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ISES Vendor Conference. March 28, 2006. Current Status of ISES. Initial submission period is complete Review and Revision period ended March 13 – Some districts still have outstanding data. Data will be made public 3-4 weeks after final district is locked. Topics for Today.
ISES Vendor Conference March 28, 2006
Current Status of ISES • Initial submission period is complete • Review and Revision period ended March 13 – Some districts still have outstanding data. • Data will be made public 3-4 weeks after final district is locked.
Topics for Today • Common Errors from Fall 2005 ISES Collection • Expected Transfer • Full Term Dropouts • New Data Elements for Fall 2006 • New Business Rules and Code Sets for Fall 2006 • File Upload Dependencies • Common Reports • Changes in WSLS • Helpdesk Tool • Schedule
Common Errors and Warnings from the Fall 2005 ISES Collection
Exit Date in Next School Year • If the exit date for a student is after July 1 and prior to the start of the school term, a year end record will be required for that student in the following year.
Enroll Date in Previous School Year • If the enroll date for a new student is prior to July 1, a year end record will be required for that student.
Pulling Wrong Enrollment Date • Records submitted to the ISES must correspond to an existing WSLS record. • Records are expected for all WSLS records with enrollment at any time within the previous school year (July 1- June 30) and for all WSLS records which include the count date. • The most common reason for ‘mismatch’ is an enroll date which is different in the WSLS than in the local information system.
Invalid Completed School Term • Within a district, a WSN may have only one Year End record with COMPLETED_TERM = ‘Y’. • The record in which COMPLETED_TERM = ‘Y’ should correspond to the enrollment period which includes the end date of the school term and may not be the most recent Year End record.
Days of Attendance • Actual and Possible Days of Attendance are required for all Year End records. • The number of days in each record should correspond to the days accrued for the associated enrollment period.
Dropouts • Districts are warned when dropouts have been submitted. • The Dropout Report should be used to review such records prior to warning acknowledgement.
Expected Interdistrict Transfer • A district will receive this warning when another district submits an expected transfer (EXIT_TYPE = ‘ETC’), but the WSLS shows no evidence of such transfer. • The expected transfer district must either resolve the discrepancy or provide an explanation of the ‘missing’ transfer via the Warning Report.
An Expected Transfer Warning is generated when a district submits the EXIT_TYPE = ‘ETC’ and identifies a district other than their own as the EXP_TRANS_AGENCY. • The expected transfer agency must investigate each student via the Warning Report.
If the student is recognized as enrolled currently or historically, the expected transfer district must correct the WSLS. • If the student has not been enrolled in the expected transfer district, then a response to the expected transfer is required. • The expected transfer response must be provided via the Warning Report; it cannot be provided via file upload.
Full Term Dropout: Definition • The student completed the school term associated with a year end record in the most recent previous ISES collection (year X - 2) and is not known to be continuing. • There is no evidence of the student enrolled in any WSLS school at any point during the next school term (year X - 1) or prior to the count date of the current ISES collection (year X). • A Year End record for the student from the previous collection is added to the current collection such that the affected district(s) have an opportunity to update exit information, if appropriate. • The student may count as a dropout for School Year X – 1, but will not count as a dropout in school term where the student completed the school term (year X – 2).
Full Term Dropout: Fields that can be modified • Exit type • May not be changed to TC or HSC or Max Age • Expected Transfer Agency • Expected Transfer School • Grade must be within range of Expected Transfer School • Expected Transfer Response • Submitted by the Expected Transfer Agency • Return to Regular Education • Required if EXIT_TYPE = ‘TNC’ • Optional
New Data Elements See interface specifications at http://www.dpi.wi.gov/lbstat/isesspec.html For definitions and code sets for all data elements, see http://www.dpi.wi.gov/lbstat/eseamap.html#data
Educational Environment: Definition Educational Environment is a federal indicator that reflects the extent to which students with disabilities are educated with their non-disabled peers. It does not reflect the amount of special education services.
Educational Environment:Use of Data • in preparation for possible consolidation of the PI-2197 (Child Count) and WSLS/ISES in 2007-08 • used to complete Wisconsin's Annual Report on the Implementation of FAPE (free appropriate public education) • required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) • Educational environment is one of the indicators used by OSEP to select states for focused monitoring.
Educational Environment:Business Rules • optional for 2006-07 ISES Count Date records for students with disabilities (Primary Disability <> N) • required in 2007-08 ISES Count Date records for students with disabilities • Will use current codes - new set of codes proposed by US Dept of Ed have yet to pass OMB clearance
Native Language:Definition Native Language is the language or dialect first learned by an individual or first used by the Parent/Guardian with a child. This term is often referred to as primary language.
