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Tuesday, 9/14/10

Tuesday, 9/14/10. Bell Ringer: What makes a military force powerful today? Homework: RSG pgs: 5-14, 27-30, 35-38 DUE: Monday 9/20/10 Wednesday: Early Release Day! Test: Monday 9/20/10 Unit 1- Early Humans to Early Civilizations

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Tuesday, 9/14/10

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  1. Tuesday, 9/14/10 Bell Ringer: What makes a military force powerful today? Homework: RSG pgs: 5-14, 27-30, 35-38 DUE: Monday 9/20/10 Wednesday: Early Release Day! Test: Monday 9/20/10 Unit 1- Early Humans to Early Civilizations Study from your notes, Vocabulary, Bell ringers, Quiz and Student Learning Map

  2. Assyrians Northern Mesopotamia 850 BCE • Many Empires fought over Fertile Crescent • Flat plains exposed Assyria to invaders • Developed advanced military and weaponry • Fierce warrior society • War chariots, foot soldiers, cavalry • Leather and metal armor

  3. Social/Political Art/Culture • System of roads • Local governors report to central authority • Forced conquered people to pay taxes • Art: finely carved sculptures • King Sennacherib burned Babylon and built Nineveh (Assyria’s capital) • King Ashurbanipal built ancient library- 20,000 clay tablets-Epic of Gilgamesh

  4. Fall of Assyrians • Too many enemies, spread too thin • Medes and Chaldeans burned Nineveh • Many clay tablets in library survived • Chaldeans made Babylon their capital Nineveh under siege by the Babylonians and Medes.

  5. Chaldean King Nebuchadnezzar • Restored city of Babylon • Hanging gardens • 300 foot ziggurat • Astronomy and astrology

  6. AssignmentRead pgs: 95-98 on the Assyrians and Answer Descriptions.Turn into the basket when done…due end of class. • Two means by which Assyria acquired a large empire • Assyrian king who burned Babylon and ordered its residents killed • Assyrian system of government management • Capital city of Assyrian culture, the largest city of its day • Assyrian king who established one of the ancient world’s largest libraries • Assyrian practice that eventually contributed to the downfall of their empire • A combined army of these two groups destroyed Assyria’s capital city • Chaldean king who created terraced trees and shrubs for his wife’s enjoyment • Capital city of Chaldean empire • One of the seven wonders of the ancient world • Seven-tiered building in Babylon used by Chaldean priests and astronomers

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