1. Welcome to Your AES IEP
3. What is an IEP? Individual Education Program
Your IEP talks about
your special needs,
what skills you need to improve,
what you’ll do in school this year,
what services your school will provide, and
where your learning will take place.
4. What is the Purpose of an IEP? The IEP is a blueprint for your educational program. The IEP is to make sure that you, your family, and school staff knows what your educational program will be this year.
5. Where is the IEP Developed? The IEP is developed during an IEP meeting, where the people who are concerned with your education meet, discuss, and develop your IEP goals and objectives for the next year.
6. Who Comes to the IEP Meeting? You
Your parents
Your AES facilitator
Your teachers
Your principal
Others you or the school think can help plan your program.
7. How Often is the IEP Meeting Held? Once a year, or more if you or your parents ask for IEPs more often.
8. How Long Does an IEP Meeting Last? 1 to ˝ hours
9. Why Should I Participate in the IEP Meeting? You are the VIP at the IEP
It’s your educational program everyone will be discussing in the meeting. Your opinions are an important part of this discussion.
The law requires it when you turn 14.
10. Preparing for the IEP
11. What Should I Do if I Want to Participate in Developing my IEP? Talk to your parents and teachers.
Review last year’s IEP.
Think about your strengths and weaknesses in school.
Write your goals for this school year.
Practice what you want to say at the meeting.
12. What does my IEP Look Like? Review each section
Ask clarification questions
Highlight statements that you disagree with
Add your own ideas for things you think need to be added
13. Cover Page Demographics
Team Participants
(Is your name here?)
14. Present Level of Performance What can I do now?
What are my strength areas?
What are my weaknesses?
What enhances my learning?
What are barriers to my learning?
15. Transition Plans Vision – What do I want to do when I graduate?
Transition – Activities that will help me when I graduate?
Four year plan? Courses I want to take
Outcomes-What do I need to accomplish before I graduate so I will be successful after I graduate?
16. Annual Goals and Objectives What do I want to be able to do by this time next year?
As you review your goals and objectives
+= completed goal/objective
- = incomplete goal/objective
?=disagreement with goal/objective
17. Accommodations/ Considerations How often will I and my parents know my progress?
Is special transportation required for me to get an education?
Vocational Education?
18. Special Factors Assistive Technology?
Communication Needs?
Need for Braille?
Limited English Proficiency
19. Accommodations As you review the supports that help you learn:
+ = successful accommodation
- = unsuccessful accommodation
Write in additional things that you think would help
20. State and District Testing Terra Nova
The Writing Assessment
The NM Competency Exam
Extended School Year Services
What does regression mean?
What does recoup mean?
22. Service Schedule What services do I need to achieve my goals and objectives?
AES Services
Additional Special Education Services
23. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) LRE means that gifted students are not removed from their peers except for individual advisement with their AES facilitators.
24. Before the IEP
25. Before the IEP Prepare a meeting invitation with your case manager
Prepare an agenda with your case manager
Know what to do if you have a question during the meeting
Know what to do if you have a disagreement during the meeting
Know what to do if you become uncomfortable during the meeting
26. The IEP Meeting
27. Beginning the IEP Greet and thank team members for coming
Introduce each member and tell what they do in your education
Review Ground Rules
Review Agenda
28. Ground Rules The IEP will start and end on time.
Don't interrupt when another participant "has the floor." (This includes no “sidebar” conversations.)
Don't criticize the ideas of others. (No put downs)
Build on the ideas shared by others.
Remain open-minded and non-judgmental.
Everyone participates, no-one dominates.
Complaints are okay when they come packaged with a solution.
Make compromises when necessary.
Stick to the Agenda and time frames.
The Facilitator is empowered to enforce ground rules.
29. Agenda Introductions
Ground Rules
Where is the student now? (PLP)
Where does the student need to be a year from now? (AG&OBJ)
How are we going to get him there?
State and District Wide Assessment
Debrief the IEP
30. You will be Provided Support During the IEP Meeting Although you are facilitating, your AES facilitator will be the record keeper
When discussing difficult topics, your facilitator will help you to keep the focus on what you CAN do
Your facilitator will help you to create a visual signal to use if you become overwhelmed
The facilitator will call a time-out if you need a break
31. Ending the Meeting
32. Debrief Ask participants what they thought made the meeting successful
Ask if they thought anything needed to be changed
Thank everyone for coming