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RUSSIA’S REVOLUTION. By. Leslie Iljee . Causes of Russian Revolution-(1917). Oppressive rule of 19 th century czars Autocracy (total power) Unfair governing Social inequalities Peasants. Czar Alexander III – (1881). “Autocracy”“Orthodoxy “Nationality” Wipe out Revolutionaries

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  1. RUSSIA’S REVOLUTION By. Leslie Iljee

  2. Causes of Russian Revolution-(1917) Oppressive rule of 19th century czars Autocracy (total power) Unfair governing Social inequalities Peasants

  3. Czar Alexander III – (1881) “Autocracy”“Orthodoxy “Nationality” Wipe out Revolutionaries Nationalism Oppress of other national groups Anti-Jewish Pogroms

  4. Czar Nicholas II- (1894) Resists Change Autocracy Puts Russia in to World War I

  5. Economic Growth Number of factory doubles in 37 years Russia is catching up with industrial nations of Western Europe Sergey Witte (minister) Programs to move forward. Growth of Steel Trans-Siberian Railway

  6. Result from Industrialization Factories Working conditions Low wages Lack of political power Proletariats vs. Entrepreneur Rich and poor

  7. Revolutionary Movement Karl Marx view Revolutionaries Bolsheviks Sacrifice for radical change Support small # of committed revolutionaries Lenin Mensheviks Broad base of popular support One of the Revolution. Bloody Sunday

  8. Bloody Sunday- Jan. 22nd 1905 Who: 200,000 workers and their family Where: Czar’s Winter Palace (St. Petersburg) Why: for better working conditions, freedom, elected national legislature 500~1000 unarmed people were killed. Wave of strikes and violence Nicholas promises more freedom. Approves “Duma”- Russia’s first parliament

  9. World War 1 –(1914) Nicholas II drags Russia in to WW1 although Russia was unprepared. 4 million soldiers, prisoners, wounded 1915, Nicholas moves his headquarters to the war front Rasputin the “holy man” takes over

  10. MARCH REVOLUTION • Women/Workers/ soldiers attacked • Ended Czar Nicholas II • Began provisional government –Alexander Kerensky , go on with war • Russia got even worse- peasants demanded more land , formed Soviets

  11. Germans way of destroying the provisional government even more “Secret Plan” Germans thought Lenin would make Russia into a worse situation Sent him in a box LENIN RETURNS TO RUSSIA

  12. Lenin seeks chance of ruling Russia -attacks the provisional government and its leaders It was over in a matter of hours BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION

  13. BOLSHEVIKS IN POWER • Lenin solved problems that they had during the czar rule. • Ex. Distributed farmland to peasants -Gave factory control to the workers • Signed treaty Brest- Litovsk with Germany - made Russians humiliated -stopped following the Bolsheviks rule

  14. CIVIL WAR • Between the Russians and the Germans • Wanted to get rid of Germans • White vs. Reds. • U. S helped support the White Army • Million people died -famine fighting hunger Russians won

  15. New Economic Policy(NEP) -more like capitalism Saw nationalism as threat SO many self Governing republics with one central government- USSR Bolsheviks – change communist party Lenin leader of communist party not proletariat LENIN TRIES TO MAKE RUSSIA BETTER

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