the University Behavior Intervention Team (UBIT) and Red Flag identifying high risk students with mental health needs and those of multicultural background to ensure academic success. Increased professional development training skills for staff of JSU in working with multicultural and diverse students with mental health needs.
LATASHA NORMAN CENTER FOR COUNSELING & DISABILITY SERVICES2013-2014 GOALS (LNC) • GOAL 1: Hire a part-time psychiatrist to provide psychiatric services for students taking psychotropic medication, assisting them with matriculation and graduation. • GOAL 2: Establish a task force team with other Mississippi University counseling centers and community organizations increasing awareness of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking on college campuses. • GOAL 3: Increase mental health awareness to the international student population for the purpose of engagement in counseling services.
LATASHA NORMAN CENTER FOR COUNSELING & DISABILITY SERVICES Domestic Violence Balloon Release – October 28, 2013
JSU VETERAN CENTER2012-2013 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • ACCOMPLISHMENT 1: Student veterans are now thoroughly tracked four ways through the Veterans Center: * A list is provided by the Mississippi Army National Guard of all student veterans receiving benefits who attend JSU. * The new JSU on-line application includes several questions that capture more accurate veteran’s data. * JSU financial aid/bursars office is now able to assist with tracking student veterans through G.I. Bill direct payments. * The center has VA files on all veterans and dependents who are receiving benefits. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 2: Partnered with the local Army Reserves, MS National Guard, U.S. Coast Guard and Naval Reserves Center to provide financial resources for military students. We have received awards, accolades and recognition for vital support of the local veteran community. The Veterans Center staff participated in seven (7) state-wide recruitment events. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 3: Strengthened our relationship with JSU Career Services Center, the Latasha Norman Center for Counseling and Disability Services, the Jackson VA and several local Veteran Advocacy Centers. We have established a solid collaboration with the Mississippi Army National Guard office to ensure that student veterans G.I. Bill, tuition assistance and other financial support is processed in a timely manner. These additional service organizations have enhanced our marketing, transitional and advocacy goals by advertising our services within their department and through joint collaboration training. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 4: Recruited seven (7) faculty and staff members who serve as “VET PALS.” This program promotes advocacy in each college for veteran students. Currently, “VET PALS” are assigned to the College of Education & Human Development, the College of Science Engineering & Technology, the College of Liberal Arts, the Division of Student Life, Undergraduate Studies and the Graduate School.
JSU VETERAN CENTER2013-2014 GOALS • GOAL 1: Increase the admission, retention and graduation rate of student veterans. • GOAL 2: Increase the access to higher education for Mississippi Veterans and their families. • GOAL 3: Ease the transition for soldiers who are leaving active duty to enter college life by offering educational sessions on G.I. Bill Education benefits, post-deployment issues, classroom support, college survival skill and other pertinent military-to-civilian services. • GOAL 4: Solve student veteran issues through a strong and vibrant network of veteran services and to collaborate best practices for veteran success with other colleges and universities.
STUDENT CENTEROPERATIONS GOALS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS • GOAL 1: Provide facilities and services for students, faculty, staff, administration and the community. • GOAL 2: Maintain attractive, safe and functional facilities for a diverse community. • GOAL 3: Provide areas for entertainment, recreational and leisure time activities, leadership training, student learning, cultural diversity. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 1: Facilitated 144 campus based educational and enrichment programs in the Student Center and Campus Union. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 2: Student Center Operations maintained a productive relationship with Service Solutions, Facilities Management and Campus Police. Student Center Operations facilitated 2,090 events with 7,643.32 events hours servicing approximately 160,557 attendees. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 3: There was an increase in the number of students utilizing the Tiger Zone due to updated video gaming systems and game variety. Student organizations increased leadership and leisure programs utilizing the Tiger Zone for game night and the theater for forums and movie night. Two additional religious organizations utilized meeting space in the facility. Campus departments utilized the facility to host activities (movies, arts and crafts and counseling services) for residents in the surrounding community. International Programs hosted several luncheons for international visitors and students.
ALICE HARDEN CENTER FOR SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGED LEARNING2012-2013 GOALS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Goal 1: Increase the number and scope of service-learning courses and enhance quality of service engagement. • Goal 2: Support and increase the number of institution-wide community service partnerships that support social justice causes. • Goal 3: Provide faculty development in service engagement as a teaching strategy for student learning. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 1: During the last two months of 2012-2013, the number of community service opportunities increased from 68 to 370. This increase provides students with more opportunities to complete the 120-hour requirement to graduate from the University. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 2: Successfully introduced community service and leadership components to the Upward Bound Program.
