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Workshop Outcomes and Action Plans. Intercontinental Hotel, Nairobi, 18 September 2013. Outcome on Bioenergy Framework & Policy Guidelines. Institutional cooperation must happen RECs and countries to develop a knowledge sharing mechanisms for lessons learned
Workshop Outcomes and Action Plans Intercontinental Hotel, Nairobi, 18 September 2013
Outcome on Bioenergy Framework & Policy Guidelines • Institutional cooperation must happen • RECs and countries to develop a knowledge sharing mechanisms for lessons learned • Address lack of statistical data – a barrier to planning • Design of BETs involving end users, encourage ownership and uptake of technologies • Policies should be made with full involvement of intended beneficiaries • Strategies for forest management – ownership to communities
Outcome on BETs & Conversion Platforms • Africa needs to move up from strenuous wood harvesting and use to more modern practices • All 1st Gen techs available – no need to re-invent the wheel • With modular technologies available for bioethanol & biodiesel, initial investment outlay can be small & can grow with feedstock availability • Feedstock with low inputs to be promoted to increase participation in bioenergy industry • R&D to on efficient BETs, sustainable harvesting of forestry, feedstock with low inputs, efficient feedstock mgmnt & markets for bioenergy products and co-products • Build capacity for governments, industry, consumers, universities/education institutions, NGOs and RECs
Outcomes on Assessment of Bioenergy using BEFS Tool • Tool NOT prescriptive but enables countries to make better and informed choices about policy directions • Tool for managing risks and benefits • Production cost varies from feedstock, business model etc., but some more expensive options may lead to desirable co-benefits – up to the country to make choice as to the best models depending on its developmental objectives • Energy insecurity causes Food insecurity – Complex Interaction btnEnergy and Food • Training for using the BEFS tool in countries
Outcomes on gender mainstreaming • Gender equity as part of the policy objectives in bioenergy development – in bioenergy in strategy and policy development, implementation, and monitoring • Apply a gender lens to bioenergy development (or in the value • Involve end users in design of technologies • Education and Training – change behavioral patterns, skill development, etc. • Special Support Schemes (finance, capacity building) for women to run bioenergy business • Land rights – review of laws/ability • Develop a monitoring strategy to constantly review gender sensitive PAMs
Preamble • There are many actions that can be taken to mainstream ABF&PG as proposed in the Framework • There are existing initiatives at international, continental, regional & country levels • To build track record – mainstreaming should commence with “low-hanging fruits” – dovetail & compliment existing initiatives • Important to have progress by end of 2014
Expected Accomplishment 1: Formal Launching of the African Bioenergy Framework and Policy Guidelines
Actions • Finalization of editing and lay-outing • Printing of copies • Formal launch by the AUC Chairperson, HE Dr NkosazanaZuma and ECA Executive Secretary & UN Under Secretary, Dr Carlos Lopez • Posting of the Framework to UN and AU websites • Frameowork will be distributed to all AU member countries and RECs Timeframe (October 2013)
Expected accomplishment 2: Bioenergy policies, measures and actions are gender sensitive and there is equity in the production, distribution and use of bioenergy technologies
Actions • UN ECA to hire a consultant to consult with gender focal points in organizations “Stocktaking” • Develop rough outlines of potential case studies • Use value chain approach to define roles in bioenergy • Use both as background for a workshop. • AU/ECA to organize a workshop to: • refine the case studies, • make recommendations on good practices, • develop indicators for mainstreaming gender in bioenergy development. Timeline: Sep-Dec 2013
Expected accomplishment 3: Ensuring that Bioenergy Policies, Measures & Actions are sustainable and contribute to Africa’s development goals by supporting countries to apply different tools, from DST to BEFS, mapping to GBEP indicators
Actions Mapping/assessment of sustainable bioenergy potentials: • NPCA take lead in process of stocktaking of mapping done in Africa. Build on experiences with mapping (incl. AEEP. UNEP, FAO, IRENA, Brazil. • Methodology adjustments for the region, if needed • UN ECA to support a few countries to undertake • GBEP indicators: Understand data gaps! Work with AFREC on the data situation • DST, BEFS, GBEP indicators: Train the trainers. ECA to provide technical support • Define Sustainability STDs suited to African context • Take note of GBEP Bioenergy Week in Mozambique to facilitate info sharing/exchange of good practices Timelines (2014-2015)
Expected accomplishment 4: Ensure there is regional cooperation in bioenergy development especially in the areas of technology development, R&D and trade
Actions • Flesh out & concretize areas for regional cooperation – Technologies/feedstock types, R&D, infrastructure, trade, watershed/landscape level policies • Make use of Africa-EU Energy Partnership and RE Cooperation program to support R&D in bioenergy • Make use of opportunities open by SE4ALL initiative through Africa SE4ALL Coordination Hub • AUC will take the lead to make use of available facilities to support bioenergy R&D Timeframe: 2014-2015
Expected accomplishment 5: Ensure there are adequate resources to finance pilot programs and projects that showcase the implementation of the African Bioenergy Framework and Policy Guidelines
Actions • Identify high priority bioenergy programs in Africa to be developed to bankable level • Organize investment roundtable to mobilize resources for programs implementation • Mobilize domestic resources to finance Bioenergy & ensure conducive environment for PSP • Setting up a special facility/instrument to fund project development and implementation • Explore opportunities for funding though e.g. Africa SE4All Coordination Hub; EU funds • NAMAs – Climate Change Funds, UNCCD, etc. • AUC/NPCA to take lead in fund mobilization Timeline: 2014-2015
Recommendation on representation • AUC Commissioner to make countries’ ministers to appoint bioenergy (?) focal points • Focal point to facilitate the representation of the relevant ministry • Need to harmonize country's energy focal points – danger of having too many focal points in one country who don’t speak to one another • Choose focal RE points as determined by the country’s specific situation • Ensure participation of NGOs/civil society to meetings – source funding for them
Recommendation on accessing funds • Ensure that funds reach the intended beneficiaries – not only at gvt level