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AISI 5. AISI Projects will focus on: Student engagement Student learning Student performance. Priorities for Cycle 5. Site-based research taken to the next level Examine current theories of teaching and learning Read and evaluate published findings. 1. Research Capacity/Leadership.

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  1. AISI 5 • AISI Projects will focus on: • Student engagement • Student learning • Student performance

  2. Priorities for Cycle 5 Site-based research taken to the next level Examine current theories of teaching and learning Read and evaluate published findings 1. Research Capacity/Leadership

  3. Priorities for Cycle 5 Analyze findings Incorporate findings into practice 10% minimum expenditure {district} Annual Progress report vs APAR 1. Research capacity/leadership…continued

  4. 2. Collaborative Cross-School Authority Projects Additional funding available for 2 or more school authorities to submit one collaborative project Priorities for Cycle 5

  5. Priorities for Cycle 5 All projects will be required to demonstrate active and meaningful engagement of key stakeholders: Administrators Teachers Students Parents Elected officials Businesses, organizations and institutions 3. Community Engagement Community Engagement Rubric – coming soon

  6. Budget Requirements • Minimum 15% for professional learning • Minimum 10% for research and related leadership support • Maximum 5% for project administration and/or coordination • Maximum 10% for equipment

  7. Next Steps • How do we tie our work together so we don’t do “the next thing”? • What will be the scope of our work?

  8. Vision Job Embedded Team Focus AISI as the Driver Data Informed PLC’s The QLE Teacher Growth Plans Ed Plan Process Parents, Staff, AdCos, Board Cohort Groups Admin Growth Plans Central Office Services IL Project

  9. Next Steps Beginning with the end in mind: • What will success look like for CESD and your school in 2015? • Why is our work going to be important and valuable? • How might things change in CESD and in your school as a result of this work? • How will we involve stakeholders throughout our work?

  10. To what extent and in what ways will the development of a comprehensive model of instructional leadership impact student learning, performance and engagement of all students in CESD?

  11. Next Steps • SAT, ADCOS • Teachers Matter • AISI, Special Ed. • Other Co-Creating Consulting Testing Selling Telling

  12. AISI 5 Wiki http://cesd-aisi-5.wikispaces.com/

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