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Community Based Monitoring Systems: A Pilot Implementation in Pakistan

Learn about piloting CBMS in Pakistan, including poverty analysis, rationale, institutionalization, and partnership with NRB/NARIMS. Explore piloted locales, indicators, survey tools, and sustainability efforts.

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Community Based Monitoring Systems: A Pilot Implementation in Pakistan

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  1. Community Based Monitoring Systems: A Pilot Implementation in Pakistan Durre Nayab Pakistan Institute of Development Economics Islamabad

  2. Scheme of Presentation • A snapshot of the state of poverty in Pakistan and the existing monitoring systems • Rationale for having CBMS in the country and means to institutionalise it • Piloting of CBMS- sites, indicators, field methods and survey tools used

  3. Poverty in Pakistan Current monitoring system Mainly Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES)/Pakistan Integrated Household Survey (PIHS) are used to gauge the poverty levels. An official poverty line is calculated based on the caloric intake per adult per day, which for rural areas is 2450 calories/adult/day and 2150 for the urban areas. In monetary terms it is equivalent to Rs. 848 per capita per month, as calculated in June 2004.

  4. Trends in Poverty

  5. Poverty Spectrum

  6. Rationale for CBMS and its Institutionalisation in Pakistan • Most of the available data in the country is on the national, provincial or district level. • Collection of local level and disaggregated information for policy planning and implementation is the prime motivation behind implementing CBMS at the lowest level

  7. Administrative Structure of Pakistan

  8. Institutionalisation of CBMS: • Under the 2002 Local Government Ordinance powers were devolved to lower administrative levels. • Neighbourhood/village councils are to be formed in urban and rural areas under this plan. • Collection of statistics on socio-economic indicators is among the prescribed duties of these councils. • Compilation and consolidation of this data is done by National Reconstruction Bureau (NRB) through National Reconstruction Information Management Systems (NARIMS).

  9. CBMS needs means to sustain and institutionalise the system once the pilot phase is over, and NRB/NARIMS could provide this support. NRB/NARIMS by including the indicators at the household level, as suggested by the CBMS, could become a more comprehensive and useful database CBMS-NRB/NARIMS: A Symbiotic Relation

  10. CBMS-NRB/NARIMS Partnership • Facilitate policy planning and budget allocations through reliable and updated data, and aiding in prioritisation of problems and improving allocative efficiency. • Encourage community participation for the successful implementation of any programme by increasing the capacity of the local community for data collection, processing and analysis. • Monitor progress on core indicators that impact lives of the people. • Facilitate the Rural Support Programs (RSPs) reach the ones needing help the most. • Collection of data for research purposes at the smallest level in the country

  11. CBMS Piloting Locales

  12. 1. Age and sex composition 2. Marital status 3. Education Primary enrolment rate Secondary enrolment rate Basic literacy Vocational training  4. Employment and income Employment. Unemployment Underemployment Households above poverty line  5. Health Infant mortality Child mortality General state of health Number of births attended by trained professionals Child immunisation Coverage of antenatal care  Coverage of post-natal care Contraceptive prevalence rate 6. Nutrition Prevalence of malnutrition  Childhood anthropometric measures Indicators at the Household Level-I

  13. 7. Peace and Order Crime incidence Action by law enforcing agencies against reported crimes  8. Housing and sanitation Type of house ownership. Type of house construction Percentage of households having access to toilets Percentage of households having access to sewerage facility. Garbage collection method from households  9. Political participation Number of eligible and registered voters and those actually voting Presence and participation of/in village organisation Accessibility of public representatives  Indicators at the Household Level-II

  14. Indicators at the Village Level • Educational facilities, including primary, middle, secondary, and post-secondary educational facilities. • Health facilities • Available services, e.g., police station, post office, bank, transport facilities, gas, electricity, telephone, etc., • Road network available to the community • Water supply facility • Garbage and waste disposal • Incidence and type of crimes committed • Presence of village organisations and their functions

  15. Survey Tools Three questionnaires have been designed for the pilot phase: • Male • Female • Community

  16. Selection of Field Enumerators The PIDE team is supervising the pilot phase but local monitoring teams have also been constituted to keep a watch on the progress of the survey. The selected local enumerators include: • Members of local health and education departments, mainly teachers • Local youth, with minimum qualification of BA

  17. Sustainability of CBMS • Closer liaison between administration and community is the first pre-requisite for sustaining the System. • Incorporation of the CBMS with the NRB-NARIMS design is a positive sign for the sustainability of CBMS after the pilot phase.

  18. Thank you

  19. CBMS Observatory Villages Toba Tek Singh District- UC 42 • 285 GB • 286 GB Rawalpindi District- Dhamial UC • Mohra Barian • Mohra Chhapar • Mohri Ghazan • Jorian • Dhamial • Kotha Khurd • Mohra Faqiran • Banda Nagial • Dhok Abdullah • Hayal Dhamial • Ranial

  20. Trends in Food Poverty

  21. Population of Dhamial UC

  22. Age structure of Dhamial UC

  23. Literacy Status of Dhamial UC

  24. Housing Type and Facilities in Dhamial UC

  25. Functions of Village Councils • To consolidate and prioritise village development needs and make recommendations to the district government. • To register births, deaths and marriages, and issue certificates. • To disseminate information on matters of public interest. • To provide and maintain public sources of drinking water, including wells, water pumps, tanks, ponds and other works for the supply of water. • To cooperate with the public, private or voluntary organisations engaged in similar activities. • To assist the village/neighbourhood councils in the union to execute development projects. • To collect and maintain statistical information for socio-economic indicators

  26. Poverty and Head of Household

  27. Poverty Transition between 1998-99 to 2000-01

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