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Learn how to correctly use direct and indirect speech, including punctuation, verb changes, pronoun conversions, and reporting verbs. Understand the differences and practice converting between the two forms effectively.

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  1. INDIRECT SPEECH Snežana Tomašević Primary School Dositej Obradović Vrba May, 2015

  2. Direct speech-Upravni govor Pri upotrebi direktnog govora u pisanju : • upotrebljavati znake navoda (citirane reči moraju biti između“ ”) • Prva citirana reč mora imati veliko početno slovo • Kada citiramo reči nove/druge osobe moramo početi novi red.

  3. Direct Speech I’ve hurt my knee! “I’ve hurt my knee!” says the boy.

  4. Direct speech I like this dress. The woman said, “I like this dress.”

  5. Indirect Speech- Indirektni govor Naziva se još i NEUPRAVNI GOVOR. Pri upotrebi indirektnog govora u pisanju se : • ne upotrebljavaju znaci navoda; • obično treba da se promene zamenice i glagolska vremena; • kada saopštavamo reči nove/ druge osobe ne moramo početi novi red.

  6. Direct/ Indirect Speech I’ve hurtmy knee! The boy says that hehas hurthisknee.

  7. Direct/ Indirect Speech Ilikethis dress. The woman says that shelikesthis dress.

  8. Reporting Verbs- Uvodniglagoli Najčešći uvodni glagoli su: say(that) tellsomebody(that)

  9. Reporting Verbs- Uvodni glagoli • Ako je uvodniglagol u prezentuglagolskovremedirektnoggovora se ne menja. • Menjaju se samo zamenice i prisvojni pridevi. Alisays, “I like to fly kites”. Alisays (that)he likes to fly kites.

  10. Change of Pronouns-Promenazamenica I he/ she we  they mine  his/ hers/ours me  him/her ours  theirs us them myself/ourselves himself/herself/ themselves

  11. Change of pronouns The doctor says, “You are getting better”. The doctor says that sheisgetting better. You are getting better!

  12. Directspeech / Indirectspeech George says: “I wanttoeat.” George saysthathewantstoeat.

  13. Directspeech / Indirectspeech “I hatehoror films.” saysSergio. Sergio says thathehateshorror films.

  14. DirectspeechIndirectspeech Subject + reportingverb + (that) + subject + verb…

  15. Reporting Verbs- Uvodni glagoli • Kada je uvodni glagol u prošlom vremenu sva sadašnja vremena direktnog govora se menjaju u odgovarajuća prošla vremena. Polly said, “I am cold.” Polly said (that)shewascold.

  16. Paul said,“Iamfeeling ill”.  Paulsaid thathewasfeelingill. Šta se menja? • Nema zapete i znaka navoda (, “”) u indirektnom govoru. • Dodajemo that(opciono) • Izmena zamenica(IHe) • Promena glagolskog vremena amwas)

  17. Change of tenses  Simple Past  Past Continuous  Past Perfect  Past Perfect


  19. Examples 1 “The teacher isstrict.” She said (that) the teacher was strict. He said (that) the teacher was givingeveryone an A. “The teacher is givingeveryone an A.”

  20. Examples 2 She said (that) somebody had putthe final exam on the Internet. “Somebody putthe final exam on the Internet.” “The teacher has gradedour grammar tests.” Joe said (that) the teacher had gradedour grammar tests.

  21. Practice Change the direct speech into indirect speech. Example: • 1. “The libraryis closed.” He said… • 2. “We are going to the match.” They said… • 3. “She ‘s made a big mistake.” You said… “My friend is helpingme study.”She said… She said (that) her friend was helpingher study. He said (that) the library was closed. They said (that) they were going to the match. You said (that) she had made a big mistake.

  22. Modal Verbs- Modalni glagoli  would  could  might  had to

  23. Examples 1 “The test will bedifficult.” He said (that) the test would bedifficult. “You canuseyour notes on the test.” She said (that) we could useour notes on the test.

  24. Examples 2 “We may havea new teacher.” She said (that)we might havea new teacher. “You must studyhard for the final exam.” She said (that) we had to studyhard for the final exam.

  25. Practice Change the direct speech into indirect speech. Example: 1. “We’ll helpyou with your homework.” They said… 2. “Anna must finishher project.” He said… 3. “She may takea different class.” You said… “You can relaxabout the exam.” She said… She said (that) I could relaxabout the exam. They said (that) they would helpme with my homework. He said (that) Anna had to finishher project. You said (that) she might takea different class.

  26. Indirect Speech 3 Sledeći modalni glagoli se ne menjaju u neupravnom govoru: should, could, might, and ought to. “You shouldn’t tellthis secret to anyone.” She said I (that) shouldn’t tellthis secret to anyone. He said (that)I might tell this to a friend. “You might tellthis to a friend.” !

  27. Indirect Speech 3

  28. Indirect Speech 3 Reči kojima se izražava blizina (u vremenu i prostoru) se menjaju rečima kojima se izražava udaljenost. She said she (that)could goout the next day. “I can go out tomorrow.”

  29. Indirect Speech 3

  30. Reporting Verbs- Uvodniglagoli U čemu je razlika: say ili tell? “I want to be famous,” said Alex to her friends. Alex toldher friends (that) she wanted to be famous. Alex said(that) she wanted to be famous.

  31. Practice Complete the sentences. • Emma said to her mother, “I have bought the gift today”. • Emma told her mother _________________ the gift______________. • Father said, “If I can, I’ll pick you up at school tomorrow.” • Father said that if __________ ,_____________________ up at school ____________ • Andy said, “I can finish this exercise.” • Andy said that ________________ _____ exercise.. she had bought that day he could he would pick me/us the next day. he could finish that

  32. Practice “My parents are very well”. He said that his parents were very well. My father hasbeen in New York He said that his father had been in New York.

  33. Practice “I'm going to learn to drive.” Jenny said that she was going to learn to drive. Jenny “We can finish this in time”. Jason Jason saidthat they could finish that in time.

  34. Practice “ I am glad to be with you today.” The inspector said that he was glad to be with me that day. Tom The inspector “You should eat more vegetables”. Tom said that I should eat more vegetables.

  35. Exercises Writing Time

  36. 1.  My friends said, “He is very handsome.” 2. The girl said, “The flower is pretty.” 3. The old man said, “The rain is falling very heavily.” My friends said (that) he is very handsome. The girl said that the flower was pretty. The old man said that the rain was falling very heavily.

  37. 4.The Principal said, “All the students have passed.” 5. He said, “ I shall discuss this matter next week.” 6. She said, “ We moved to this house 2 weeks ago.” The Principal said (that) all the students had passed. He said (that) he would discuss that matter the following week. She said that they had moved to that house two weeks before.

  38. 7.“We must go early tomorrow”, said my father. 8. Emma said to her mother, ‘’I am feeding my cats.’’ 9. “You can see Big Ben if you go to London,” the tour guide said. My father said (that)we had to go early the next day. Emma told her mother (that)she was feeding her cats. The tour guide said (that) I could see Big Ben if I went to London.

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