ALICE HARDEN CENTER FOR SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGED LEARNING Community Service Event with the Salvation Army – December 2013
CENTER FOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP & INCLUSION2012-2013 GOALS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS • GOAL 1: Implement a system to track leadership hours completed by students. Through this system, students will be able to request a leadership transcript. • GOAL 2: Enhance the leadership capacity of student leaders through continuous training. • GOAL 3: Provide active NPHC Chapters at JSU with the resources and training needed to become premiere chapters within their organization. • GOAL 4: Recruit and engage parents in the Parent and Family Association. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 1: NPHC Organizations completed over 9500 hours of community service during 2012-2013. As a result, the Upsilon Epsilon Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity received Chapter of the Year for Outstanding Service. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 2: Student leaders were involved in several leadership conferences which included the NASAP Student Leadership Conference in Savannah, GA, Emerging Leaders Leadership Conference and Thurgood Marshall Conference.
CENTER FOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP & INCLSION2013-2014 GOALS • GOAL 1: Continue branding the “Roc the Mic” Speakers’ Series. • GOAL 2: Conduct a Campus Climate Survey to develop and implement multicultural and diversity programming. • GOAL 3: Increase the number of students completing leadership training. • GOAL 4: Collaborate with University Administrators to provide leadership training to members of the Student Government Association, Clubs and Organizations, and the student body. • GOAL 5: Realign the Miss Jackson State University Pageant to create maximum exposure for Miss JSU’s participation in the Miss Mississippi Pageant. • GOAL 6: Enhance leadership training for the Student Government Association. • GOAL 7: Recruit and retain competitive Cheerleaders and Tumblers. In conjunction with the Division of Institutional Advancement, establish a book scholarship for cheerleaders, mascot and tumblers. • GOAL 8: Increase local participation in the JSU Parent Association.
2013 CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS FAIR September 12, 2013
STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 2012-2013 GOALS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS • GOAL 1: Produce fall 2012-spring 2013 editions of weekly campus newspaper in print and online, one issue of student magazine, and a spring edition of an electronic yearbook. • GOAL 2: Coordinate communication/marking plan for the Division of Student Life that includes updating websites, social media, etc. • GOAL 3: Provide support services to all units in the Division of Student Life. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 1: Completed and distributed the 1st The JSU eXperience e-yearbook at Jackson State University, given via CD to each graduate and placed on online for viewing. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 2: The Blue and White Flash received a total of fifteen (15) awards, which include state, regional and national recognitions -- from Mississippi Press Association, Southern Regional Press Institute in Savannah, Georgia, and National Black College Communication Association • ACCOMPLISHMENT 3: Adviser Sylvia Watley presented a workshop on digital yearbooks and newspapers at Southern Regional Press Institute at Savannah State University.
STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 2013-2014 GOALS • GOAL 1: Plan /complete all aspects of production of fall 2013-spring 2014 editions of weekly campus newspaper, (The Flash), in print and online; the 2013 fall-winter issue of student magazine, eXperience; and spring e-yearbook, The JSU Experience,. • GOAL 2: Engage in major marketing efforts via social media, photography-graphic design projects and collaboration with Student Life units and university departments, programs, etc. along with content management of homecoming website, orientation/welcome week website and revision to Student Life website social media postings, photography-graphic design projects and collaboration with Student Life units and university departments, programs, etc. • GOAL 3: Continue collaborations with JSU media entities to support media convergence and establish written MOU with Department of Mass Communications to expand content in student publications and provide professional development opportunities for students. • GOAL 4: Raise funds to support student publications.
CAREER SERVICES AND STUDENT EMPLOYMENT CENTER 2012-2013 GOALS • GOAL 1: Implement Employer Relations Plan • The Career Services Center (CSC) focused on building employer relations to aid in attracting new employers to recruit JSU students, assist employers with building a recruitment strategy that increased their visibility and continue to build their presence at Jackson State University thereby, increasing the number of Corporate Partners. • GOAL 2: Create and Develop New Marketing Plan • The Career Services Center Marketing Plan was essential to carrying out the mission, the success of the services, and programs and special events that were hosted by the Center. This Marketing Plan was created to assist in enhancing the services, and was followed and assessed for each major event the Career Services Center coordinated. • GOAL 3: Enhance Student Programs and Events • The Career Services Center strived to enhance current and new programs through the following: Program Improvement, Target Marketing and Adjusting Program Times.
