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Principal & Cooperating Teacher Clinical Practice Online Orientation Morehead State University 2013-2014. Educational Service Unit Morehead State University 801 Ginger Hall Morehead, KY 40351. Telephone: 606-783-2065 Fax: 606-783-5015.
Principal & Cooperating TeacherClinical Practice Online OrientationMorehead State University2013-2014
Educational Service Unit Morehead State University 801 Ginger Hall Morehead, KY 40351 Telephone: 606-783-2065 Fax: 606-783-5015 Greetings Principals and Cooperating Teachers: Thank you so much for joining Morehead State University in its efforts to provide future teachers for our service area and the state of Kentucky. Morehead State and the University Supervisors are looking forward to working with you to provide a positive learning environment that will benefit both you and your assigned candidate. The focus of the first eight weeks of the candidate’s placement is the implementation of the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA). Your clinical practice candidate is now required to teach a 3 day Learning Sequence during the 7th or 8th week of this placement This plan is a very detailed sequence that provides hands-on experience in developing lesson plans, assessment and student analysis. You will need to provide your candidate with a topic for designing this learning sequence as soon as possible. Each week they will build on this plan through specific assignments and will be provided immediate feedback on the accuracy of the development by the University Supervisor that has been assigned to mentor their progress. The University Supervisor, assigned to your teacher candidate, will be in contact with you soon to establish a workable observation schedule of two observations in the first eight weeks and two in the second eight weeks. Each Cooperating Teacher must also complete two formal observations, using the Assessment Form designated by the supervisor, each eight weeks. I know this is an exciting time in the educational path of your assigned candidate, so hopefully together, we will be able to provide the necessary direction that they need to become an effective teacher. Again, thank you for agreeing to mentor a clinical practice candidate and hosting a teacher candidate in your school and classroom. Kathy Frederick, Director Educational Service Unit Morehead State University k.frederick@moreheadstate.edu
Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) • The focus of the first eight weeks of student teaching is the implementation of the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA). Your teacher candidate is now required to design and implement a 3 day Learning Sequence during the 7th or 8th week of this placement. • This plan is a very detailed unit that provides “hands-on” experience in developing lesson plans, assessment and student analysis. • You will need to provide your teacher candidate with a topic for designing this sequence as soon as possible. Each week they will build on this plan through specific assignments and will be provided immediate feedback on the accuracy of the development by the University Supervisor.
Responsibilities of the Cooperating Teacher • Complete contractwith the Educational Service Unitby visiting: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CoopTeachContract • Complete two formal observations each eight weeks using the Clinical Practice Record of Performance on Folio 180 to document the progress of the assigned teacher candidate. • Complete disposition at the end of each eight weeks. • Model best practices, strategies and techniques and procedures for the teacher candidate. • Conference with your student teacher daily. Do not assume anything, be assertive and provide constructive feedback.
Responsibilities Include: Collaboration between the Cooperating Teacher and the University • Suggestions from cooperating teachers are given careful consideration in process of continuous evaluation of the clinical practice program. Collaboration between the Cooperating Teacher and the University Supervisor • A team approach should be used to assist the teacher candidate during the practicum period. The university supervisor will observe the clinical practice candidate’s teaching practices and classroom management techniques. Continuous evaluation of Kentucky Teacher Standards will result in evidence as document in the Teacher Performance Assessment, the candidates professional dispositions, and in the Kentucky Teacher Standards Mentoring Inventory. The final evaluation will be determined based on the evidence collected during the clinical semester and agreed upon by both the cooperating teacher and the university. The ultimate responsibility for the final evaluation lies with the university supervisor.
Responsibilities: • Conferences: The primary purpose of daily conferences is to provide direction, offer suggestions and make recommendations while serving as mentor to the clinical practice candidate. New techniques and means of presenting material should be discussed during conference periods. The use of the Kentucky Teacher mentoring Inventory is recommended as a tool to guide the conference session.
Sample – Kentucky Teacher StandardsMentoring Guide( candidate will provide a copy of this document)
Responsibilities: P Participation The clinical practice candidate should become actively involved in classroom activities from the first day. The majority of the participations should be complete during the early stages of the of the clinical practice I order to help the candidate gain self-confidence and become actively involved in working with individual students.