Native Language: Use of Data • used to meet the requirements of Annual Count of Limited English Proficient Students (required by WI statute). Other data elements required by law for this Count are already included in ISES. • required in the Pre-ID roster file for the DPI-approved English language proficiency test (i.e. ACCESS for ELLs).
Native Language:Business Rule This field is required for 2006-07 ISES Count Date records if both English Language Proficiency Code = 1 - 5 and Grade Level Placement = KG-12.
Program Schedule:Definition Program Schedule is the schedule of the educational program in which a student is enrolled.
Program Schedule:Use of Data • used for unofficial ISES Preliminary Membership reporting beginning in 2006-07 • to facilitate optional local use of ISES data for PI-1563 purposes (via unofficial ISES Preliminary Membership Reports ) • Districts must continue to submit official head counts as part of the PI-1563 Membership Count.
Program Schedule: Business Rule • For Count Date Records and only if grade level placement is KG or K4
ISES Student Status FileLayout Changes • Expected Transfer Response • Possible Full Term Dropout • UID 1 (Local ID 1) Note: This is the download file (Appendix B.5 in the Interface Specifications) that returns all the data in the DPI database for each student. These data elements will not be submitted by the district through file upload (Appendix B.2 in the Interface Specifications).
Composite English Proficiency Level • Replaces field called English Proficiency Score (not used in prior ISES collections) • Composite English Proficiency Level will be provided to DPI by the ELP testing contractor for the most recent previous administration of this Test (i.e. ACCESS for ELLs)
Composite English Proficiency Level: Business Rules English Language Proficiency Code in Count Date records maybe calculated based on the Composite English Proficiency Level • Composite Level of 1.0-5.9 • Composite Level of 6.0 if previous ISES record with ELP code of 1-6 exists • ACCESS - ISES records match required using WSN and other data.
Composite English Proficiency Level: Use of Data • It will be used to calculate the English Language Proficiency Code in Count Date records if criteria are met. • English Language Proficiency code is used for disaggregated reporting, adequate yearly progress, WSAS status, acquisition of English proficiency, and the (115.96) Annual Census of Limited English Proficient Students
Business Rule & Code Set Changes Some highlights – for complete review see http://www.dpi.wi.gov/lbstat/xls/isesvalid.xls & http://www.dpi.wi.gov/lbstat/datacount.html
Promotion Indicator • Only required for grades KG or above • Will not be calculated unless Year X and Year X-1 CD records are KG or above. • If Grade is K3, K4, or PK promotion indicator will be set to null
District of Residence • District of Residence will now be required for all students • If no value is provided, District of Residence will default to submitting District
Migrant Status • Will now be required in count date records for all students • Will be defaulted to “N” if value not provided.
Test Status Will be defaulted to “T”, Expect Test, for students in WSAStesting grades if value is not provided.
Payer • Required for all Count Date Records
Reason Out of District • Reason Out of District required whenever district of residence is not the district submitting the ISES record
Third Party Provider • Third Party Provider required for all records – both count date and year end
Count Date Status Codes • P=Receiving Educational Services – Present on Count Date. • A=Receiving Educational Services – Absent on Count Date but Student Meets the Before/After Rule. Student was receiving services from the school both before and after the count date. • N =Not Receiving Educational Services & No Exit Date Prior to Count Date • ‘R’, Receiving Services will not be valid. ‘R’ is replaced by ‘P’ and ‘A’.
Economically Disadvantaged Status • The code ‘Y’ will not be valid.
File Upload Validations A violation of any of the business rules listed in the Appendix B.2 File Definition Table will cause the entire file to fail during the load process.
Identifying Dependencies • Mandatory Elements in XML doc (Non-Nullable in CSV doc) are required on File Upload. • “Conditional Elements” may fail depending on the combination of other values in the record. • Note the record type associated with data element. If a data element is sent with the wrong record type, it will cause the file upload to fail. • A rule which begins ‘Cannot be sent…’ may cause file failure. • A rule which begins ‘Will not be written to the database…’ will not cause file failure, but will cause data included in the upload to be ignored.
Third Party Agency Dependencies • Third Party Agency and Third Party School codes must be a valid DPI combination. • THIRD_PARTY_SCHOOL cannot be sent unless THIRD_PARTY_AGENCY is sent. • Other dependencies exist in the Full Validation Business Rules between Third Party, District Residence and Payer.
District of Residence Dependencies • REASON_OOD, Reason Out of District, cannot be sent unless the DISTRICT_RES is sent. • SCHOOL_RES, School of Residence, cannot be sent unless DISTRICT_RES is sent.
Grade • SECTION_504, LONGTERM_US and TEST_STATUS (Section 504 Status, Long-term US Status and WSAS Test Status) will not be written to the database unless GRADE is a WSAS testing grade. • PROGRAM_SCHEDULE will not be written to the database unless GRADE = ‘K4’ or ‘KG’.