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April 2012. AISI. Welcome. You are About to View a Collage of Images... Individually and as a table group, reflect upon your collective experiences during the last 3 years in relation to challenges, successes, evidence of work being realized, experience, process...)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. April 2012 AISI

  2. Welcome You are About to View a Collage of Images... Individually and as a table group, reflect upon your collective experiences during the last 3 years in relation to challenges, successes, evidence of work being realized, experience, process...) Choose one of the images with the collage that resonated to your table group and develop a metaphor from the image that would depict your experiences Metaphors will be shared along with rationale along with choice of image with the big group following...

  3. Critical Friends’ Conversation • What have you done? • What have you learned? • What are you reading or in what professional learning are you participating? 4. What are you committing to do in the next 30 days?

  4. BREAK 9:45 – 10:00


  6. FOCUS GROUPS Who are my focus groups? Students Parents Teachers • Click Me!

  7. FOCUS GROUPS Where do I find the focus group questions? On the wiki but of course

  8. FOCUS GROUPS When should these be completed? Data should be collected, analyzed and brought with you to the work day on May 29th

  9. FOCUS GROUPS How do I run a focus group? Well….let’s see!

  10. Focus Group Discussions

  11. Analyzing Data • Common considerations in analyzing focus group data are: • Words: identify commonly used words; cluster similar concepts together. Also consider nonverbal communication related to the words, such as body language and the intensity expressed by the speed, volume, or pitch of speech. • Patterns: Do participants change or reverse statement after hearing from each other? What comments were offered by more than one participant? What themes were supported or rejected by more than one participant? What issues or questions were especially easy or difficult for the group to resolve? • Specificity of Responses: Give more weight to responses that are specific and based on experiences than those that are vague and impersonal. Give more weight to responses in the first person rather than hypothetical third person.


  13. QLE: Where have we been? • We have facilitated over 37 discussions… so far…. to build the QLE.

  14. QLE: Early October • Clarified and re-wrote background • The Core: • Relationships: added the connection to parents; included a focus on genuine interest in students; • Student Engagement: made language less prescriptive in terms of describing instructional practice • The Cultural Elements: expanded explanation around literacy/numeracy

  15. QLE: End October • 4 Key Components • refined personalization section (Personalized teaching) • The Cultural Elements • refined culture of inclusion • refined culture of using research and data to inform our work

  16. QLE: December • 4 Key ComponentsRevised Essential Questions in 4 Key Elements • Re-ordered Outcomes section (so it would flow better J) • Re-worked Assessment & Instruction Sections to reduce overlap/repetition • Refined Personalization section • Cultural Conditions • Re-did the inclusion section with the help of student services • Re-did the section on research and data to broaden the scope • Examined research on Numeracy (thanks to Darlene Kusick).

  17. QLE: December • Updated Core based on feedback and research done at Spruce View School. • relationships are now divided into relationships for academics; social needs and parental support • Engagement section is now divided into Intellectual, Social and Academic engagement

  18. QLE: January

  19. Alongside the QLE: • A K-12 literacy(reading) framework is being developed for CESD based on the increasing need in this area

  20. Moving Forward…

  21. The District

  22. Your School…

  23. Rubric: How are you doing? TAKE 10 MINUTES: • As a school team… • On your own… • With a partner…


  25. Success Stories: What success stories can you share relative to: • You or your school’s work with the QLE? • Your current AISI work? • A success story unique to your school?

  26. Your Successes • Brainstorm 3-5 SPECIFIC successes on post it notes… • 5 min on your own… • Share as a small group • Post on the wall


  28. Return to the start: Success Stories • Share what you learned • 3 most powerful things you are taking away…

  29. Celebration/thank you Video??

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