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ENDOCRINE GLANDS. Dr Iram Tassaduq. ADRENAL (SUPRARENAL ) GLAND. Lies on upper pole of each kidney Comprised of two zones outer cortex inner medulla Develops from intermediate mesoderm and neural crest cells. INTRODUCTION.
ADRENAL (SUPRARENAL ) GLAND • Lies on upper pole of each kidney • Comprised of two zones outer cortex inner medulla • Develops from intermediate mesoderm and neural crest cells
INTRODUCTION • The adrenal gland is encased in a connective tissue capsule that extends septae into the substance of the gland. The organ is richly vascularized and capsular blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics penetrate along with the connective tissue septae.
CORTEX • zona glomerulosa - thin, outermost zone • zonafasiculata - thick, middle zone • zonareticularis - thin, inner zone
ZONA GLOMERULOSA • Composed of columnar or pyramidal cells arranged as rounded or arched cords • Occupy 15% of gland volume
ZONA FASICULATA • Cells are arranged in straight cords. 1-2 cells thick • Cords run at right angles to the surface of organ and have capillaries between them • Occupy 65% of gland volume
ZONA RETICULARIS • Polyhedral cells with lipid droplets • Form 7% of gland • Appears vacuolated in histological preparations • Cells are smallest in size
ADRENAL MEDULLA • Composed of cords or clumps of cells called chromaffin cells. These can acquire brown colour which is due to oxidation of catecholamines • Modified postganglionic sympathetic neurons
C.T. sheath formed by deep cervical fascia • Extremely labile gland & varies in size & structure
DEVELOPMENT OF THYROID GLAND • Begins to develop during 4th week of gestation from a primordium originating as an endodermal thickening of floor of primitive pharynx
FOLLICULAR EPITHELIUM Follicular cells Para follicular cells
FOLLICULAR CELLSPRINCIPAL/ CHIEF CELLS • Responsible for the production of T3 & T4 • Vary in size & shape • Slightly basophilic in H & E stained slides • Lipid droplets
Inactive storage form of thyroid hormone Constituents Principal component is thyroglobulin (large iodinated glycoprotein) Enzymes Glycoproteins Staining with both acidic & basic dyes. Strongly with PAS COLLOID
PARAFOLLICULAR CELLSC CELLS/ CALCITONIN CELLS • Located in periphery of follicular epithelium • No exposure to lumen • In H & E stained slides appear as pale staining cells • Secrete calcitonin
Two pairs in mammals Embedded within thyroid gland substance C.T. capsule is thin PARATHYROID GLAND
More numerous of parenchymalcells Small, polyhedral cells, of 7-10 um in diameter Rounded, vesicular nuclei Responsible for secretion of PTH PRINCIPAL CELLS/ CHIEF CELLS chief cells
OXYPHILL CELLS • Constitute a minor portion of parenchyma • Found singly or in clusters • More rounded & larger than principal cells • Distinctly acidophilic cytoplasm • No secretory activity