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KEY WORDSDeputy(n) Definition: Someone who is directly below a manager in rank, and who is officially in charge when the manager is not there. Synonyms: Representative, substitute, replacement EXAMPLE: Kvaal, deputy under secretary of education, said two trends were causing default rates to rise.
Distinctive (adj.): Word Formation: Distinctive-ly (adv), distinctive-ness (n) Definition: Having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize. Synonyms:extraordinary, special, original Antonyms:common, normal, similar Ex: Lady Gaga has a rock band with a distinctive sound
Arid (adj.): Definition: Extremely dry and can not produce many crops. Synonyms: Desert, waterless Antonyms: humid, wet Collocations: arid land EX: Much of Namibia is arid country.
Inspector (n.): DEFINITION: An official whose job is to check that something is satisfactory and that rules are being obeyed. SYNONYMS: examiner, controller, overseer Ex: UEFA inspector has arrived Turkey to meet Turkish officials and draw information on match-fixing investigation.
Consultant (n.): Word Formation: Consultation(n), consultative (adj) Definition: Someone who has a lot of experience and whose job is to give advice and training in a particular area. Synonyms: advisor, expert EX: As a business consultant, you will help businesses and other organizations identify problems.
Contribution (n.): Word formation: Contribut-or(n), contribut-ory(adj) Definition: Something that you give or do in order to help something be successful. Synonyms: Benefit, help, support EX: Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to Quantum Theory. 2) Now, read the short biographies and match them with the pictures in your books....
2) Match the following short biographies with the above. ANSWERS FOR Q1 AND Q2 Kemal Kurdaş- Academia Margaret Chan-Medicine/humanities Türkan Saylan-Medicine and Humanities Feza Gürsey-Science/mathematics/ Physics Cahit Arf- Mathematics/Science Dilma Rousseff-Politics
3) What might be the key factors leading these people to success? Education, job satisfaction, contentment, sense of achievement, right career selection, hardwork,perseverence(determination), leadership skills, enjoying their jobs, setting goals, discipline, strong personality, strong values... 4) Do you possess/have any of the traits/factors mentioned above?
READING: Choosing a Career Path That Is Right For You WARM-UP Who or what do you think guides your career choices? Your family, cultural trends or the latest global fad? Are you happy with your choices? Why? Why not? CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
VOCABULARY Fulfillment(n): The feeling of being happy and satisfied with your life because you are doing interesting things. Synonyms: achievement, success,victory Word Formation: fulfilled(adj), fulfilling(adj),fulfil an aim/a goal(v) Example: Are you looking for greater fulfillment and satisfaction in your work? CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
DECENT(adj) Definition: Of a good enough standard or quality. Word Formation: Decently(adv) Synonyms: Standard,proper,ethical Antonyms: inappropriate,indecent Example. The chairman did the decent thing and resigned. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Get Into(phr.v) Definition:1) to start doing or feeling something, or being in a particular situation 2) to begin to be involved in doing something Synonyms:Begin, join,start Antonyms: Stop,Forget Example:How did you first get into script writing? CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Take a leap of faith (id.) Definition:You do something even though you are not sure it is right or will succeed. Go for something, take one’s chances. Example:A wealthy businessman took a leap of faith and invested in the business. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Diligent(adj) Definition: Someone who is diligent works hard and is careful and thorough. Word formation: Diligently(adv),diligence(n) Synonyms:Active,attentive,tireless Antonyms:Inactive,lazy Example:ENG-406 classes are full of diligent students. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Conscientious(adj) Definition:Careful to do everything that is your job or duty to do. Word Formation: Conscientiously(adv) Synonyms: Punctual,reliable,diligent Antonyms: Careless,uncareful Example: A conscientious teacher may feel inclined to take work home. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Persistent(adj) Definition: Continuing to do something, although this is difficult, or otherpeople warn you not to do it. Word Formation: Persistently(adv) Synonyms:Determined,fixed Antonyms: Lazy,yielding Example:If she hadn’t been so persistent, she might not have gotten the job. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Versatile(adj) Definition:Someone who is versatile has many different skills 2)flexible,adjustable Word Formation:Versatility(adv) Synonyms: Diverse, skilled,skillful Antonyms: Limited Example: A very versatile performer did amazing show. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Meticulous(adj) Definition: Very careful about small details and always making sure that everything is done correctly. Word Formation: Meticulously(adv) Synonyms: Detailed, perfectionist Antonyms: Careless, undetailed Example: He has always been so meticulous about his appearence. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Tactful(adj) Definition: Not likely to upset or embarass other people. Word Formation: Tactfully(adv) Synonyms:Thoughtful,careful, sensitive,wise Antonyms:Tactless, unthoughtful Example: There was no tactful way of phrasing what he wanted to say. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Attribute(v) Definition: To believe or say that a situation or event is caused by something. Word Formation: attributive(adj), attributively(adv) Synonyms:Attack,complain Example: The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally attributed to improvements in diets. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Remuneration(n) Definition: (formal) the pay you give someone for something they have done for you. Word Formation: Remunerate(v) Synonyms:Payment, commission,wage,pay,reward Example:When your present employer is the only company to offer you a top job, it has a big say in your remuneration. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Hands on experience(n) Definition: Providing practical experience Example: Hands on experience with windows 4.0 ,windows 2000, or windows server 2003. Example: I gained hands-on experience in managing staff. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Fringe benefits(n) Definition: An additional service or advantage given with a job besides wages. Synonyms: Extra, bonus,plus Example: She was offered a competitive salary with fringe benefits such as health insurance and a company car. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Recruitment(n) Definition: Finding new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job etc. Word Formation: Recruiter(n), recruit(v) Synonyms: Employ Antonyms: Unemployment Example: The new regulations will have a big effect on recruitment and retirement policy of the company. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Now your turn!!!!!! Look at your study packs on pages 4-5 and answer the comprehension questıons
MUHTAR KENT (LISTENING) VOCABULARY Endeavor (n.): Definition: An attempt to do something new or difficult. Synonyms: Effort, try, aim Antonyms: Laziness EX: They made every endeavor to find the two boys EX: Despite our best endeavors, we couldn’t start the engine.
