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Acute GI Bleeding: Types, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Understand acute gastrointestinal bleeding, including types (proximal and distal), symptoms (hematemesis, melena, hematochezia), and diagnostic methods. Learn to recognize signs of acute GI bleeding and differentiate between various sources of blood loss.

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Acute GI Bleeding: Types, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

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  1. Emorragie del tratto GIProf. Paolo ColomboCattedra di Chirurgia dell’Apparato Digerente Università degli Studi di Pavia

  2. EMORRAGIA • Emorragia è la perdita di sangue da una qualsiasi sede dell’organismo. • Exanguinazione è la perdita totale del sangue dall’organismo. • La durata, • l’entità di sanguinamento, • la velocità di transito del sangue nel tubo • digerente • riflettono la severità di una emorragia GI.

  3. ACUTE GI BLEEDING Acute blood loss into the intestinal tract presents a management challenge and a grave threat to the patient. The lesion which is bleeding cannot be easily visualized at the bedside, nor can it be controlled in this setting. Transport of the patient to an endoscopy clinic, angiography suite or to the operating room is necessary for definitive diagnosis and management.

  4. Tipi di emorragie digestive Emorragia del tratto digerente prossimale o superiore(sovramesocoliche) perdita ematica che si ha a monte della flessura duodeno-digiunale o del legamento di Treitz. Il paziente presenta tipicamente ematemesi, melena e deficienza di ferro, ma anche ematochezia se il sanguinamento è rapido e vivace. Emorragia del tratto digerente distale o inferiore(sottomesocoliche) la perdita si ha distalmente al Treitz o alla valvola ileocecale. La presentazione tipica è come ematocheziacon emissioneimprovvisa di sangue rosso-vivo dal retto in assenza di materiale ematico nel gastro-aspirato.

  5. Emorragie digestive • Caratteristiche della ematemesi e del vomito caffeano • Caratteristiche della melena e della ematochezia

  6. Come si riconosce la presenza di sangue nel vomito e nelle feci? • Sangue rosso-brillante nel vomito “ematemesi” • Colorito caffeano del vomito • Sangue rosso-brillante nelle feci “ematochezia- rettorragia-proctorragia” • Sangue scuro mischiato alle feci • Feci picee-scure o catramose “melena” • Enterorragia è termine generico che indica l’emissione di sangue rosso-vivo dal retto ed è indicativa di emorragie distali al Treitz, in genere oltre l’ileo terminale

  7. Come si riconosce una emorragia acuta a carico del tratto digestivo? • I segni di sanguinamento nel tubo digerente sono correlati alla sede ed alla severità della emorragia. • In caso di sanguinamento esofageo, gastrico o duodenale si hanno feci nerastre-picee o di aspetto catramoso e possibile vomito di materiale ematico rosso vivo o caffeano. • Il sanguinamento dal retto o dal colon distale si manifesta con emissione dall’anodi sangue rosso brillante o di sangue frammisto alle feci. Le feci possono apparire commiste a sangue scuro se il sanguinamento ha sede più prossimale nel colon e nel tratto ileale terminale. • In caso di emorragia cronica ed occulta il paziente non rileva differenze di colore a carico delle feci.

  8. Ematemesi E’ il vomito ematico ed indica una sede di sanguinamento a carico del tratto GI superiore, in genere a monte del legamento di Treitz. Il materiale emesso appare rosso-vivo, indicando un sanguinamento recente od in atto, o appare simile al fondo di caffé (vomito caffeano, rosso-nerastro) per una emorragia non-recente o per un sanguinamento più lento. Ciò è dovuto alla conversione dell’emoglobina in ematina da parte dell’acido cloridrico.

  9. Ematochezia (proctorragia-rettorragia) • E’ la fuoriuscita di sangue rosso-vivo dal retto, commisto o non alle feci o la emissione di feci di colorito marrone-scuro ed indica un sanguinamento da una sorgente del tubo digerente distale o inferiore, ma anche una emorragia severa e vivace del tratto GI prossimale. • Se l’emorragia ha origine nelle porzioni più prossimali del colon o nel tratto distale del piccolo intestino le feci possono apparire commiste a sangue più scuro o di colore marrone scuro.

  10. Melena Emissione di feci nere, catramose e con cattivo odore. Melena si può avere in caso di sanguinamento GI superiore. E’ causata da perdite di almeno 50 ml di sangue (l’acidità gastrica, enzimi ed i batteri intestinali degradano in poche ore l’Hb in ematina ed altri pigmenti ematici) e non deve essere confusa con le feci scure che si osservano dopo ingestione di quantità eccessive di ferro o di bismuto (antidiarroico) o di determinati cibi (barbabietole, mirtilli e liquerizia). Un severo episodio emorragico comporta l’emissione di feci catramose per diversi giorni sino ad una settimana.

