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Detailed overview of the NCSX project milestones, equipment requirements, and readiness for First Plasma, including diagnostics, power systems, and facility control. Research and fabrication timelines and preparations outlined.
NCSX Project Scope and Completion Hutch Neilson, NCSX Project Manager NCSX Conceptual Design Review Princeton, NJ May 22, 2002
What Defines MIE Project Scope and Completion? • Provide equipment known to be needed at first plasma. • Basic machine, including that which can’t be sensibly retrofit later. • Phase I & II diagnostics; low-power limiters. • Install 3 MW neutral beams. • Considered part of the basic facility. • Defer completion of things not needed until after e-beam mapping. • Use resources wisely. • Close out MIE with First Plasma @ IP=25 kA, B = 0.5 T. • Well-defined, accepted standard for project completion. • Tasks like e-beam mapping, NB commissioning, trim coil circuit optimization are better handled as part of operations.
Fabrication Project Scope: Equipment Needed at First Plasma and Installation of 2 Existing Neutral Beams Stellarator Core (R = 1.4 m). • External magnets, vacuum vessel, limiters, cryostat. Peak ratings: B ≤ 2 T, Ip ≤ 350 kA. tflat = 0.3 s @B=1.7 T / 1.7 s @B=1.2 T Heating, Fueling, Vacuum (Auxiliary Systems) • Neutral beam injection (3 MW) installed; gas injection, torus vacuum pumping, glow discharge cleaning. Diagnostics • Magnetics, interferometer, visible cameras, magnetic field mapping equip. Power Systems • Magnet power for B = 1.5 T, Ip = 154 kA scenario; C–site AC power. Central I&C • Facility control and timing, computer network, data acquisition, control room. Facility Systems • Water, cryogenics, bakeout. Integrated System Testing and First Plasma $72M
Research Preparations Will Proceed in Parallel with the Fabrication Project Scope: prepare analytical and hardware tools needed beyond first plasma and flux-surface mapping. (Follows NSTX approach.) • Maintain physics connections, collaborations with other stellarator programs. • Design and begin fabrication of upgrade hardware (diagnostics for Ohmic phase; PFCs, 350 C bake, internal trim coils, and diagnostics for NBI phase). • Plan research program in more detail and start building team as operation nears.