Responsibilities: Observations: Observing is an effective method of learning. Therefore, the cooperating teacher should provide the candidate with observation periods in a variety of teaching situations. This may be accomplished by providing observation periods in other classrooms.
Responsibilities: Organizing and Planning Instruction: There is no substitute for good planning. The clinical practice candidate shall write daily lesson plans to include appropriate content, teaching strategies and assessments that include formative and summative evaluations of learning. The teacher candidate may use the school district’s lesson plan format with the exception of formal observations and the teaching of the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA), which must be on the KTIP Lesson Plan.
Responsibilities: Induction Into Teaching: The introduction into the Clinical Practice experience needs to be gradual. It should follow a sequential pattern of orientation, observation, teaching of several classes, participation in small group activities, and using the Co-Teaching Model.
Co-Teaching Training http://www.moreheadstate.edu/coteaching /
Morehead State University has implemented the use of Folio180 as the assessment system for the College of Education. This tool allows for easier assessment of our teacher candidates. The following table includes the assessments used during the clinical semester and their due dates. These assessments will be sent via an email from Folio180 directly to the Cooperating Teacher/University Supervisor. Specific instructions will be made available for each assessment.
Clinical Practice Candidate Assessment Distribution Schedule – Fall 2013
Sample – Clinical Practice Record of Performance A total of 4 formal observations will be completed during the 16 week placement.(Hard Copy View)
Sample – Clinical Practice Record of Performance(as viewed on Folio 180)
Weekly Time Log – Candidate’s CopyCooperating Teacher will review and sign-off weekly for accuracy of accumulated hours. This document will be maintained by the candidate.(Hard Copy View)
Weekly Time Log • Students will enter time each week into Folio180. • Cooperating Teachers will assess these hours each 8 weeks.
Daily Schedule for Teacher Candidates: • Cooperating Teacher’s schedule is the candidate’s schedule which includes early duty, late duty, faculty meetings and professional development. • Candidates are to complete Daily Planner/Lesson Plans and the cooperating teacher must approve them weekly. • Candidates must be on time everyday and well prepared to teach. • All appointments are to be scheduled after school hours. • No employment interviews are to be scheduled during the school day. • Candidate’s are allowed 2 excused absences for the semester, all other absences must be made up at the end of the placement. • Teacher Candidates are to be supervised by the Cooperating Teacher at all times, they are NOT to be left in the classroom unsupervised. If the CT is absent a certified substitute must be called to fulfill the role.
Supervised Student Teaching Expectations:a suggested guide in mentoring the teacher candidate (a 16 week course will be emailed to each cooperating teacher)
Professionalism • Teacher candidates are to dress professionally. • They are NOT to wear: • Tee shirts (with exception of College Day Fridays, Morehead State Tee Shirts) • hats • jeans • short skirts • low necklines • tops that expose the midriff • Candidates should be prepared and organized. • Candidates should not use a cell phone, which includes texting, during the school day. Cell phone may be used during breaks only and must be left in the silent mode position. • Candidates are to be proactive and professional behavior is expected at all times.
Student Candidates Do Not: • Teacher Candidates are not to transport students at anytime! • Teacher Candidates must be supervised at all times during the instructional day. • Teacher Candidates do not serve as a substitute teacher while completing the Clinical Practice.(Attorney Generals ruling on Placement of student teachers OAG 75-70) However, they can implement instruction in the absence of the CT if a qualified substitute is present in the classroom. • Teacher candidates are not teacher’s aides, they are to be engaged in the daily instruction. If papers are to be graded or materials prepared, (ex. running off papers, running errands, recording grades) this must be done during planning time, before school or after school.
COOPERATING TEACHER TUITION WAIVERS http://www.moreheadstate.edu/content_template.aspx?id=17767
Contact Information If you have questions or concern please contact the Educational Service Unit801 Ginger Hall. Kathy Frederick, Director (606) 483-9407 k.frederick@moreheadstate.edu Kim Terry, Educational Support Assistant (606)783-9353 k.terry@moreheadstate.edu Susan Perry, Clerk/Typist (606) 783-2065 saperry@moreheadstate.edu Kristie Williams, Assessment Coordinator/Folio180 (606) 783-2731 k.williams@moreheadstate.edu Michelle Roberts, Certification (606) 783-2503 m.roberts@moreheadstate.edu