CAREER SERVICES AND STUDENT EMPLOYMENT CENTER 2012-2013 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • ACCOMPLISHMENT 1: Worked with Public Relations to design a new Employer Guide to showcase the center’s programs and services for employers. It also highlights the Corporate Partners Program. Continued the Corporate Partners Program and raised $17,750.00 from 10 Corporate Partners. These funds aided in the support of programs for students. The support was up from last year’s sponsors (6 to 10) from $13,550.00 to $17, 750.00. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 2: Created a new Marketing Plan for major events. The Center specifically targeted students and classes at Universities Center, Medical Mall and E-Center and commuter students by making sure information reached those populations. The CSC advertised in Tigers2Work in Blackboard systems. Advertised services and programs at other major events that occurred on campus like Academic Advising Week, Admissions Fair student events on the Walk-Way. Also, we reached out to Student Organizations to promote special events.
CAREER SERVICES AND STUDENT EMPLOYMENT CENTER 2012-2013 ACCOMPLISHMENTS CONT. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 3: • Program Improvement: Worked to improve programs and presentations by enhancing presentations with up-to-date technology like the Poll Everywhere software. Increased the number of Professional Development Seminars that were offered to students. Target Marketing: The Center marketed programs to student organizations and faculty like our “Don’t Cancel Class” programs where faculty requested presentations on-line for their class. This led to an increase in class presentations conducted by the Career Center. • Adjusting Program Times: Based on survey data we received last year, we adjusted times for the Graduate and Professional Schools Day. The CSC saw an increase in student participation. Based on the evaluation feedback, some schools preferred the new time and some wanted to see it go back to what it used to be. • ACCOMPLISHMENT 4: Established a Career Services Faculty Council and had three (3) meetings during the year. This Faculty Council will serve in an advisory capacity and support the Career Services Center’s mission, services and programs. The CSC Faculty Council will be committed to ensuring that JSU students, faculty, staff and employers utilize and benefit from the services provided by the CSC.
CAREER SERVICES AND STUDENT EMPLOYMENT CENTER 2013-2014 GOALS • GOAL 1: The Career Services and Student Employment Center (CSSEC) will continue to focus on its Strategic Marketing Plan in an effort to increase participation in campus events by increasing number of Career Mixers in each Academic College and the School of Lifelong Learning and creating free standing banner signs in each academic building, satellite campuses, Student Center, Heritage Dining Hall and Library to encourage students to utilize the CSSEC. • GOAL 2: Effectively manage the new responsibility of the Off-Campus Federal Work Study program coordinating all aspects of off-campus student employment by establishing policies; ensuring compliance with federal, state and University employment regulations; creating a professional development training program for student; and increasing new opportunities with private nonprofit organizations and public agencies to secure opportunities for students. • GOAL 3: Enhance employer relations to increase on-campus recruitment and employer participation in on-campus events that will enhance their visibility and create more career opportunities for students. • GOAL 4: In conjunction with the College of Education and Human Development, develop a course which will highlight financial literacy, resume writing, career development, etc.
DSL STAFF PRESENTATIONS • Abram, T. From Combat to Classroom. Presented at the National Association for Student Affairs Professionals Conference in Jackson, MS, in February 2013. • Chanay, M.A. Student Perceptions on Being Members of an Organization: The Lasting Effects of Hazing . Presented at the National Association for Student Affairs Professionals in Jackson, MS, in February 2013. • Chanay, M.A. Hazing vs. Tradition. Presented during National Hazing Prevention Week at Jackson State University during Spring 2013. • Chanay, M.A. Recruitment, Retention Growth and Mobility . Participated in Panel Discussion at MASCAP in Hattiesburg, MS, during Spring 2013. • Chanay, M.A. National Panel Discussion with the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington, D.C. • Chanay, M.A. The Plight of the African American Male in Today’s College Environment . Charlotte, NC. • Cockrell, P.F. The Impact of Upward Bound Programs- Summer Bridge Programs on African American College Students. Paper will be presented at the Council of Opportunity in Education National Conference in Chicago, IL in September 2013. • Cockrell, P.F. Student Conduct Violations...Responsible or Not Responsible? Presented at the Mississippi Association of College Student Affairs Practitioners in Hattiesburg, MS in May 2013. • Cockrell, P.F., & Brown, W.A. The Impact of Upward Bound Programs – Summer Bridge Programs On African American College Students. Paper presented at Noel-Levitz Symposium for the Recruitment and Retention of Students of Color in Savannah, GA in April 2013. • Cockrell, P.F. You Only Probate Once! Presented at the State of Mississippi – Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Leadership Conference in Vicksburg, MS in February 2013 • Cockrell, P.F. Becoming A True Southern Gentleman. Presented to the University of Southern Mississippi’s Fraternity Leadership Council in Hattiesburg, MS in October 2012. • Cockrell, P.F. Act Like A Scholar, Think Like A Greek, Be The Example. Presented to the University of Southern Mississippi’s – National Pan-Hellenic Council in Hattiesburg, MS in August 2012.
