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Acceleration Ch. 21-25

Acceleration Ch. 21-25. Vocabulary. Microfiche: a sheet of film that has very small photographs of the pages of a newspaper, magazine, etc., which are viewed by using a special machine : a sheet of microfilm ( http:// www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/microfiche). Vocabulary, cont’d.

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Acceleration Ch. 21-25

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  1. AccelerationCh. 21-25

  2. Vocabulary • Microfiche: • a sheet of film that has very small photographs of the pages of a newspaper, magazine, etc., which are viewed by using a special machine : a sheet of microfilm • (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/microfiche)

  3. Vocabulary, cont’d. • Eunuch • a castrated man, sometimes placed in charge of a harem or employed as a chamberlain in a palace • http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/eunuch?show=0&t=1381951859

  4. Pilferage • The act of stealing “stealthily in small amounts and often again and again” • http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pilferage

  5. Chapter 21: • #1. contrast in characters

  6. Contrast in setting:

  7. Ch. 21 • #2. How does Roach feel about his mother? • Doesn’t want to talk to her on the phone—drops it (118) • Doesn’t like what she does: “painted like a clown, bringing back johns” (118) • “She’s the one who dragged them back here” (119)

  8. Ch. 21 • #3. How does Gran feel about her daughter (Duncan’s mother)? • Doesn’t like what she does • Calls her “a whore” (118)

  9. Ch. 22 • #1. Describe the process that Vinny and Duncan are using to find the “Roach” in this chapter. • They are matching Roach’s diary entries with locations on the map to find his “comfort zone” (125): this points to a neighbourhood—Wilson Heights

  10. Ch. 22 • #2. Explain the psychology behind Duncan’s expectation to fail. • Because he wasn’t able to save the drowning girl and he lives in the Jungle where many people seem to fail, he feels it’s his fate to fail too

  11. Ch. 22 • #3. Contrast the serious nature of what Duncan and Vinny are doing with humour: (list 6 humorous lines) • “What about the yellow dot there? … That’s just some mustard!” (123) • “Wayne’s uniform looks like it’s been deep fried” (123) • “Vinny always eats like he’s performing an autopsy, examining each bite for evidence or something” (123)

  12. Cont’d • “The smell of those burgers—it’s like monkey dung… Which I hear is also used as filler” (124) • “The uniform castrates you. Girls don’t see past the polyester” (124) • “Clawed his way up. Now he things he’s lord of the fries” (124) • “Minimum wage, minimum effort” (125) • “Minimum wage, maximum rage” (125)

  13. Chapter 23 • #1. Explain how Duncan finds “where [Roach] gives himself away.” • He peels off a scrap of paper from the diary and finds out it is a receipt from a hardware store in the mall (where Roach has been shopping) • #2. What does Duncan find out? • Roach is an employee there (Emp dis) (131)

  14. Chapter 24 • #1. Describe the initial setback that the two “detectives” face in this chapter. • They discover the Roach doesn’t work in the store after all. He works in the mall where the store is located.

  15. Ch. 24 • #2. How does Vinny’s quotation, “But it doesn’t feel right” (134) help them resume their search? • They don’t think Roach could be a maintenance worker because he wants power; therefore, he has to be a guard

  16. Ch. 24 • #3. What is “the next step”? • Duncan and Vinny follow their two best guard suspects home

  17. Ch. 25 • #1. “Even when I’m clean they think I’m dirty” (142). What does this quotation mean? Is Wayne being totally honest? • Wayne is complaining about being fired without cause—because they suspect him since he has a history of petty crime. • He is not being honest—in the next breath he admits he has been stealing small amounts of money, “maybe I skimmed a twenty now and then” (142)

  18. Ch. 25 • #2. Explain the irony of the line, “It’s pretty much a mind-numbing, soul-killing waste of time” (146). How does the author continue the irony in the next paragraph, spoken by Duncan’s father? • We know that Duncan is excited to be chasing Roach • Duncan’s dad is talking about prison: “a life sentence” (146), while Duncan is talking about hunting a serial killer; also, Duncan doesn’t want to end up with a life sentence in the Jungle

  19. Ch. 25 • #3. “It’s like the eye of the storm” (147). What is it? • Duncan’s quiet night at home—his life with his parents at that moment, just watching a game on the TV, like nothing is wrong. • What is the storm? • The danger and exhilaration of following the guards home (the hunt for the serial killer)

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