Privileged (adj.): Definition: Having advantages because of your wealth, social position etc. Synonyms: Advantegous Antonyms: Disadvantegous, poor, underprivileged EX: Students from a privileged background have an advantage at university. EX: Onle the privileged few can afford private education. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Affiliate (with) (v.): Word Formation: Affilia-tion(n),affiliated(adj) Definition: If a person or organization affiliates with another one, it forms a close connection with it. Synonyms: Join,associate Antonyms: Disjoin EX: The society is not affiliated with any political party. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Embrace(v) Definition: To accept a new idea,opinion,religion etc. Synonyms:Recognize,Permit Antonyms: Disapprove, Disagree Example: We hope these regions will embrace democratic reforms. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Enterprising(adj) Definition:Having the ability to think of new activities or ideas and make them work. Word Formation: Enterprisingly(adv) Synonyms: Hardworking, progressive Antonyms: Inactive,passive Example: Some enterprising students are designing software. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
LISTENING Now, listen to the following interview with Muhtar Kent, who is a Turkish businessman and Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Coca-Cola Company. Mr. Kent holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Hull University, England, and a Master of Science degree in Administrative Sciences from CASS business school at City University in London. Listen to the interview twice and answer the following questions.
ANSWERS Muhtar Kent entered the Coca-Cola Company responding to a classified advertisement in the newspaper. List two of the Turkish-American organizations that he is affiliated with. a) The American-Turkish Council,the American-Turkish Society,The Turkish-American Friendship Society, the Center for Strategic and ınternational Studies Turkish program 3) How is Turkey important to the Coca-Cola Company? It is one of Coca- Cola’s most important growth markets.
4)Write one similarity between the Turkish and American business environment. ‘They have both been through their share of business and financial crises’ or ‘they have used their innovative and enterprising spirits to come out of these crises better prepared for the future.’ 5) What advice does he give to college students? Respect cash; go out and find small business experience first; learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
APPLICATION FORMS When you apply for a job, you may be asked to complete a job application form even if you have already submitted a CV and cover letter. That way, the employer has a record of your personal and employment history, verified and signed by the applicant. It is important for your job applications to be complete, correct and accurate. CANKAYA UNIVERSITY - OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES- ENGLISH UNIT
Here is the information, tips and suggestions for completeing application forms that will make a good impression.
BEFORE YOU START Read the whole form and the instructions carefully. Photocopy the form several times to draft out your answers. Make sure that you have all the information you need to hand in.
The Straightforward Parts Personal details Examination results Employment Medical questions Referees-usually two referees are required. One is likely to be one of your professors; the other might be a person you did relevant work experience with, or who knows you well personally. Personal declaration and signature- DON’T FORGET TO SIGN THE FORM
TRICKY QUESTIONS Some application forms may include analytical questions to get more information about you before the job interview. Employers use them to find out:
Whether you have the personal qualities and skills required • Whether you understand yourself and are able to self-respect • How you cope in a variety of situations • Whether you are able to demonstrate that you and the job or organisation are a good match
remember • There are usually no right or wrong answers. • Give specific examples and evidence-DO NOT GENERALISE • Answer the question that has been asked, not the question you would like it to be. • Vary your use of examples, and draw from different areas of your life. • Draw on your most recent experiences and achievements wherever possible. • Keep within the word limit.
SAMPLE TRICKY QUESTIONS(SSAG-P:70-71) Describe any aspect of your course of particular interest to you and/or of relevance to your application. YOUR ANSWER...................................
TIPS: Reread the job description and person specification, if avaliable. Identify parts of your course that have provided you with relevant skills. Employers will typically be looking for evidence that you can meet deadlines, work in team situations and rise to new challenges.
SAMPLE ANSWER I have found most aspects of X course interesting and rewarding.The highlight has been my final-year project, which involved interviewing academics and members of the general public to find out their views on the role of science in today’s society.I derived great satisfaction from successfully and effectively completing the project within the timescale set and enjoyed the challenge of presenting my findings to my department.
TRICKY QUESTIONS-2 Identify the qualities you possess which make you suitable for a career in. YOUR ANSWER IS....................................................
TIPS: You must reassure the selector that you have given your choice of career careful thought and made a match between you and the post that you are applying for.
SAMPLE ANSWER: I decided on a career in teaching because I am a gregarious and well-organised person who thrives on working with and motivating other people. My flexibility and ability to think on my feet were invaluable during my time as a classroom assistant and will enable me to rise to the challenge of teaching. I love chemistry and am excited at the prospect of encouraging others to learn about it.
Now, your turn Answer these tricky questions (SSAG-page71) • What is your greatest achievement?Explain the steps you took to achieve it. YOUR ANSWER............................................................. 2.Identify a key event or experience that you consider to have been instrumental in shaping who you are. YOUR ANSWER...........................................................
COMPLETING THE FORM • Be accurate, and plan how to use the space avaliable • Use bullet points to summarize key points • Keep sentences short;use action words • Check it carefully, and ask someone else to look it over • Keep a copy, and re-read it if you are asked for interview