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Rabi Conference 2004-05 ORISSA

Rabi Conference 2004-05 ORISSA. ISSUES. Often Breeder Seeds indented is not made available at all or in adequate quantity. For example MTU-1001, BPT-5204 of rice, TARM-2 of mung, GA-10 & IGP-76 of niger during the curent and last year.

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Rabi Conference 2004-05 ORISSA

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  1. Rabi Conference 2004-05ORISSA


  3. Often Breeder Seeds indented is not made available at all or in adequate quantity. For example MTU-1001, BPT-5204 of rice, TARM-2 of mung, GA-10 & IGP-76 of niger during the curent and last year. • LGG-407 of greengram, performing well in AP, has not been supplied to Orissa under minikit programme against the indent. This may kindly be provided.

  4. Poor execution of On Farm Water Management Programme implemented by NABARD. Bankers should take pro-active role and programme should be geared up. • Execution of Farm Ponds may be considered under the scheme as a bankable capital investment.

  5. Opening of more number of jute procurement centres in addition to existing 6 centres by JCI.

  6. Crop-wise Performance during Kharif 2004

  7. Rice : 40 lakh ha area is expected to be covered against the target of 39.60 lakh ha. Expected production is 59.70 lakh tonnes against the programme of 75.25 lakh tonnes. During last year production was 61.90 lakh tonnes.

  8. Deficient rainfall during May resulted in delayed sowing of paddy. • Late arrival of monsoon & sporadic rainfall during June, July & August delayed intercultural operation & transplanting of paddy. • Crop condition is normal at present but if there will be no rain in near future (about 7 days), there is possibility of crop damage and yield reduction.

  9. Pulses : • Green gram and black gram are major pulses grown during kharif. • Expected coverage is 4.88 lakh ha against the target of 5.75 lakh ha with expected yield of 2.18 lakh tonnes against the target of 2.75 lakh tonnes. • Production during last kharif was 2.48 lakh tonnes. • The present crop condition is normal.

  10. Oil seeds : • The major oilseed crops during kharif are groundnut, sesamum, niger. • Area achieved under groundnut is 85,000 ha against the target of 1.25 lakh ha and last year’s coverage was also 85,000 ha. • The production of groundnut is expected to be 81,000 MT against the target of 1.50 lakh MT and last year’s production of 77,000 MT.

  11. Fibre Crops • Coverage ofjute is 10,000 ha against the target of 15,000 ha. • Production of jute is estimated to be 67,000 tonnes against the target of 1.25 lakh tonnes and last year’s production of 50,000 tonnes. • Area under cotton is 46,000 ha against the target of 70,000 ha and coverage of 37,000 ha during last year. • Production of cotton is estimated to be 1.06 lakh tonnes against the programme of 1.60 lakh tonnes and last year’s production was 84,000 tonnes. • The present crop condition is normal.

  12. Major Constraints in meeting the desired results

  13. Inadequate Rainfall is the major constraint during Kharif 2004

  14. Month Rainfall in mm Normal Actual Deviation May 70.8 26.6 (-) 62 % June 213.2 200.8 (-) 5.8 % July 351.6 327.5 (-) 6.9 % August 335.6 333.1 (-) 0.7 % September (as on 14th) 110.4 82.99 (-) 24.8 %

  15. Due to unavailability of adequate quantity of cotton seeds coverage was restricted to 46,100 ha against the programme of 70,000 ha and achievement of 36,790 ha during last year.

  16. Inadequate provision of funds for popularisation of tractor, powertiller and other self propelled/ power driven equipments restricts pace of agricultural mechanisation.

  17. Crop Production Targets for Rabi 2004-05

  18. Crop Area Prod ‘000 ha ‘000 mts Rice 280 675 Wheat 22 33 Maize 9 13 Ragi 7 8 Total Cereals 318 729 Pulses 1100 476 Total Foodgrains 1418 1205

  19. Crop Area Prod ‘000 ha ‘000 mts Mustard 125 51 Groundnut 150 261 Castor 10 6 Sesamum 90 36 Linseed 30 12 Total Oilseeds 417 375 Sugarcane (Gur) 35 255

  20. Strategies for Rabi 2004-05

  21. Wide coverage of non-irrigated Rabi crops like pulses and oilseeds under residual soil moisture after harvest of Kharif rice. • Paira cropping of field pea, black gram, bengal gram & horse gram etc. in medium and low lands before 15 days of harvest of Kharifpaddy.

  22. Sowing/ planting of groundnut and vegetables in river banks taking the advantage of silt deposit and residual soil moisture status. • Use of rhizobium culture and PSB in pulses & oilseeds and gypsum in groundnut.

  23. Adoption of multiple cropping in the ayacut of irrigation projects for optimum utilization of irrigation water and higher return. • Timely pre-positioning of key agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizers, implements and pesticides and ensuring availability of crop loan to support Rabi crops.

  24. Expansion of area under off-season vegetable in districts like Keonjhar, Koraput, Kalahandi, Rayagada & Kandhamal where cooler climate prevails longer. • Promotion of vegetable cultivation in watershed projects by involving SHGs and households of SC/ST/BPL categories.

  25. Expansion of irrigated areas through installation of private LIPs under NABARD Assistance (RIDF-IX) and under the CSP - “On-farm Water Management”.

  26. Best Practices

  27. Impact of gypsum application in groundnut • Yield of groundnut increased from 19 q/ ha to 22.40 q/ha (17.53% increase over the control) leading to demand by farmers for supply of gypsum.

  28. Varietal performance of Cotton Yield of hybrids/ vars during 2003-04 (Q/ha) District MCU-5 Savita Bunny Rayagada 8.42 15.21 25.10 Kalahandi 7.35 16.53 Bolangir 8.05 17.35 Ganjam 7.42 17.10

  29. IPM in Cotton Following IPM practices the cost of plant protection chemicals required was reduced from Rs.3000/- to Rs.1200/-.

  30. Retting Methods Quality of jute fibres improved from 6th-7th grade to 5th-6th grade resulting increase in sale price of Rs.60/- per Qtl over last year as a result of improved retting.


  32. 15447 STW and 1442 MTW executed under RIDF – IX during 2003-04 and first quarter of 2004-05.

  33. 500 Agro Service Centres established under World Bank Assisted Cyclone Restoration Programme. • During 2004-05, it is proposed to establish 250 Agro Service Centres under Self Employment Programme and RLTAP.

  34. During 2003-04, 250 low cost onion storage structures (2 MT capacity) have been established by providing assistance of Rs.4000/- per unit. • Under RLTAP, 500 units have already been established in KBK districts.


  36. Farmers’ Field Schools in Sugarcane (30 FFS) • Strengthening of four Soil Testing Labs and computerization. • Supply of HDPE pipes for irrigation (350 units).


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