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Assessment Driven Instruction Maryrita Ducote and Emily Mull. St. Tammany Parish Public School System Literacy Institute June 5, 2013. Ground Rules. Turn phones off or set on vibrate. Be respectful of those talking or presenting (No sidebars)
Assessment Driven InstructionMaryritaDucote and Emily Mull St. Tammany Parish Public School System Literacy Institute June 5, 2013
Ground Rules • Turn phones off or set on vibrate. • Be respectful of those talking or presenting (No sidebars) • Participate fully – Take risks – Be open to new ideas • Be Additive, Not Repetitive
Goal • By the end of this session, participants will be able to create a plan for differentiated instruction that meets the needs of their students by analyzing assessments and by unpacking CCSS.
Agenda • Discuss types of assessments and their purposes • Unpack standards in order to guide instruction • Plan for assessment driven instruction SNL History Lesson http://www.hulu.com/watch/292079
Why Do You Assess? With your group, take 5 minutes to write types of assessments you know on post-it notes. Place them on circle map. • “Assessment is today’s means of understanding how to modify tomorrow’s instruction.” • Carol Tomlinson
Two Views of Assessment • Gatekeeping • Judging • Right Answers • Control • Comparison to others • Use with a single activity • Nurturing • Guiding • Self-Reflection • Information • Comparison to task • Use over multiple activities Assessment is for: Assessment is for:
Formative Formative Summative Diagnostic
Diagnostic Assessment* Purpose: Provides teacher with a more precise understanding of individual students’ strengths and weaknesses • Discern students’ prior knowledge and skill level • Used for instructional practices • Identify learners’ interests • Reveal learning preferences *These assessment scores do not count toward grades.
Diagnostic Assessment • Use before teaching • Use short, non-graded instruments • Find out what students know, what they don’t know • Learn about student misconceptions • Learn about student interests and learning styles • Inform students of learning goals, performance assessment criteria
Digging Deeper with what we have. • Previous State Assessment Scores • Portfolio Content • Write From the Beginning • Pre-Tests • DIBELS data • CBAs • Interest Surveys • Learning Style How can you use these to identify strengths and weakness in specific skill sets?
Pre-assessment strategies • Concept maps/circle maps/Thinking Maps • K-W-L charts • Drawings • Surveys • Squaring Off • Yes/No Cards
Diagnostic Assessment… •Provides data to determine options for students •Helps determine differences •Helps teacher design activities that are respectful, purposeful, and challenging •Identifies starting point for instruction •Identifies learning gaps •Makes efficient use of instructional time
Three Questions that Help….. 1. What do I know about my students now? 2. What is the nature and content of the final assessment for this unit or period of time? 3. What don’t I know about the content knowledge, the critical thinking, and the process or skill demonstration of my students? Gregory, G.H. and Kuzmich , L. (2004). Data driven differentiation in the standards-based classroom . Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Formative Assessment • Purpose: To monitor and guide a process while it is still in progress • On-going and continuous • Provides teachers with information about students’ learning progress • Guides teachers in providing extra help or modifying extra help or modifying lesson plans • Helps a teacher know if students have learned what he/she has taught • FEEDBACK
Formative Assessment Techniques • Quizzes • Skills checklist • Individual whiteboards • Personal communication/conference • Oral questioning • Observation/Anecdotal Records • Hand signals (Fist of Five) • Exit tickets / Cards • Graphic organizers • Use of rubrics • Stoplight • And many more…
Independent Activity • Read the Formative Assessment Strategies handout. • Highlight important details for each strategy. • Next to each strategy, rate your understanding.
Summative Assessment • Purpose: To judge the success of a process at its completion • Aligned with learning goals and revised yearly. • Authentic-knowledge and skills can be transferred • Offers options to students to display learning - choice • Evaluated against criteria
Group Activity • Create a Tree Map for the 3 Types of Assessments. • As a group, discuss and categorize the assessments on your circle map and move them to the tree map under the appropriate category. • Add any additional types to your tree map.
Unpack the ELA CCSS How does this apply to your curriculum? Reading ( Literature, Informational Text, Foundational Skills) Writing Language Speaking and Listening
Partner Activity • Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up: Find someone that teaches the same grade level. • Choose 3 ELA Standards to “Unpack” using the handout provided.
But what if the student doesn’t have the skills necessary? http://www.smekenseducation.com/access-k-12-scaffold-of-the-common-core-state-standards.html
Partner Activity • With your shoulder partner, look at the Reading Standards for Literature or the Reading Standards for Informational Text at grades 4 & 5 in your booklet. • Circle/ Highlight the verbs and underline the nouns. Next to the standard, put what level in Bloom’s Taxonomy. REMEMBER (1) CREATE(6)REATE (6)
Assessing the Student’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) on the Standards
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requires assessments to “measure the depth and breadth of the state academic content standards for a given grade level”. (U.S. Department of Education, 2003, p. 12)
Norman Webb Focuses on complexity of content standards in order to successfully complete an assessment or task. The outcome (product) is the focus of the depth of understanding.
DOK is NOT... • a taxonomy/ hierarchy (Bloom’s) • the same as difficulty
It’s NOT about the verb... The Depth of Knowledge is NOT determined by the verb (Bloom’s Taxonomy),but by the context in which the verb is used and the depth of thinking required.
Verbs are not always used appropriately... • Words like explain or analyze have to be considered in context. • “Explain to me where you live” does not raise the DOK of a simple rote response. • Even if the student has to use addresses or landmarks, the student is doing nothing more than recalling and reciting.
DOK is about what follows the verb... What comes after the verb is more important than the verb itself. “Analyze this sentence to decide if the commas have been used correctly” does not meet the criteria for high cognitive processing.” The student who has been taught the rule for using commas is merely using the rule.
Group Activity • Break into groups of 4. • On your chart paper, choose 1 standard and write the reference number in the middle. Then, draw and label 4 boxes. • Using your Blooms/ DOK matrix, identify the Bloom’s level of the standard. • Discuss in your group the DOK levels of that standard and how it relates to classroom instruction. • In each box, write an activity and an assessment you could use to measure the depth of knowledge of that standard. Use your DOK guide to help.
Differentiated Instruction • Changing how instruction and practice occurs to enhance instructional effectiveness and increase student achievement. • Teachers can differentiate: • 1. content • 2. process • 3.product • 4. leaning environments According to students’ readiness, interests, learning profiles How do teachers do this?
Range of Instructional Strategies • Cubing • Tiered centers • Interest centers • Varied journal prompts/math problems • Tiered lessons • Small-Group Instruction • Learning Contracts, Tic-Tac-Toe Menu • Literature Circles • Cooperative Learning Groups
Non-examples of DI • Individual learning plans for each student • More problems, questions, or assignments • Get it on your own • Recreational reading • Independent reading without curriculum connections • Free time to draw or practice your talent • Cooperative learning groups where the gifted kid gets to be the leader • Activities that all students will be able to do • Interest centers, unless linked to core content and at a complex level (Tomlinson, 2009)
Differentiating in 4th and 5th grade • Purposeful practice ideas • What is everyone else doing? • Classroom expectations • Assessment and differentiated instruction
Student Success! It is your job, as teacher, to make explicit That which you thought was implicit. -C.Tomlinson