  11. Acute Massive GI Bleeding Most cases of gastrointestinal bleeding resolve spontaneously, regardless of the amount of blood lost. The stability of the patient and the rate of bleeding dictate the order in which various diagnostic procedure should be conducted. The goal is to identify and, if necessary, treat the source of bleeding, while mantaining hemodynamic stability. Manning-Dimmit et al. Am Fam Physician 2005;71:1339-46.

  12. Acute Massive Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Incidence of 40 to 150 episodes per 100.000 persons annually, with a mortality rate of 6 to 10 per cent. Manning-Dimmit et al. Am Fam Physician 2005;71:1339-46.

  13. Cause di emorragia del tratto GI prossimale Ulcera duodenale Ulcera gastrica Varici esofago Esofagite Erosioni gastriche Cause rare Cause sconosciute Neoplasie Mallory-Weiss Duodenite

  14. Extensive , superficial esophageal varices, including one “huge varix”.

  15. Only 50% of patients with varices actually bleed from them. Varices are sometimes bluish in color, but may be pale, as in this instance. Small red dots, larger red spots or red streaks on the varix correlate with an increased risk of hemorrhage. Tortuous varices are more likely to bleed than “straight” varices.

  16. Large varices bulge into the lumen of the esophagus and may seem to occlude the passage. Varices which extend proximally have a higher risk of bleeding than those confined to the lower one third.

  17. The late phases of this mesenteric angiogram show a normal portal vein. There is no distended or variceal coronary vein. Liver blood flow is about 1500 ml/min, and 60% is from the portal vein which also supplies about ½ the oxygen requirements of the liver. Complete diversion of portal flow from a cirrhotic liver [as in portocaval shunt] is not tolerated, with further deterioration in liver function and encephalopathy.

  18. The late phases of this selective mesenteric angiogram show opacification of the portal vein but also demonstrate a torturous, dilated, left coronary vein extending into gastric and esophageal varices. Portal venous pressure will always exceed 10 mmHg once varices have developed.

  19. Large penetrating ulcers in the stomach or duodenum are unpredictable and threatening. If they bleed once vigorously they are very likely to bleed again in a similar manner.

  20. Chronic peptic ulcers penetrate deeply, often completely through the gastric or duodenal wall, until they erode into adjacent organs. Very large vessels may eventually be eroded by this process. These include the gastroduodenal artery behind the first part of the duodenum , the splenic artery posterior to the stomach or the left gastric artery on the lesser curve.

  21. The duodenum is very edematous and scarred anteriorly. There is a penetrating ulcer on the posterior wall of the duodenum, which is the usual location of lesions that lead to massive hemorrhage. In the central part of this ulceration one can see a thrombus protruding from the eroded vessel, likely the gastroduodenal.

  22. The gastroduodenal artery runs from the 6 0’clock to the 12 0’clock position across the ulceration. The vessel is imbedded in the scar tissue in the base of the ulcer. The usual strategy is to “under run”, and ligate the vessel at the superior and inferior margin of the ulcer, isolating the eroded portion between the two ligatures. A deeply penetrating ulcer in the posterior wall of the duodenum has been exposed by a longitudinal pyloro-myotomy. The bleeding vessel has already been secured.

  23. Bleeding peptic ulcers are often seen, at endoscopy, to be covered by adherent clot.

  24. Active bleed from an esophageal varix demonstrates the “artery- like” nature of these hemorrhages. The pressure in a varix may be 20-30 mm Hg and blood is still well oxygenated, having been shunted away from the liver sinusoids.

  25. Malignant ulcers lead to “encasement” of vessels, but do not, as a rule, erode into an artery as acid peptic digestion will. Gastric epitheleal tumors (adenocarcinomas) may cause anemia by a slow loss of blood from neoplastic vessels on the ulcerated surface. They are very seldom responsible for an acute upper GI hemorrhage.

  26. Lower GI Bleeding By definition, the term “lower” refers to bleeding sites below the duodenojejunal flexure. Hematemesis never occurs. If an N/G tube is inserted, aspiration will yield only gastric contents. If bile is aspirated then bleeding in the duodenal loop is also excluded.

  27. Acute Massive Lower GI Bleeding Incidence of 20 to 27 episodes per 100.000 persons annually, with a mortality rate of 4 to 10 per cent. Mortality rate increases in patients with advancing age and increasing number of associated comorbidities (renal and hepatic dysfunction,heart disease, and malignancies). Manning-Dimmit et al. Am Fam Physician 2005;71:1339-46.