DSL STAFF PRESENTATIONS • Crosby, G.B. Best Practices in Greek Life: Risk Management Intake and Improvement. MASCAP in Hattiesburg, MS, during Spring 2013. • Crosby, G.B. Creating Synergy between two Beasts: Organizations and Advisors. Presented at the National Association for Student Affairs Professionals in Jackson, MS, in February 2013. • Crosby, G.B. Strategic Planning and Assessment. Presented at the Division of Student Life Retreat. Spring 2013. • Jackson, R., Cameron, T., & Cockrell. P.F. The Past, Present, and Future of the Pan African Network. Presented at the American College Personnel Association Pan African Network Summer Leadership Meeting in Baltimore, MD in June 2013. • Patterson, S., Jackson. R., & Cockrell. P.F. Capitalizing Upon Black Graduate Student and New Professional Experiences. Presented at the American College Personnel Association Conference in Las Vegas, NV in March 2013. • Watley, S. The Yearbook: Chronicling History, Digitally and Traditionally. Presented at the Southern Regional Press Institute held at Savannah State University. • White, F., Johnson, T., and Walls-Jones, M. The Impact of Disability and Counseling Services at a selected HBCU. Presented at the National Association for Student Affairs Professionals in Jackson, MS, in February 2013.
DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE -STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Brian J. Wilks, Class of 2013 • Brian J. Wilks, a native of Prentiss, MS, graduated Cum Laude, spring 2013, with a Bachelor of Science in Political Science. While at Jackson State, Brian served as SGA President 2012-2013 and was selected to represent Jackson State University as a Thurgood Marshall Leadership Institute scholar in New York. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Policy and Administration at Jackson State University.
DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE -STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Sarah Brown, Class of 2013 • Sarah A. Brown, a native of Jackson, MS, graduated Magna Cum Laude, spring 2013, with a Bachelor of Science in Physics. While at Jackson State, Sarah served as Miss JSU 2012-2013, and partnered with the Jackson Public School District to develop a self-esteem tour focusing on self-esteem, leadership, mentorship and academic success with middle and high school girls. Because of such great feedback and the program's success, she has received a grant to continue her program statewide in the coming year. She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Policy at Louisiana State University.
DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE -STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Brandon K. Johnson, Class of 2013 • Brandon K. Johnson, a native of Hazlehurst, Mississippi, graduated spring 2013 with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Business Administration. While at Jackson State, Brandon served as the 2012-2013 Senior Class Vice President. He also received the Most Outstanding Senior in Finance award during the 2012-2013 school year. Currently, he is employed at Raytheon in Dallas, Texas.
DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE -STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Trista D. Demby, Class of 2013 • Trista D. Demby, a native of Vidalia, LA, graduated Summa Cum Laude, spring 2013, with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. While at Jackson State, Trista served as Miss Senior 2012 – 2013, and was recognized for maintaining a 4.0 grade point average throughout her entire matriculation at JSU. During the spring 2013 commencement, Trista served as the student marshal for the College of Business. She also received numerous honors including the Student Life Leadership Award, W.E.B. DuBois Honors College Award and the Jackson State University National Alumni Association Jacksonian Award. She is currently employed with State Farm in Bloomington, IL, as a Finance Analyst in the Corporate Internal Auditing Department and will pursue a MBA beginning spring 2014.
DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE Dr. Carolyn W. Meyers President Jackson State University Tel: 601-979-2323 Email: carolyn.w.meyers@jsums.edu Dr. Marcus A. Chanay Vice President Division of Student Life Jackson State University Tel: 601-979-2241 Email: marcus.a.chanay@jsums.edu Jackson State University Division of Student Life Jackson State University Student Center 1400 J.R. Lynch Street P.O. Box 17350 Jackson, MS 39217 Tel: 601-979-2241/Fax: 601-979-8244 Website: www.jsums.edu/studentlife