  28. Cause Prevalence (%) Upper GI tract Peptic ulcer disease 40 to 79 Gastritis/duodenitis 5 to 30 Esophageal varices 6 to 21 Mallory-Weiss tear 3 to 15 Esophagitis 2 to 8 Gastric cancer 2 to 3 Dieulafoy’s lesions <1 Gastric arteriovenous malformations <1 Portal gastropathy <1 Lower GI tract Small bowel Angiodysplasia 70 to 80 Jejunoileal diverticula — Cause Prevalence (%) Meckel’s diverticulum — Neoplasms/lymphomas (benign and malignant) — Enteritis/Crohn’s disease — Aortoduodenal fistula in patient with synthetic vascular graft — Large bowel Diverticular disease 17 to 40 A-V malformations 2 to 30 Colitis9 to 21 Colonic neoplasms/post polypectomy bleeding 11 to 14 Anorectal causes4 to 10 Colonic tuberculosis — Causes of Acute Massive Rectal Bleed

  29. Cause di Emorragia Massiva Tratto GI Distale • Diverticolosi 60% • IBD 13% • Malattie benigne anorettali 11% • Neoplasie 9% • Coagulopatia e altre 4% • Angiodisplasia e malformazioni arterovenose 3%

  30. Lower GI Bleeding These bleeds are more difficult to follow, in that the small bowel and colon have a “capacity” to contain a significant amount of blood before it is passed per rectum. The slower rate of bleeding does not stimulate peristalsis, which would propel evidence of a faster hemorrhage to the rectum. A common clinical scenario in lower GI bleeding is the patient passing fresh blood and clots per rectum, e.g. 500-1000 mls and then being found to have dropped his/her Hgb level 20-30gms. No change in vital signs had been detected in the prior 12 hours. A bleeding rate of 2ml/min is slow, but it can be relentless and “adds up” as the hours pass. (2ml/min = 120ml/hr = 720ml in 6 hours = 1440ml in 12 hours).

  31. Diverticulosis Fecaliths impacted in the neck of diverticula; in this case of lower GI bleeding, a fecalith in the diverticulum just to right of center in the photo, eroded a small vessel which bled relentlessly.

  32. Arterial bleeding in the colon is rarely rapid enough to pose problems in resuscitation. This selective angiogram [IMA] was performed in an attempt to locate a lower GI bleed. Labeled red blood cell scan.

  33. Meckel’s diverticulum with bleeding ulcerations. The anomaly was first described by Johann Meckel in 1808. Bleeding is the commonest complication, followed by intestinal obstruction and Meckels diverticulitis. Surprisingly, the lesion has a signifigant mortality rate of 5-10%.

  34. About 50% of Meckels will have ectopic gastric mucosa. The ulceration caused by the secretion of acid will be in the adjacent ileum and not in the diverticulum, so in surgery for a lower GI bleed caused by a Meckels, the diverticulum and a segment of ileum should be removed. Depending on the rate of blood loss, it may present to the rectum as bright red blood or as a maroon colored stool. Acid secreting gastric mucosa can be labeled with 99mTc-pertechnetate.

  35. Ulcerative colitis. Patients on chemotherapy regimes are sometimes vulnerable to extensive mucosal ulceration, necrosis and hemorrhage. The pathogenesis of this lesion is unclear but it seems more likely to occur in the proximal colon. Systemic sepsis and toxemia as well as GI bleeding may result.

  36. Cecal cancer

  37. Infiltrating carcinomas in the colon very seldom bleed acutely. An erosion of the tumor leads to oozing of blood from these small vessels, which mixes with the stool and may not ever be noticed by the patient. In other instances traces or smudges of blood are seen on the stool or in the toilet water intermittently. A continuous and significant GI bleed is unusual.

  38. Liquidi dell’organismo L'acqua totale del corpo (total body water = TBW) rappresenta circa il 60-70% del peso corporeo.

  39. Classificazione delle emorragie Committee on Trauma, American College of Surgeons. Advanced Trauma Life Support ATLS. Early care of the injured patient. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1982.

  40. Classificazione delle emorragie

  41. Classificazione delle emorragie

  42. Classificazione delle emorragie

  43. Quali sono i sintomi “classici” di una emorragia acuta? • Ogni segno di sanguinamento (ematemesi, ematochezia, melena, ecc.) • Debolezza e fiacchezza progressiva • Perdita del tono muscolare • Affaticabilità ingravescente • Senso di languore • Capogiro e vertigini • Accorciamento del respiro (respiro corto, frequente, superficiale) • Dolore addominale crampiforme • Diarrea (il sangue è un ottimo catartico!) • Ipotensione ortostatica ( della PA > a 10 mmHg) • Instabilità emodinamica e shock (tachicardia, ipotensione, polipnea, oliguria-anuria, pallore cutaneo)

  44. Sintomi di una emorragia acuta del tubo GI • Inizialmente • Ematemesi • Melena • Ematochezia • Tachicardia (polso piccolo e frequente) • Ipotensione • Riduzione della diuresi • Cute ed estremità pallide, fredde, sudate • Debolezza e fiacchezza (perdita del tono muscolare ) • Vertigini • Dolore addominale (da iperperistaltismo) • Diarrea (il sangue è un potente catartico) • Se l’emorragia persiste o in assenza di trattamento • Confusione, disorientamento mentale, sopore • Stato di shock

  45. Modificazioni fisiologiche nello shock ipovolemico

  46. Parametri clinici nello shock

  47. Nova Scotia

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